How to properly prepare peonies for winter, pruning, shelter and processing

Proper preparation of peonies for the beginning of winter is of great importance. This culture is notable for its vulnerability to low temperatures. Therefore, it must be covered. Before this, high-quality pruning is carried out, which will help avoid rotting of the stems and leaves. Timely fertilization is also important. In order for the plant to easily endure even the most severe frosts, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of experienced flower growers.


This procedure is important when preparing peonies for frost. It has features that you should definitely consider..


After flowering, it is recommended to cut only the wilting buds. At the same time, the leaves continue to perform decorative functions. Until the very cold weather, the development of the roots of culture continues. Thanks to photosynthesis, which actively takes place in the leaves, this process is activated.

Therefore, it is recommended to cut greens only after the natural cessation of the development of the root system. It is better to do this after the first frost, which leads to foliage falling.

If there is a need for earlier pruning, it is recommended to leave a few leaves on the stem. This will ensure the complete assimilation of useful elements and the continuation of the process of photosynthesis. Depending on weather conditions, pruning is done in September-October.

How to trim

In order to properly cut off the excess, it is recommended to take into account the type of peony and the objectives of the procedure.

cut properly


Pruning of drooping stems is carried out "to zero". 2-3 centimeters are left above the ground. The trimmed fragments are removed from the garden and burned. This will help to deal with fungal microorganisms, diseases and harmful insects.


In this species of peonies, the stems do not die off. Their leaves only fall. In warm regions, this plant variety tolerates winter well without shelter. However, young crops need to be covered with foil or matting. Pruning such peonies is distinguished by its characteristic features.


In this case, flower buds are laid on skeletal branches. Therefore, it is recommended to shorten them to the required length. However, pruning the tree peony is recommended in the spring.

shorten branches

For rejuvenating shrubs

This procedure is carried out every 10 years. It helps to renew the shoots. At the same time, it is not recommended to leave hemp more than 5 centimeters. They won't help you get through the winter better. With such a cut, there is a risk of slowing down the development of the peony.

Autumn feeding

In order for the peony to survive the winter well and develop better in the spring, fertilizers must be applied in the fall.


Peonies take fertilization well. Therefore, autumn feeding is important. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in September or the first half of October.

The root system of peonies is characterized by features. In some places there are thickenings in which useful elements accumulate. The roots of the plant continue to develop in the first half of autumn. Therefore, additional feeding is so important during this period.

autumn feeding


Timely application of fertilizers allows you to solve the following problems:

  • get strong and large buds on the stems;
  • make the flowering of bushes more active;
  • increase the size of flowers and make their shade more saturated;
  • strengthen the root system and increase its resistance to frost;
  • make the bushes stronger and more powerful.


To get a strong plant, it is worth using mineral fertilizers. Preparations containing phosphorus and potassium are especially useful for peonies. It is not recommended to use nitrogen-based products.

The ways

There are several fertilization methods. Top dressing can be used in powder or solution form.



Granular fertilizers should be used in rainy weather. They gradually decompose in the soil and penetrate to the root system. It is recommended to scatter dry dressings in the near-trunk circle of crops and embed them a little in the soil.

For peonies, it is recommended to use 15-20 grams of phosphorus and 10-15 grams of potassium. Before feeding, the plant should be well watered. When spreading fertilizer, it is important to ensure that it does not touch the crop collar.


In dry weather, it is recommended to mix fertilizers with water. The resulting solution is poured over the roots of the plant. For each of the bushes, 1 liter of the product is enough. To get a useful fertilizer, a feeding tablet is taken on a bucket of water.

soak fertilizer

How to hide

To avoid freezing peonies in winter, they should definitely be covered. This is especially true for frosty regions with little snow. Growth buds of peonies are at a depth of 5-6 centimeters. Therefore, the trimmed bushes must be spud.

Put mulch on top. Its layer should be at least 15 centimeters. You can mulch the plant with dry leaves, compost, peat. Spruce branches and compost are also great. Additionally, you can cover the peonies with a layer of snow. It will protect the plant from the cold in severe frosts.

It is strictly forbidden to use cut peony leaves for covering. They attract pests and bacterial microorganisms.

cover the peonies

Features of wintering tree peony

On the European territory of the Russian Federation, tree peonies do not need to be covered. They perfectly tolerate winter without it. However, this procedure should be neglected only in quiet places where there is no strong wind.

Young plants must be covered. To do this, use a layer of peat up to 20 centimeters. After processing on top, place an inverted bucket on the crop.

Regional differences

The peculiarities of wintering a culture directly depend on the climatic characteristics of a particular region.

wintering flowers


This region is characterized by a harsh continental climate with long winters and severe frosts. Therefore, peonies must be covered. It is worth placing boxes or boxes on top of the mulch. You can also make a kind of hut out of spruce branches.


The Urals are also characterized by severe frosts and sudden temperature changes. Therefore, peonies need the same shelter as in Siberia.

Volga region

This region is characterized by a temperate continental climate.Therefore, for peonies it is recommended to make a mound of any material for mulch. Such a measure will help protect the plant from the effects of low temperatures.

blooming peonies

Middle lane

In the Moscow region and the Leningrad region, frosts come after October 20. By this time, it is imperative to cut off the aerial part of the plants. Temperature fluctuations in this region require culture shelter. To do this, you can use dry peat, spruce branches, jute bags.

Typical fall care mistakes

A common mistake made by novice gardeners is neglecting autumn pruning. As a result, the plant is greatly weakened and more often becomes infected with infectious diseases.

Cutting too early

Cutting stems and leaves early will significantly weaken the crop. As a result, the root system cannot fully develop.

early pruning

Do not harvest dead foliage in autumn

After pruning peonies, it is forbidden to use their leaves to cover the culture. As a result, pests and bacteria will survive the winter and get stronger, which will lead to the defeat of the culture.

Lack of feeding

If mineral fertilizers are not applied on time, the culture will not be able to fully develop. It is also a common mistake to apply liquid fertilizers during rains. They cannot be fully absorbed by plants.

Wrong hiding place

If the plant is not properly covered, it may not survive frost. As a result, the culture will simply die.

cover the plant

A few words about digging

It is worth digging out the roots of the plant taking into account the climatic conditions. In some cases, this can be successfully done in early October. However, it is best to complete the work by mid-September. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to trim the leaves from the culture. Then the plant is dug in at a distance of 25 centimeters.

To safely remove the roots, you need to immerse the shovel as deep as possible into the ground, and then gently lift the plant. Then the peony should be cleaned of clods of earth, rinsed the roots under a hose and start the division process.

To begin with, it is recommended to carefully study the condition of the roots. The affected fragments should be removed. The remaining items can be saved. It is recommended to separate the young root from the main rhizome. To do this, you can use a small hatchet or pruner. The cut area should be rubbed with charcoal. This will help prevent the development of fungal diseases.

dig up

It is important to maintain the optimum temperature during the storage period of the roots. It should be 2-4 degrees. You can keep the roots in wooden boxes. They are placed in the basement or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Planting material should be covered with ash and sawdust.

In some cases, the kidneys begin to swell in winter. At the same time, small suction roots appear below. It is not recommended to store them further. The peony should be placed in a pot filled with moist soil and stored in a cool place. In the spring, the plant can be transplanted to the site.

Preparing a culture for winter is a responsible process. The readiness of the plant for the next season depends on the correctness of the procedures. Therefore, experts advise to carefully study the recommendations and strictly adhere to them.

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