20 best types of perennial flowers for summer cottages maintenance-free, large and long-blooming

At the dacha, a person rests, first of all, with his soul, therefore he tries to create the most comfortable conditions for this. A beautiful and properly designed flower bed with plants matched to the flowering period will delight the eye throughout the season. Perennial flowers for their own dacha are selected according to the same principles as annuals. Only next season they will again enchant the owner with a riot of their colors. To grow them, you do not need to sow new seedlings every year and worry about purchasing seeds.

Popular perennial flowers

The variety of species and varieties of plants for decorating a flower bed is simply amazing. But gardeners, based on feedback from each other, have identified several of the most beloved, practical and very decorative.


The first flower, symbolizing the arrival of spring, has excellent frost resistance. A snowdrop is planted under bushes or garden trees. The disadvantage is the short flowering period, after which the ground part of the plant dies off. If the weather is cool outside, then it will bloom a little longer.


The flowering of this delicate primrose in terms of timing almost coincides with the blooming of snowdrops, which occurs with the onset of the first spring heat. On bare ground, this beauty looks very impressive. The color range of crocuses is rich. Plants are planted both under trees and in open areas.


At first glance, simple, but at the same time a very unusual spring primrose won the love of many summer residents. Muscari flowering times may vary depending on the variety. The plant does not require special care and increased attention, it reproduces independently with the help of children. This fact makes it difficult to transplant a flower to another place.

flowers muscari


An early spring flower, which has excellent cold resistance and pleases the eye already with the onset of the first warm days. Its bright yellow color is able to please and warm the soul with its one look. It is recommended to select a place for planting with partial shading. Vesennik is actively used in group plantings, they decorate rocky landscapes with it.


This plant will appeal to exotic lovers. Unusual pink flowers immediately cheer up. No special care required. The dicenter is often planted in group plantings, creating original contrasts with its help.


The flower is unpretentious, planted in soil of any quality, mainly under trees. With sufficient moisture, the scrub reproduces well and requires population control. The plant blooms with the onset of the first warmth and decorates the area with delicate blue buds.

Proleska flowers


This flower has been known to summer residents for a long time and even managed to get bored. However, the breeders presented to their attention new varieties that have not only a fascinating appearance, but also different terms and duration of flowering. The plant is unpretentious, but it needs periodic transplantation and division of the overgrown bush. Fills the garden with a pleasant aroma, suitable for cutting.


An unpretentious evergreen plant, in the spring period more like a bluish-green carpet. By the summer, only single flowers remain on it. In order for periwinkle to develop normally, it needs pinching.


The flowering period of adonis falls at the end of spring. Bright yellow flowers adorn the background of rich green lush foliage. The plant prefers light and nutritious soil for planting, grows both in lighted places and in partial shade. The flower does not tolerate transplantation, therefore it is recommended to carry out this procedure as rarely as possible.

flowers adonis


A beautifully flowering plant is not afraid of drought at all. For landing, it prefers lighted places, slightly alkaline soil. A summer flower does not tolerate waterlogging, therefore watering must be done carefully, not often.


The flower decorates the dacha with dignity, is not capricious in cultivation and care, it tolerates drought. The plant is frost-resistant, growing in one place for decades. The flowering period ends in mid-spring.


A large blooming bud looks very impressive, unusual and is able to decorate any area. The color scheme is diverse, which makes it possible to choose it for personal tastes. The disadvantage is that the plant suffers from severe frosts and needs additional shelter and protection for the winter. The landing site must be protected from drafts and strong winds. Hyacinth does not like excessive moisture in the soil, so you can not be zealous with watering.

flowers hyacinth


The snow-white bell feels great in shady, humid places. Does not tolerate drought. The flower is grateful for timely feeding. It is characterized by excellent frost resistance.


Moisture-loving plant, suitable for planting in shady areas. Pleases the gardener with delicate bright flowers blooming in May - early June. Forget-me-not is easily propagated by seeds.


The flower won the love of summer residents thanks to its bright color palette. Bright buds bloom by mid-spring. For planting, choose an area with nutrient-rich soil. Primroses are moisture-loving plants.


The flowering period of violets depends on the selected variety or variety. Its popularity among summer residents is based on a strong fragrant aroma that fills the garden and delicate pretty flowers. The flower is not capricious, does not need careful care, but requires regular irrigation. In some regions, it is found as an outdoor, free-growing species.

Violets in the garden


Thanks to this plant, any summer cottage or garden is transformed. A bright and beautiful flower blooms at the very beginning of summer and adorns the allotted area for a month. Delphinium does not like stagnant moisture in the soil and windy areas. In regions with cold winters, additional shelter is required.


This plant has many varieties that summer residents and gardeners willingly grow. Arnica prefers lighted areas with a high level of acidity in the soil, is demanding on watering and does not tolerate drought.


At first glance, a nondescript flower can become a real flower bed decoration if you use it in group plantings. It grows without problems in one place for several years. Euphorbia belongs to frost-resistant and drought-resistant crops, does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil.

Spurge in the garden

What perennial flowers to choose?

Garden flowers-perennials are designed to recreate a charming, harmonious picture in the country. To do this, experts recommend choosing the right plants, observing some rules and taking into account the features:

  • varieties and varieties must be acclimatized or bred specifically for a particular region;
  • when choosing a flower, they take into account the peculiarities of agricultural technology and conditions on a specific site;
  • pay attention to the exactingness of the soil, illumination and humidity;
  • determine the level of occurrence of groundwater;
  • consider the neighborhood with other plants and horticultural crops, maintaining the required distances;
  • the terrain and characteristics of the selected plant are taken into account.

The flower garden is planned in such a way that it matches the general planning style. Not only the height of the plants, the dimensions, but also the colors are selected.

Landing rules

Before planting perennial flowers, it is advisable to draw up a plan for the future flower bed in the country. There is marked out an area for plants with different heights: it is preferable to plant border varieties along the paths, and a tall flower looks harmoniously in the background. To make the site look decent and fragrant all summer, take into account the flowering time of the selected plantings. Not the least role is played by the color of the buds, which should be in harmony with the rest of the vegetation in the flower bed.

planting flowers

Perennials reproduce in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings;
  • onions.

When planting them, take into account the fact that after a few years the flowers will grow and require a larger area. Not all species can be transplanted often, therefore it is better to leave a larger distance between the rhizomes.

Specificity of care

Caring for perennial flowers in the country consists in timely watering, removing weeds, applying fertilizers, mulching the soil. Mulching is important when preparing a flower bed for the wintering period.

Each plant has features of agricultural technology, it may require additional care and attention, which must be studied before planting and observed during the growing season. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve active growth and abundant flowering.

Features of the use of perennial plants in landscape design

For a perennial to become a true decoration of a summer cottage, it is not enough to plant it and properly care for it. Chaotic landings will not add much beauty. The desired result will be achieved if an effective composition or group is created.

Pergola for roses

Landscape designers often use these options:

  1. Flower bed. This is the most common and classic option for decorating a site, which is a designated area planted with flowers. Its shape is often similar to a geometric figure (oval, circle, square, triangle). However, modern designers resort to creating more complex outlines. You can plant both perennials of the same type and several species at once on a flower bed.
  2. Pergola. It is a green canopy made of curly flowers attached to arches.
  3. Rabatka. In this case, a narrow strip is planted with flowers on the site.
  4. Mixborder. This type of planting consists of several components, that is, it includes several tiers of plants that differ not only in appearance, but also in the flowering period.
  5. Arch. A rounded frame, decorated with flowering climbing plants. It is better if you choose a long-flowering type of flower for such structures in order to admire its beauty for as long as possible.
  6. Rockery.Summer residents often call this type of planting an alpine slide. Stones serve as an original addition to the plants.

A properly created landscape design at your own dacha will bring untold pleasure and help you have a good time.

Both the entire territory is given for flower beds, and a separate corner is allocated, where it is possible to show maximum imagination and create a masterpiece from plants. When planting, be sure to take into account the height of the flowers and their exactingness to environmental conditions.

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