Description and characteristics of ducks of the blue favorite breed, their cultivation

Ducks of the blue favorite breed are considered very popular. Many farmers are engaged in their cultivation. Taking care of birds is easy. At the same time, they are distinguished by high productivity parameters and have lean meat. In addition, representatives of this breed are characterized by rapid weight gain, which makes them attractive to many breeders. A characteristic feature of birds is a beautiful bluish-gray plumage.

The origin of the breed

This breed of ducks is also called the pharaoh. It was received in Russia. This happened in 1998. The ducks were bred at a poultry farm located in the Blagovarsky region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The blue pharaoh was an intermediate result, but it turned out to be very good. Peking ducks were used as a base. An interesting option would be a favorite crossed with an Indo-female.

To this day, there is debate as to whether this breed is independent or is a factory cross. In fact, it would be more correct to call it a cross favorite.

External description and characteristic of ducks blue favorite

Ducks of this breed look unusual. Their feathers are characterized by an original shade, which is a mixture of gray and blue. A distinctive feature of birds is the birth of ducklings, the shade of the feathers of which is very different from the parent. The maximum weight of adults reaches 5 kilograms. The birds are gaining such a mass already in six months.

Ducks of this breed are characterized by a massive elongated body. It is quite heavy and low in position. In this case, the chest protrudes forward. The medium and strong neck is complemented by a small head with a large beak.

Small wings fit well to the body. Ducks also have short legs. They are gray or yellow. The eyes are dark in color. For a long period of existence, many shades of feathers of this breed were obtained - blue, red, ashy, white, black. There are also multi-colored individuals.

duck blue favorite

This breed is considered meaty. These ducks quickly gain body weight, but this does not affect the performance parameters. When creating optimal conditions for birds, the weight of the drakes is no more than 6 kilograms. In this case, ducks weigh a maximum of 5 kilograms. Young ducks 2 months old have a mass of 3 kilograms. It is permissible to use them for sale or your needs. Birds should be slaughtered for up to 5 months. Older birds have tough meat. At the same time, the weight does not grow so quickly.

Expert opinion
Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best summer cottage expert.
It is recommended to slaughter adult birds only after molting, after which no feather needles remain on the skin.

Females begin laying at 8 months. The duck produces 150 eggs per year. Weight of 1 piece is maximum 90 grams. In order to get the maximum of eggs, it is recommended to introduce special feed for layers into the menu. It increases the number of ovulations. At the same time, productivity parameters do not depend on the climate. Ducks fly well at low or high temperatures. Not only meat and eggs are suitable for implementation, but also down with feathers. Such raw materials are considered to be of very high quality.

Main pros and cons

Pros and cons
undemanding to conditions of detention;
attractive appearance;
rapid weight gain;
beautiful plumage;
small body fat;
calm character;
high parameters of survival of adult and young birds;
affordable price;
the ability to grow in different climates;
unpretentiousness to the diet;
high parameters of egg production;
great taste of meat and eggs.
the presence of feather stumps in adults that have not molted;
lack of pronounced maternal instinct;
the need for a reservoir.

How to properly maintain and care for a bird

Growing birds at home has certain characteristics. Ducks can be bred in different climates. This is very important for Russia, since in most regions of the country there are serious temperature contrasts in summer and winter. Not all bird breeds are able to withstand such fluctuations without reducing productivity parameters.

It is permissible to keep representatives of this breed in a light hangar, shed without insulation or an aviary. When constructing a structure for ducks, it is important to ensure that there are no drafts in it. In addition, it is recommended to regularly bathe the birds. For this, it is permissible to use even an old bath. However, a natural reservoir is considered the best option. There, birds will be able to find vegetable or protein food.

duck blue favorite

High humidity in the house is considered normal. To avoid excessive parameters, it is worth making a deep bedding in the area of ​​the drinkers. It should consist of sawdust. It is also permissible to leave an earthen floor in this place.

Birds have a strong immune system, so they can constantly walk in the fresh air.

The breed is characterized by a calm and docile disposition, which makes it possible to keep these ducks in a common poultry house. They feel great next to chickens and other birds. However, when keeping birds together, it is important to place drinkers on an open range. The fact is that chickens can hardly tolerate increased dampness in the barn.

Features of drawing up a diet

Birds are unpretentious in their diet. Ducks can be easily fattened with compound feed. It is also permissible to use cereal types of feed. The birds can get plant food on the walk. If possible, they find food in the reservoir.

For accelerated weight gain by ducks, it is recommended to use mash. Vegetable waste is also a great option for feeding. It is permissible to feed birds with boiled potatoes. They also eat squash and pumpkin. There are no particular difficulties in compiling a diet for ducks, since birds practically do not encounter digestive disorders or intolerance to certain types of food. A prerequisite is the absence of spoiled food in the diet. Such products are capable of provoking food intoxication, which will negatively affect body weight gain.

Breeding rules

For successful breeding of birds, first of all, it is important to learn to distinguish ducks from drakes. To determine gender, look at the tail feathers. The male has 2 feathers bent upward, while the female has none.

Such ducks do not have a pronounced maternal instinct. Therefore, incubation can only be carried out by another hen. An incubator is also suitable for this purpose. Sometimes the females do sit on the eggs. However, this is more the exception than the rule. Therefore, it is not recommended to count on this.

duck blue favorite

If incubation is not possible, it is permissible to purchase day-old ducklings from farms. This breed is characterized by minimal mortality, therefore this option is considered profitable. It is advisable to raise chicks from your own egg only if you need to get a large livestock or there is no possibility of acquiring them on the farm.

Possible diseases and methods of dealing with them

This breed is characterized by a high degree of disease resistance. Adult birds are almost immune to pathologies. Ducklings sometimes face different violations. This often happens in the early days of life.

When growing birds of this breed, there is a risk of such problems:

  1. Avitaminosis is considered a common disorder that occurs in ducklings. Diet deviations become the cause of problems. To avoid the development of the disease, it is recommended to add "Phytocalcivit" to the food of young animals. All important elements are present in this premix.
  2. Urovsky disease - occurs when there is a lack of minerals in the body. As a result, the birds begin to pinch each other's feathers and eat them. For the treatment and prevention of pathology, it is recommended to use "Fitokaltsivit".
  3. Omphalitis - is an inflammatory lesion of the umbilical tubule of a non-infectious nature. For treatment, it is worth using weak solutions of antiseptics, which are used for washing.
  4. Cuticulitis is an intestinal pathology, which often affects ducklings up to 1 month old. To combat the violation, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used.

Ducks of the blue favorite breed are very popular with farmers. To achieve success in growing them, it is important to follow a number of recommendations.

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