How to plant asters correctly in the fall before winter and is it possible

Flowering plants are in demand among gardeners. Everyone can plant an aster in autumn, before winter. But with one condition, you must follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners. Otherwise, the seeds may simply not sprout.

Why sow asters in the fall before winter - advantages and disadvantages

Planting an aster before winter has a number of advantages and one insignificant drawback.


  • persistent immunity to diseases;
  • hardening of plants;
  • the flowering period is shifted 2-3 weeks earlier;
  • there is no need to grow seedlings;
  • flowers are resistant to temperature changes.


  • large consumption of planting material, some seeds cannot germinate.

Planting seeds in the fall has many advantages. Therefore, gardeners often resort to this method of growing asters. This makes it easier to cultivate flowers in the spring.

Which aster seeds are suitable

Florists recommend planting varieties adapted to growing in this way. Pompom types of asters are more often used. Also sow planting material of its own assembly.Seeds for planting before winter must be fresh. For the 2-3rd year, germination in spring is very poor.

An important condition for planting before winter is strict adherence to the instructions of experienced florists.

Timing of winter landing

Seeds are planted in the ground at different times, the period depends on the region in which the gardener lives:

  • In the suburbs, sown in late October and early November.
  • In the Urals and Siberia, the landing is planned for the end of September, beginning of October.
  • But south in November.

asters before winter

When choosing the date for planting aster seeds in open ground, the weather forecast is taken into account. It is advisable to plan the landing when frosty weather sets in. During the thaw, the seeds germinate and then freeze. In the spring they don't sprout at all. Therefore, when to sow seeds, the summer resident decides for himself.

Stages of winter planting of asters

The recommendations of experienced gardeners are strictly followed. Otherwise, the summer resident risks being left without seeds and flowers.

Site and soil preparation

It is advisable to choose an area where the asters will be illuminated by the sun for most of the day.

asters before winter

Then the selected area is dug up, adding the following components:

  • peat;
  • superphosphate;
  • urea;
  • potassium;
  • wood ash;
  • river sand.

The soil is dug to a depth of 25 cm, grooves are immediately formed and the garden bed is covered before the onset of stable cold weather.

The soil for filling the grooves is collected in advance. Put away in a dry place, the structure should be crumbly. Because in the spring, when the sprouts begin to break through, the crust over the bed will not germinate.

asters before winter


Seed planting is carried out within the allotted time, depending on the region of residence of the grower. The planting material is laid out along the grooves, sprinkled with harvested soil. Planting depth is 2-2.5 m. It is necessary to sow asters correctly in winter. The seeds are planted frequently. In the spring, after the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings are thinned out. Excess planting material is not thrown away. It is used for planting elsewhere.

Shelter for the winter

The plantings are covered with polyethylene, pressed down along the edges and left until the onset of the thaw in spring. Then the shelter is removed and laid with dry plant residues. They are not removed until the onset of stable warm weather.

asters before winter

Preparing perennial flowers for wintering

If there are perennial representatives of the family in the garden, do not forget about their preparation for the winter period. If everything is done correctly, the plants will delight next year with abundant flowering.

How to trim

Summer residents are wondering if perennial asters can be cut off. Experienced flower growers advise to carry out pruning. You need to wait until the stems are dry. This most often occurs after the first severe frost. Then cut them at a height of 2-5 cm from the ground.Sawdust is covered with such varieties that do not tolerate frost, as well as young bushes.

asters before winter


An important stage in preparing plants for winter is feeding. Before wintering, the plant gains more nutrients from the soil. It is necessary to apply organic matter or complex fertilizer. Florists recommend feeding perennial asters with wood ash. 0.2-0.3 kg of the substance is distributed around the plants, then the soil is loosened.

Correct breeding methods before winter

Perennial asters are propagated in different ways. It is difficult to determine the correct method. Each summer resident chooses a method that is convenient and simple for him. It is necessary to plant plants, observing the terms, so as not to destroy, but to multiply them.

asters before winter

Dividing the bush

In a simple way, an adult plant is dug up and divided into several parts. One bush should contain 3-5 shoots. The root system of the separated parts of an adult plant must be strong. Perennial asters are planted about a month before the onset of cold weather. The bushes have time to take root during this period. An important condition is watering and feeding immature plants.

Water as the top layer dries. They are fed with a weak mullein solution, about 15-20 days after transplantation.

Seed planting

Planting material is purchased in a store or collected independently. The collected seeds remain viable for up to 3 years. But it is better to use fresh planting material, since plants need a lot of strength and energy to plant before winter.

asters before winter

Perennial aster seeds are propagated in the same way as an annual one. The grooves are prepared in advance and sown in the frozen ground. Then they are covered with polyethylene and left until spring.


Reproduction in this way is more suitable for the summer. But some summer residents plant this method in the fall. Cuttings are cut at 40-45 cm, the lower cut is made at an angle of 45⁰. They dig into the ground and wait for the cuttings to give roots. Then the roots are mulched and left until spring.

Spring care

When the snow melts, if a film has been used, it is removed. Some summer residents advise covering with plant residues, some not.

asters before winter

Seedlings that begin to break out of the ground need an abundance of sunlight. The gardener has the right to decide for himself what to do. If the plantings do not take shelter, then the florist needs to monitor the weather forecast.When freezing, cover the sprouts so that they are not beaten by the frost.

When the weather is stable, the seedlings are thinned out. Since the seeds are planted denser than during spring planting, the extra ones must be removed.

Thinned flowers will grow faster. They will form a strong root system, a guarantee of a well-developed aerial part and abundant flowering. Water the sprouts as needed. Not forgetting that aster does not like excess moisture. They start to rot. But the soil should not dry out either. It is necessary to monitor the level of humidity. To retain moisture, the soil is loosened. In addition, it reduces the number of weeds, which also interfere with the proper development of plants.

Treatment for diseases

Aster, like other plants, is often attacked by viruses and fungi. Compliance with agricultural techniques significantly reduces the risk of diseases in plants.

asters before winter

If signs of disease appear, it is required to immediately treat with special preparations. Purchase them in stores. Summer residents safely treat asters with chemistry, as it has an effective effect and relieves disease for a long time.

Chemical preparations are used with caution if fruit and vegetable crops grow nearby. Especially if spraying is carried out.Compliance with planting requirements helps to avoid the occurrence of diseases.

Top dressing

Young immature plants require fertilization. It is important to remember that it is better not to feed than to overfeed.

In the spring, they are introduced into the ground:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • nitrogen.

It is not necessary to add organic matter, since it is added in sufficient quantities during the formation of beds in the fall. Planting an aster before winter helps out many gardeners. Following the recommendations and techniques of agricultural technology will allow you to get a blooming flower bed several weeks ahead of schedule.

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