Description and features of the daffodil variety Epricot Whirl, planting and care

Narcissus of the Epricot Whirl variety is one of the most popular varieties in Europe and the former USSR. It belongs to the Multiflorous group, with a crown in the middle. Even beginners in gardening can grow a flower. To cope with the task, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances of agricultural technology.

Description and features of the variety

Narcissus Epricot Val is not whimsical to soil, care, it is grown in the southern and middle regions in the garden. Residents of northern cities are better off growing a wondrous flower at home or in a greenhouse. The plant reaches 35-45 cm in height, double inflorescences with a diameter of 5-10 cm. Narcissus can withstand frosts down to -40 degrees, short-term drought.

It should be transplanted to a new location every 3-4 years. Flowering lasts about 3 weeks, starts in early April and lasts until May. The variety can also be grown for cutting, flowers stand in a vase for a long time, about 1.5 weeks.

The history of breeding apricot whirl

A variety of daffodils Epricot Whirl was bred in 2006 in the Netherlands. The registrant is W. van Lierop and Sons.


The daffodil Epricot Whirl does not suggest any special nuances of agricultural technology; it is planted according to the standard scheme for the Amaryllis family. The main thing is to choose the right soil, timing, follow the planting algorithm. It is preferable to place the plants in a sunlit place, protected from drafts.

apricot whirl

You can plant them in partial shade, then the flowers will be more juicy in color. You cannot choose lowlands, there may be stagnation of moisture, which is fraught with decay of the root system.

Landing dates

It is optimal to plant daffodils from August to September. Residents of the southern regions can carry out planting work in October. It is important that the air temperature does not drop below +10 degrees.

Soil preparation

Soil preparation is carried out 1.5 months before planting. The earth should be moisture permeable, slightly porous, well aerated. The optimum acidity level is pH 5.5. If the indicators are lower, the soil is acidified with wood ash, ground egg shells, and chemicals.

beautiful flower

Selection and storage of planting material

The bulbs should be purchased from garden shops on the market or from well-rated nurseries. You can order planting material on the Internet, but pay attention to reviews. The bulbs must be in good condition, without flaws, traces of disease.

Their size is normally 3-5 cm in diameter.In the store, you should additionally buy superphosphate, urea, river sand, potassium sulfate.

Organic substances are used afterwards to feed the plants.

Before planting, the bulb is peeled from excess husk, preferably by hand. To disinfect the seedlings, dilute a 0.1% -0.2% solution of potassium permanganate, put onions in it and keep for 1 hour.

Landing scheme

The bulbs are embedded in the ground 15-20 cm to keep them from overheating, to provide access to moisture. The distance between landings should be 20 cm.

flowers in the garden

Care rules

Caring for daffodils involves timely watering, loosening, fertilizing, treatment from diseases and beetles. For the winter, they are covered with a 15 cm layer of sawdust, fallen leaves.

Loosening and weeding

The soil should be loosened 3-4 times a week, carefully so as not to damage the rhizomes. It is advisable to use a shallow hoe. Due to weeding, the earth is saturated with oxygen, weeds are removed.


Daffodils should be irrigated once a week, since the culture does not like dampness. It is important to monitor the condition of the soil so that no crusts appear on it. Experienced gardeners recommend inserting a pencil into the ground to the depth of the bulb. If it remains wet for 3 days in sunny weather, you should reduce the amount of watering.

daffodil care

Protection from pests and diseases

The daffodil of the Epricot Whirl variety is famous for its high resistance to diseases, harmful beetles, but sometimes it is attacked by fungi. These include fusarium, gray rot. Among the main reasons for the development of fungal infections, excessive moisture in the air and earth is distinguished.

The soil is treated with Bordeaux liquid as a curative measure. Sometimes daffodils are exposed to viral pathologies, stains and stains form on them. The plant can no longer be saved, it will be disposed of by burning.

It is important to observe preventive measures:

  • use disinfected tools in the garden;
  • collect beetles in time;
  • plant only healthy specimens in the soil.

Daffodils can also be attacked by ticks, bears, slugs and flies. They are destroyed with insecticides like Ato-Zhuk, Stop-Zhuk.

flowers daffodils

Top dressing

Daffodils should be fertilized during budding with mineral compounds. Dilute superphosphate, urea, potassium sulfate in 1 dessert spoon in 10 liters of water. The solution will need 5 liters per 1 square meter. After pollen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium are introduced. For 10 liters of water, dilute 2 tsp. Agricola and 1 tsp. nitroammophos. In rainy seasons, top dressing is replaced with a one-time addition in March of 1 dessert spoon of potassium sulfate, superphosphate, urea per 1 sq. M.


The culture propagates by seeds, babies, paired scales. In the first case, you can get an unexpected result - the plant will not look like the variety. The fruit of a daffodil is a seed box, where the seeds are arranged in 2 rows. They are black, smooth, rounded. Seeds quickly lose their germination, it is better to sow freshly harvested specimens. Pollen will be in 2-3 years.

daffodil bulbs

Reproduction by children involves the collection of individual particles on an adult bulb in the summer. A daffodil planted in this way blooms after 1 year. About 85% of children take root. The bulbs are planted in the soil in the usual way.

The method of reproduction with paired scales involves the collection of bulbs, their peeling. The onion is cut with a knife into 6-8 parts, soaked in a fungicidal solution, dried. Paired flakes are selected, placed in a bag with perlite, kept at a temperature of +21 degrees. If the manipulation is carried out correctly, in the 4th month, babies will turn out. They are separated from the scales, transplanted into the garden.

Application in landscape design

Narcissus Epricot Whirl can be planted in tandem with other flowers of dark or bright shades. It will look gentle, stand out between plantings. Daffodils are also planted along curbs, on alpine hills, flower beds.


Below are gardeners' responses to the daffodil Epricot Whirl to help you learn more about it.

Ruslan Sergeev, 59 years old, Zaporozhye

Greetings! I have only positive impressions about the daffodil Epricot Whirl, I have been growing it for over 5 years. I planted it in the rock garden, now I admire the gorgeous color.

Angelina Bykova, 66 years old, Kiev

Hello! In the garden I grow a daffodil of the Epricot Whirl variety. I was attracted by the flower with an amazing peach crown in the middle. I planted it with children, a neighbor shared. I recommend the variety to everyone!

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