Description of 14 species and varieties of nasturtium, planting and care in the open field

Planting and caring for nasturtium is a fairly simple and fun process. This culture belongs to the Nasturtium family. This plant is native to America. However, now it is popular in different countries. This is due to unpretentiousness in care, medicinal characteristics and the possibility of using it for culinary purposes.

Description and features

Nasturtium is an annual or perennial plant. Usually it is a vine that has succulent shoots. In more rare cases, you can find dwarf shrubs. Most often, leaf plates are lobed or thyroid-shaped. There are also palmate and whole-edged leaves..

The culture has fragrant flowers. They can be plain or terry. There are also semi-double options. The composition contains 5 or more petals and the same number of sepals. In addition, there is a funnel-shaped tube that contains nectar. The flowers are usually yellow or red. The fruit contains 3 wrinkled lobes with seeds.

Growing seedlings

The simplest cultivation method is considered to be planting in open soil. However, in cooler areas, it is recommended to first grow seedlings and only then place the plants in the soil. This will help speed up the appearance of flowers.

Landing dates

It is permissible to plant seeds for seedlings from the end of March to the first half of April. In areas with a cold climate, it is better to shift the dates a little. In such a situation, seedlings are planted in mid-April or early May.

Selection and preparation of seed

To speed up the emergence of sprouts, it is recommended to soak the seeds in warm water. Its temperature should be about 40 degrees. This is done at night or for 24 hours. In the second case, it is recommended to change the water 1 time. It is worth soaking the planting material in gauze or cotton pads. It is also permissible to use a glass or plate with a lid.

the seedlings are ripe

How to plant

To plant a culture, you should follow these steps:

  • prepare containers for planting;
  • fill them with nutritional composition;
  • moisturize thoroughly;
  • it is worth putting 2-4 seeds in one pot;
  • deepen into the ground by 1.5-2 centimeters;
  • sprinkle with earth;
  • moisten the soil again;
  • put in a dark place.

Temperature and light conditions

When planting seeds, it is worth monitoring the temperature parameters. It can be 20-22 degrees. It is important to ensure that the sprouts are getting enough light. Otherwise, they will stretch out. After transplanting into soil, such plants can hurt.


The plant has rather weak roots. To avoid damaging them, it is not recommended to dive seedlings. It is immediately transferred to open ground with a lump of earth.

plant pick


It is recommended to harden the sprouts before transplanting the plant into open soil. For this, the seedlings are taken out into the street within 3 days.

Landing in open ground

To grow a sturdy and viable plant, it is recommended that you properly transplant it into open soil.

When to plant

It is worth planting a crop in late May or early June. It is at this moment that the risk of recurrent frosts disappears. By this time, the seedlings become strong enough and contain 2-3 true leaves.

plant in the ground

Soil requirements

When planting nasturtium, it is important to choose the right soil composition. Too wet soil can lead to the death of the plant. A very large amount of fertilization will lead to a build-up of green mass. This will negatively affect the size of the flowers. At the same time, too poor soil will not provide lush flowering.

Low acidity soil is ideal for growing crops. It should be fairly loose and fertile.

Landing scheme

Planting plants is in the holes. In this case, you cannot break the earthen lump. It is recommended to water the seedlings well one day before planting. After planting the crop in the ground, the plant must be watered and the ground around it must be covered with a mulch layer.

The spacing between individual bushes should be at least 20 centimeters. With a strong growth of nasturtium, a distance of 30-40 centimeters is required. It is worth planting crops in warm and sunny weather. If it is cold enough at night, the bushes are covered with a film.

flower beds


To grow beautiful bushes and abundant flowering of nasturtium, it is necessary to provide it with high-quality and complete care.


Watering the culture should be systematic, but in moderation. This is especially true when growing young plants. During the flowering period, watering is carried out exclusively during the maximum drought. In the standard season, the plant does not require additional moisture.

Loosening and weeding

After watering, the culture should certainly be loosened. This will improve the access of oxygen to the soil and ensure more active development of the culture. Weeding of beds, which is aimed at destroying weeds, is of no small importance.

gloves on hands


It is recommended to apply a mulching layer to the garden bed during planting of seedlings. This will help to avoid the active development of weeds and provide long-term soil moisture.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is worth before flowering and at the very beginning. For this, combined mineral preparations are used for flowers. They contain a minimum amount of nitrogen. The most effective are Agricola, Fertika.

The plant does not like fresh manure. With an excess amount of nitrogen, the culture will begin to grow green mass, and will practically not bloom.

fertilizer bag

Diseases and pests

Nasturtium is faced with such diseases:

  1. Gray rot - accompanied by the formation of gray-brown spots on the trunks and leaves.
  2. Rust - characterized by the appearance of black and brown spots on the leaves. They gradually transform into tubercles.
  3. Bacterial wilting - in this case, the lower leaves first wither, after which the upper ones suffer.
  4. Mosaic - this virus provokes the appearance of a mosaic pattern on the leaves.
  5. Ring spot - characterized by the formation of small dots on the leaves. There is a reddish-brown border around them.

Experts advise to dig up and destroy infected plants. The rest of the bushes should be treated with special means..

After flowering

After the end of the flowering period, dried buds should be removed in time. Thanks to this, it will be possible to extend the flowering period. If you need to collect seeds, you should leave a few ovaries so that the fruits ripen.

completion of flowering


Many varieties of nasturtium are known today. Each of them has certain features.


This vine is native to South America. It is characterized by light green stems. They reach a length of 350 centimeters and quickly braid gazebos. The plant blooms from mid-summer until frost. It has bright yellow flowers that are distinguished by ruffled petals.


The culture is characterized by branched stems, reaching a length of 250 centimeters. Erect stems are 70 centimeters long. The culture blooms profusely from June to autumn frosts. It spreads beautifully on its own. Moreover, seed germination is maintained for 4 years.

the dog is walking


The plant is a hybrid of 2 types of nasturtium - shield and large. It is characterized by dense foliage. The varieties of such nasturtium differ in size. Compact plants reach a height of 50 centimeters, and creeping ones - 4 meters. There are also dwarf cultures. Their height does not exceed 15-20 centimeters.


The culture is characterized by thin branchy stems 35 centimeters in height. The leaves are rounded. The flowers are quite small and do not exceed 3 centimeters. They have a yellow tint and are covered with dark spots. The culture blooms in June-October.


It is a creeping shrub. It is characterized by fragile shoots that reach 4 meters. The leaves are thyroid-shaped and have a rich green hue. The flowers are dark red. The plant blooms from June to October.

creeping shrub

Popular varieties

There are many popular varieties that are characterized by certain characteristics.

King Theodore

For nasturtium of this variety, fairly saturated flowers are characteristic. They have a bright red hue.

Peach Melba

This culture has delicate cream-colored flowers. Red spots can be seen in the central part of the inflorescence.

Salmon Baby

The culture is characterized by semi-double flowers. They are distinguished by a delicate salmon shade.

Salmon Baby


This plant has beautiful apricot flowers. In the middle of each of them there are burgundy spots.

Gleming Mahagani

This nasturtium grows in the form of a bush that can reach 37 centimeters in height. It is characterized by red double flowers.

Golden Globe

The plant is a ball-shaped bush. It reaches 25 centimeters in height and 40 centimeters in width. It is characterized by rounded leaves and large flowers of a golden yellow hue.


This plant weaves beautifully. Its stems can be up to 2 meters long. The flowers are pale yellow.

beautifully woven

Cherry rose

This variety can grow up to 30 centimeters in height. It is characterized by deep red double flowers.

Black Velvet

This nasturtium also grows 30 centimeters. It is characterized by simple flowers with a diameter of 6 centimeters. They have a maroon hue.


There are different breeding methods for nasturtium. This allows each grower to choose the best option.


Nasturtium is rarely propagated in this way. This is usually done to obtain new varieties. To root young cuttings, use water or wet sand. Then they are planted in open ground.

ready cuttings


To begin with, the seeds must be soaked in water or in a special solution. Then they are planted in a warm area after the end of the night frosts. To get sprouts in 2 weeks, put several seeds in each hole.

Dividing the bush

Nasturtium is not propagated by this method. This is due to the fragility of the plant's root system.

Features of growing at home

The culture is actively used to decorate verandas and balconies. For this, the culture should be planted in pots. It is important that the container is wide and not too deep. The container should be placed on an open balcony or in a place that is well lit. It is important to systematically water the plant and apply fertilizer.

home flower


Nasturtium is considered a very useful crop. It is actively used for medicinal purposes and in cooking.


Young leaves and inflorescences are used to improve the taste of salads and soups. They are put in sandwiches and used for decorative purposes. The fruits can be pickled. Also, the seeds are dried and crushed, after which they are used as a seasoning.

ready salad


The healing properties of nasturtium make it possible to use it to combat skin rashes, vitamin deficiencies, and anemia. The plant also helps to cope with kidney stones.

Nasturtium is a unique plant that is used for decorative purposes. It is actively used in folk medicine and cooking. To grow a strong culture, you need to follow the basic recommendations of experienced florists.

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