Description and subtleties of growing a rose variety Blue fo yu

A rose of the floribunda type of Blue fo yu variety fell in love with gardeners for the unusual color of the inflorescences and the splendor of the flowering bush. The original lilac color of the petals is combined with the white center of the flower and the prominent bright yellow stamens. Blue fo yu is a bright representative of hybrid tea roses of English selection, which will fill the garden with a unique fruity aroma and will give flowers until the first snow.

Brief description, characteristic

In order for the floribunda rose to fit beautifully into the garden design and at the same time feel comfortable, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the Blue Fo yu variety.

Short description:

  • A compact bush with a diameter of up to 1 meter (pruning and formation of a bush, control over growth is necessary).
  • The height of an adult bush is up to 80 centimeters.
  • The inflorescences consist of 6-7 buds.
  • The color of the petals is lilac, with a blue tint.
  • The leaves are dark green, glossy, the thorns on the branches are directed straight up.

A distinctive feature of the variety is its bright rich fruity aroma. This rose can be grown in pots. The exquisite color of chic inflorescences will win the hearts of every gardener. It is impossible to take your eyes off the lush flowering bushes.

rose blue fo yu,

Pros and cons of Blue for you rose

The refined color of the petals, the unique aroma, the duration and abundance of flowering are the indisputable advantages of the English variety. The disadvantages of a European beauty include:

  • The flower does not tolerate heavy rainfall, in the rainy season it drops buds and flowers, the petals fly to the ground.
  • The exquisite color of the petals can fade if growing conditions are not followed.
  • Shelter is required for the winter.
  • Needs additional mineral fertilizing.

In general, it will not be difficult to grow Blue fo yu on the site, it is important to choose the right place for the English bush and carry out preventive treatment of plants from insect pests.

juicy buds

The nuances of growing varieties

When growing Blue Fo yu roses, it is important to create optimal humidity for the future flower garden, and plant it correctly. The soil is prepared in advance, the soil is thoroughly loosened, weeds are removed, fertilizers are applied.

In what form is the landing

When buying seedlings in a specialized store, pay attention to the type of root system, roses can be with a closed or open root system.

On a note! A life hack for those who plant a rose with an open root system - they treat the rhizome with a hydrogel, so the roots do not dry out, the plant adapts more quickly to a new soil mixture, and will quickly move away from the stress of transplanting.

big bush

It is recommended for beginners to purchase roses with a closed root system, such seedlings are less sick after transplanting, and does not require additional care.

What time is the landing

It is recommended to plant young bushes in spring, in mid-early May, when the threat of frost has passed. The soil should warm up to +12 C. If the risk of a return cold snap still remains, cover the planted roses at night with additional shelters.

Autumn planting of roses is also practiced. It is important to understand here that after transplanting, the bush must have time to take root before the onset of frost.

The optimal planting month is September.

seedling in the ground

Seedlings are planted in the evening or in cloudy weather, avoiding direct sunlight in the first 24 hours after planting.

Location selection

It is recommended to place floribunda plantations on the site in the shade or partial shade. At the same time, there should be no drafts on the ground, the landings should be protected from prolonged exposure to sunlight. Moisture stagnation at the roots is unacceptable; wetlands are avoided.

Soil and seedling preparation

The soil for roses should be loose. Dig up the earth, loosen it, remove weeds, mark holes. It is necessary to prepare the water for irrigation in advance, it should not be cold, you can add specialized liquid fertilizers.

soil strengthening

To soften the process of adaptation and rooting of plants, the rhizome is treated with "Kornevin" immediately before planting. After planting, the rose is mulched with sand and leaves.

Planting process

The depth of the planting pit is 50-60 centimeters, a mixture of turf with sand and wood ash, a handful of urea is placed on the bottom, mixed. The seedling is placed in the hole, gently spreading the roots, sprinkled with earth, tamped and watered.

The distance between the bushes is 50-60 centimeters, the roses need molding pruning during cultivation.

headrest to fit

Flower care recommendations

Rose is a cultivated flowering plant that needs regular care, watering, pruning and fertilization. Blue fo yu is a heat-loving flower that must be closed from frost during the winter. When growing floribundas, special attention is paid to maintaining optimal moisture levels.

Watering rules and humidity

In places with constant high humidity, roses grow poorly, but prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is an unfavorable moment for flower development. A balance must be struck between these factors.

It is necessary to water the roses no more than once a week, with warm water, in the evening hours, avoiding drops of liquid on the opened buds.

watering from a watering can

Drip irrigation is the optimal type of automated irrigation of flower beds; when using it, you can simultaneously irrigate and apply mineral fertilizing.

Top dressing and soil quality

In the first year after planting, it is not necessary to feed young bushes. The supply of nutrients for them is in the soil and fertilizing made on the day of planting.

From the second year of growth, organic matter is introduced under the rose bushes in the form of humus or rotted manure, it is necessary to introduce mineral dressings, especially potash and phosphorus.

On poor, loamy soils, roses bloom weaker, Blue fo yu loses its exquisite blue tint, petals look faded.

added fertilizing

Pruning and shaping the bush

To make roses look neat, they must be pruned. In the spring, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing shoots damaged by winter frosts.In the summer, after the first flowering, the bushes are formed by pruning overgrown shoots.

In the fall, before frost, sanitary pruning is carried out again. To prevent the bush from freezing out, the height of the remaining shoots should be no more than 30 centimeters.

The specifics of wintering a flower

Gardeners use spruce branches, last year's foliage or special agrotechnical fiber as shelters for the winter. If after cutting there are rough cuts, it is recommended to cover them with garden pitch or clay.

wintering bush

Plant protection from diseases and pests

Aphids and caterpillars are the main enemies of flower beds. Not only plant leaves, but also buds suffer from the invasion of these pests. Future flowers are deformed, fall off, the bush slows down in growth.

Modern antifungal drugs and insecticides will help protect roses from diseases and pests. Flower beds are sprayed in early spring, during the first set of buds in the season, then immediately after flowering. Of the chemicals used is "Iskra", Bordeaux liquid. From folk remedies - onion broth.

It is recommended to plant odorous herbs next to rose bushes that can drive away insect pests with their pungent smell.

onion broth

Blooming rose

Blue fo yu blooms in early June and blooms until the very cold. Flowering consists of two waves, the rest of the time the English flower is at rest.

Blue fo y flowers are large, double, with a white center and pronounced yellow stamens. In the inflorescence-brush there are up to 7 buds.

Flower reproduction methods

There are two ways to propagate floribundas:

  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

For propagation by cuttings, lignified shoots are cut from the bush and cut into stems 10 centimeters long so that three living buds remain on the branch. The bottom of the cutting is cut, soaked in "Kornevin", and then placed in a pot with earth and covered with a jar. After about a month, young twigs will appear on the handle.

germination of cuttings

The division of the bush is carried out in the spring, at the end of May, or in the fall - in September. The age of the bush for dividing should be more than 3-4 years.

Application in garden design

In landscape design, Blue fo yu roses are planted together with other hybrid tea varieties of roses. Also, the English floribunda is used for landscaping border areas or as flowering islands on the lawn.

Blue fo yu can be grown in flowerpots and terraced boxes. Bright, exquisite flowers of an unusual color will not leave indifferent any gardener or guest of your garden.

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