How to grow a rose in potatoes, methods of growing and reproduction

The wide variety of rose varieties compels gardeners to come up with new ways of rooting these flowers. To get the desired variety, preference is given to self-cultivation of seedlings. Recently, the use of potato tubers for planting is gaining popularity. It is worth knowing in advance how to grow a rose in a potato, how to choose the right soil and cutting.

Features of the method

This method of growing a cutting has its own characteristics. It has proven itself well as a way to get a rose sapling from a donated bouquet. Of course, it is not suitable for imported varieties, since they undergo long-term transportation and chemical processing. But for the cultivation of domestic roses that have already passed acclimatization, it is quite suitable.

The use of potato tuber allows the plant to receive a sufficient amount of moisture, as well as micronutrient and macronutrients.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Like any other rooting method, growing a rose from a cut in a potato has positive and negative points.

The advantages of the method include:

  • simplicity of the technological process;
  • the ability to root even a flower from a presented bouquet;
  • the rose receives an excellent level of moisture, oxygen and nutrients from potatoes;
  • the tuber will protect the plant from negative factors.

The use of potatoes prevents spoilage of the future seedling. For example, when directly planted in the ground, it can dry out, and when germinated in water, it can rot.

The disadvantages of this method include:

  • the method cannot be used for all types of roses; it is not suitable for propagating weaving varieties;
  • you can only use plants with a straight stem;
  • after transplanting to a permanent place, 15% of the plants die, despite the developed root system;
  • high demands are placed on the landing site (no drafts and direct sunlight, nutritious soil)

rose in potatoes

Preparing a cut of a rose and a potato tuber

For cultivation, open ground and a home windowsill are suitable. The success of the event largely depends on the choice of quality material, adherence to technology and proper preparation and conduct of the procedure.

The gardener needs to carefully consider the preparatory stage. It should include the selection and preparation of potato tubers and rose cuttings, selection and processing of tools and pot containers.

Which potatoes to choose

The choice of potatoes also determines the success of the entire manipulation, as it becomes a storehouse of nutrients. The main requirement for a vegetable is freshness. For planting, large tubers are selected, on which there are no injuries and diseases. Next, you should remove all the eyes. Otherwise, the vegetable will begin to sprout and take food and moisture from the cutting.

choose potatoes

How to choose the right stalk

A stem of an unblown flower is suitable for a cutting. Its thickness should be more than 0.5 cm. After selection, the plant must go through a stage of preparation and processing. Thorns and leaves are removed from it so that they do not take food on themselves. The top of the stem is cut at a right angle, and the bottom is cut at a 45-degree slope. For pruning, it is best to use a sharp pruner or scissors to avoid pinching the stem.

To obtain a good cutting, the following scheme is used: the upper cut should be 1 cm above the last bud, the lower one - 2 cm after it. The optimal number of primordia on the handle is 3-4 pcs. The length of the cutting should be no more than 15-20 cm.

flower pruning

Processing cuttings

After preparation, the plant should be treated with biostimulants. Specialized stores offer a large selection of various drugs, the most popular of which are Kornerost, Kornevin and Gumisol-N. As folk methods are used:

  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate in which the plant is placed;
  • 2 teaspoons of aloe juice, kept in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours;
  • 1 teaspoon of wood ash.

The components are mixed with separated water at room temperature. Cuttings are kept in stimulants for at least 6 hours.

cuttings lie

Preparing inventory

To plant a rose, tools are useful:

  • secateurs;
  • knife;
  • scapula.

If a decision was made to plant a rose in a potato in a pot, then his choice should also be carefully considered. Medium containers or cut-necked plastic bottles work well. As a preparation, the vessels are treated with steam or boiling water. After that, a five-centimeter drainage layer is poured onto the bottom.

garden shovel

Rooting rose cuttings in potatoes

If germination is carried out in autumn or winter, then containers or pots should be selected for future seedlings. In spring or summer, plants can be planted directly in open ground. A small greenhouse effect can be created to speed up rooting. To do this, cover with cut plastic bottles.

Pot and earth

In order for the rooting of the cutting to be successful, attention should be paid to the condition of the soil. Many shops offer ready-made potting mix for roses. This is very convenient, because it is already enriched with all the necessary useful elements.

It is also allowed to choose land from a garden or suburban area. Mineral fertilizing and humus should be added to such a soil. As a disinfection, you can freeze the soil for several days, after which it is defrosted. To restore the microflora of the soil, the drug "Fitosporin" or a similar agent is well suited.

full pot

For disinfection, you can also use a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. After preparing the substrate and the pot, which is also recommended to be disinfected, drainage is placed on the bottom of the container, then a layer of sand and earth. After that, you can plant a rose in a potato.


After passing the preparatory processing, the cuttings are stuck with an acute angle into the potatoes. The tuber should not be pierced through; it will be enough to leave the edge of the plant in the middle of the vegetable. One potato is meant for one seedling.

Next, the union is placed in a container with ready-made earth. If rooting is carried out directly in the open ground, then 2/3 of the peat mixed with fertile soil is placed in a dug trench.Sand is poured upstairs, which will not allow excess moisture to accumulate. The planting procedure is carried out in the morning or evening.

germination non-standard

Creating a greenhouse effect

The use of glass or plastic containers for covering the sprouts brings the conditions of development closer to those of a greenhouse. This allows you to maintain a sufficient level of soil moisture.

It will be possible to remove an impromptu greenhouse after the start of bud growth. Before that, it is allowed to open the seedlings for airing for short periods of time. Actions are recommended to be carried out a week after planting.

the greenhouse effect

Waiting for the result

Many gardeners, having figured out the question of how to root a rose in a potato, consider the days when you can enjoy the result. If the seedling has been treated with growth biostimulants, then the first appearance of roots can be expected after 14-20 days. Real roots appear approximately 4-5 weeks after planting.

Most often, summer residents get a new plant during one season (sometimes two). This is achieved by observing all agrotechnical rules.

Possible difficulties and ways to solve them

According to statistics, 15% of cuttings do not go through the rooting process. This is associated with certain difficulties. The most common ones are:

  1. The sprout has rotted away. This is due to excess moisture in the pot or trench. You can try updating the bottom cut and placing the plant back in the tuber.
  2. Rooting does not occur. May be caused by improper soil or rose variety. For example, climbing varieties do not take root in potatoes. Also, the care technology could be violated.
  3. Blackening of the cutting. Most likely, the plant is infected. If blackness has spread throughout the plant, then it cannot be saved. If there are green parts left, the rose is treated with copper sulfate (5% solution).

the flower bloomed

Further care

The seedlings should be well lit, but not exposed to direct sunlight. The optimum temperature for growth is + 22 ... + 24 degrees. Moderate watering is combined with spraying. Water is used separated and at room temperature. It is important to ensure that there are no drafts.

Growing a rose in potatoes is easy. In addition to choosing a good planting material, treatment with growth stimulants and competent planting are required. Do not forget that seedlings need careful care. For 1-2 seasons, you can get a young, strengthened plant. The method is suitable for growing roses both in the summer cottage and in the apartment.

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