Medicinal properties and contraindications of sedum, health benefits and harms

Many people, walking through spring parks and meadows, do not pay attention to the grass that grows there. Many of the growing herbs are actively used in medicine. For example, some people are treated with sedum. Before using this plant, you need to familiarize yourself with the healing properties of stonecrop.

Sedum: composition and useful properties of the herb

Sedum is a useful plant that contains a lot of organic acids. It contains the following acids:

  • amber;
  • acetic;
  • lemon;
  • glycerin.

Also, the plant is rich in tannins, gray hair, essential oils and quercetin glycoside. The green leaves of the flower contain a lot of calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper.

The plant has the following beneficial properties:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • fighting colds;
  • burning cholesterol and normalizing weight.

What types of stonecrop are used in traditional medicine

There are seven varieties of stonecrop that are often used in folk medicine.


Common sedum is a perennial plant that can be used in medicine. This variety of sedum differs from other varieties of flower in green oblong leaves, which begin to turn yellow after the onset of autumn.

Common sedum

In folk medicine, not only the aerial stem of the bushes is used, but also their roots. From them, means are made with the help of which they accelerate wound healing. Also, medicinal products are used to eliminate corns and burn marks.


Among lovers of traditional medicine, the purple flower variety is popular. It is possible to prepare medicinal decoctions from it, which are used for rinsing the mouth or ingestion. Also, medicinal ointments, tinctures and even powder are made from leaves and flowers.

From purple stonecrop, an antihelminthic agent is prepared that helps get rid of parasites. The leaves can be used to eliminate pimples and hemorrhoids.Some experts recommend using such a plant to prevent the development of cancer.

Sedum purple


Most often, in folk medicine, they use large stonecrop. The following medicinal compositions can be prepared from it:

  • Liquid tincture. This is an effective remedy that is used to eliminate diseases of the genitourinary system. Also, the tincture is used for renal diseases and heart failure.
  • Gruel. From ground flowers and leaves, you can create a remedy that helps get rid of impotence and infertility.
  • Poultices. The crushed roots or leaves are used to create a poultice against colds and muscle pains.


Prominent sedum is widespread in medicine and is often used to eliminate many pathologies. Experts recommend preparing medicinal products from it for skin inflammation, burns, wounds and cuts. The prominent variety is used to create oily fluids that effectively fight eczema, boils and small pustules. Infusions from the plant can be used to eliminate lichens.

Prominent sedum

Also, decoctions are used for rinsing the mouth and treating dental diseases.


Acrid sedum is a poisonous plant and therefore must be used carefully. When used correctly, the flower's venom becomes a medicine that can cure many diseases. The caustic plant is considered a good pain reliever that helps to cope with pain caused by ulcers, wounds on the skin surface or burns.

Decoctions from the acrid flower have a diuretic effect. Therefore, they are prescribed for jaundice to clear the liver.


It is a low-growing herb that grows up to 30-35 centimeters. It differs from other types of stonecrop by a thick and fleshy root. The benefits of a tenacious flower are known to many people who regularly use traditional medicine. From it, medicinal decoctions are created that help get rid of the symptoms of diarrhea and dysentery. They are also used to treat cardiovascular pathologies and diseases that are associated with kidney function.

Sedum Tenacious


Peel pink is a tall flower with a height of more than eighty centimeters. It got its name from the fact that during flowering, the flower is covered with pink petals. Medicinal decoctions and tinctures made from the rose flower can be used in the following cases:

  • stopping bleeding;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process in the body;
  • removal of tumors;
  • improving the functioning of the immune system;
  • healing of wounds on the surface of the skin.

What is used

Healing tinctures can be prepared from various parts of stonecrop.


When creating medicines, a young plant flower is often used. It has hemostatic and analgesic properties. The flowers contain alkaloids and acids that can strengthen nerve fibers. Therefore, it is possible to prepare medicinal tinctures from them to calm the nervous system. In addition, these decoctions improve blood circulation, help lower blood pressure and relieve headaches.

Sedum false


If a person is faced with respiratory diseases or colds, decoctions of green leaves are used. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and prevents the further development of colds. Also, the leaves contain trace elements that contribute to the expectoration of phlegm and relieve inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Some experts advise using the leaves to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Recipes for the preparation of medicinal products from stonecrop

There are several common recipes that can be used to create remedies from stonecrop leaves and flowers.


To eliminate common diseases of the digestive tract and treat inflammatory processes, medicinal herbal decoctions are used. The main advantage of such a remedy is that it can be used to treat children. It eliminates diathesis and eczema.

Root decoction

When preparing a decoction, 3-4 chopped leaves are added to a half-liter container with water. Then the liquid is brought to a boil and boiled for 5-10 minutes, after which it is insisted for an hour and a half. The filtered broth is drunk daily 3-4 times a day.


An infusion made from stonecrop is considered an effective medicine that many people use to prevent and treat cancer. Before preparing such an infusion, you need to understand the features of its creation.

In 200 milliliters of boiled and hot liquid, 50 grams of dried and ground leaves are added. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours. After that, the infusion is filtered to get rid of the remnants of the leaves. The tool is drunk every day for 50-60 milliliters.


Many people grow sedum in the garden in order to prepare a medicinal tincture from it for colds and inflammation in the nasopharynx in the future.

Sedum in the garden

The roots of an adult plant are used to create a medicine. They are dug up, dried under the sun and cut into small pieces with a knife. Then the crushed roots are poured into a bottle filled with vodka. The roots are poured inside until the liquid begins to rise to the neck. The filled bottle is transferred to a dark and cool room for two weeks. When the liquid is infused, it is taken every day for half an hour before meals.


The most difficult thing is to prepare a medicinal extract from stonecrop. To make it, it is necessary to prepare an infusion from the foliage of the plant. To do this, add 2-3 leaves to a liter of boiled water. The resulting solution is filtered and steamed. The extract is taken daily, 15-20 drops per day.

Rules for use as treatment

Before using drugs in practice, you need to understand the basic rules for their use.

Infusion for hypertension

People with hypertension can use sedum infusions for treatment. Regular use of the medicinal fluid helps to lower blood pressure to normal levels.

Hypertension treatment

When creating an infusion from a pressure of 350 milliliters of boiling water, a spoonful of grated root is added. The mixture is heated for about five minutes, infused and filtered with gauze. The infusion is drunk every day immediately after meals.

Infusion for fever

People often suffer from fever, which is accompanied by fever and chills. To get rid of such an unpleasant condition and improve your well-being, an herbal infusion made from young stonecrop will help.

A tablespoon of flower petals is poured with boiling water and infused for 4-5 hours. The broth is pre-filtered through cheesecloth to clear the liquid from debris. Drink the infusion no more than 2-3 times a day.

Poultices for rheumatism

Poultices are considered a good remedy for rheumatism and pain in muscles and joints. They are made from finely chopped roots and green foliage. Ingredients in the amount of 60-80 grams are added to a container with hot water and steamed in it for 30-45 minutes. Then the steamed ingredients are applied to the inflamed area and removed after 40-60 minutes.

Sedum young

Epilepsy powder

You can use medicated powder to eliminate the signs of epilepsy. To create it, you can use any kind of sedum, except caustic. This flower is not suitable, as the remedies from it can worsen the well-being of the epileptic.

To make a powder, the leaves are dried in the sun and thoroughly ground. Take 2-3 tablespoons of sutra powder daily and at bedtime.

For malaria

Stonecrop can be used to create an effective remedy to relieve the symptoms of malaria.To create a medicine, 20-25 grams of plant petals are added to a glass filled with boiled liquid. Then the mixture is carefully wrapped in a towel and insisted for three and a half hours. The infusion must be filtered, after which it is drunk three times daily before eating.

healing flower

Laxative infusion

Many people who do not eat properly suffer from constipation. To get rid of them, you need to prepare special laxative infusions. When preparing a tincture, 100-110 grams of leaves are added to a saucepan and poured with a liter of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 3-4 hours and filtered with gauze. The liquid is taken before bedtime and in the morning, 100-200 milliliters at a time.

From cancer of any location

Scientists have repeatedly proven that stonecrop has anti-tumor properties and therefore can be used in the treatment of cancer. However, it is used not as the main, but as an additional means in conjunction with more effective medicines.

The infusion for cancer is prepared from the crushed stem of the plant and chopped leaves. They are poured with boiling water and infused for several hours. The prepared product is drunk four times a day, 50-70 milliliters.

bush in the garden

With infertility

Sometimes young women want to become a mother, but they are unable to do so due to infertility. A medicinal decoction, which is made from the leaves of the plant, will help get rid of this problem. They are placed in a pot of boiling water and covered with a lid on top. The solution is infused for forty minutes, filtered and poured into cups. The liquid is drunk 20-25 minutes before eating.

Compress from leaves for wounds on the skin

Skin damage is a common injury that everyone has experienced. A compress made from the foliage of a flower will help to cure such injuries. The green leaf is applied to the damaged surface and kept on it for 40 minutes. Some people advise tying the leaves to the wound with a bandage for the whole day and removing it only before bed.

stonecrop leaves

For gastrointestinal pain

In case of diseases of the digestive tract, it is necessary to use medicinal broths carefully so as not to worsen the state of health. To improve the functioning of the digestive system, special infusions from dried foliage are used. The healing infusion must be used within three hours of its creation. You cannot use old decoctions, as they can harm the digestive tract.

With diseases of the bladder, lungs

For diseases of the bladder that negatively affect the functioning of the lungs, it is possible to treat with tinctures of pink stonecrop. If unpleasant pain occurs in the genitourinary system and in the area of ​​the lungs, a medicine is prepared from flower petals. They are taken 4-5 times a day before meals.

With impotence

Many experts recommend taking decoctions for men who have problems with erection. They help to eliminate the symptoms of impotence and restore male strength. A medicinal broth to enhance an erection is prepared from dried crushed leaves, which are infused in hot water for 3-5 hours. Drinking liquid every day, 20-40 milliliters per day.

impotence treatment

With nervous disorders

Some people have an unstable nervous system that makes them unbalanced and irritable. To relieve emotional fatigue and calm the nervous system, make an infusion of flowers. It is taken every day for two and a half weeks. The daily dosage should not exceed 70 milliliters of medication.

With general weakness

If a person feels general weakness, many advise to drink more than regular tea. However, instead, it is better to brew a decoction of purification petals, which restores the immune system.

People who regularly drink such decoctions feel a surge of strength and gradually restore the spent energy.You can drink no more than 100-150 milliliters of liquid every day.

With uterine fibroids

Many women who have been diagnosed with uterine fibrosis give up and stop being treated. However, this is not correct, as there are effective drugs for fibrosis. This disease can be treated with infusions. Decoctions are used to moisten tampons, which are placed in the vagina before going to bed. The duration of treatment is two weeks.

Sedum caustic

Side effects

With the wrong use of decoctions and infusions, unpleasant side effects may appear that negatively affect a person's well-being. Some people complain about the appearance of problems with breathing, digestion. Dizziness, accompanied by nausea, may also begin.

Existing contraindications

Stonecrop medicines are not always good for your health, as sometimes they are harmful. Herbal decoctions are contraindicated for allergy sufferers and people who often have high blood pressure. Therefore, hypertensive and hypotensive patients should take such medications only after prior consultation with the attending physician.


In folk medicine, drugs made from sedum are often used. Before using them, you need to understand the features of their preparation and use.

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