Description of the best varieties of perennial snapdragons, planting and care

Each species and variety of perennial snapdragon has its own distinctive features. The flower is herbaceous or semi-shrub. Besides beautiful flowering, the plant has medicinal properties. Growing is best done through seedlings. In order for the plant to develop successfully, it is necessary to provide it with proper care, which involves proper watering and feeding, pruning, and treatment from diseases.

Description and features

Snapdragon also has another name - antirrinum, which is translated from Greek as nasal. The flower, depending on the variety, refers to subshrub or herbaceous plants. Differs in a long, thin with grooves, branched stem of green color. The stem height reaches 1 meter.

The leaves of the flower are large, oblong. Their color can be light or dark green. Red streaks are observed on the leaf plate. At the bottom of the stem, the leaves are located opposite each other, closer to the top they grow in an alternating position.

In June, flowering begins and continues until the frost. Inflorescences are formed in the form of an ear. Large flowers exude a pleasant, fragrant aroma. Flowers are simple or double, the color depends on the variety. The plant needs cross-pollination. Bumblebees and bees help with this.

At the end of flowering, in place of the buds, fruits remain in the form of a box with seeds. If you prepare the plant for the winter cold, then snapdragon is grown as a perennial.


All types of antirrinums differ in growth characteristics, stem structure and height.


These plant species are tall. The stem extends to a height of 132 cm. The bushes differ in shoots of only the second order, which are much smaller than the central stem.



Varieties of tall bushes reach 87 cm. The central stem is much higher than the lateral branches. In most cases, they are grown for cutting.


Universal varieties do not exceed 58 cm in height. They are grown both for decorating flower beds and for cutting.This group of plants is distinguished by excessive branching. The central stem is almost the same height with the lateral branches.


Low-growing varieties of snapdragons are distinguished by shoots of the second and third order. They can grow up to 38 cm in height.


Dwarf-type shrubs do not exceed 22 cm in height. They decorate the garden plot, but they can also be grown in pots. All varieties branch well and do not take up much space.

dwarf bush


Ampel flower varieties differ in height (can be from 25 to 98 cm), as well as in the size and color of the bud. The varieties are bred specifically for growing in pots.

Popular varieties

There are a wide variety of varieties of snapdragons. When choosing, take into account the type of growth and branching features.


A tall, vigorous variety goes well with other plants, tolerates heat. The stem reaches a height of 92 cm, and the flower grows up to 42 cm wide.

 vigorous variety


The height of the bush does not exceed 31 cm. Large flowers are distinguished by the presence of three lemon-yellow petals.


The flower stem extends to 23 cm, the width of the bush is not more than 17 cm. Flowering begins early. Lavender flowers.


Grown for cutting. The inflorescences are high (up to 1 meter in height), in the form of an ear. Flowers are bright yellow in color.


The height of the central stem reaches 88 cm. The inflorescences are large, two-colored, yellow-pink.

Madam butterfly

Terry, large flowers are collected in a brush and differ in all kinds of shades. A bush is formed up to 68 cm high and 37 cm wide.

large flowers

Tip top irma

The shoots reach a height of 82 cm. A distinctive feature is the color of the flower - pink petals are framed with a yellow border. Flowers are suitable for cutting and for decorating the site.


The plant forms a bush no more than 62 cm high. Branching is weak. The flowers are snow-white.


A narrow bush up to 72 cm high is formed. Inflorescences of yellow-beige color are distinguished by a rich honey aroma. The variety resists frost well.


The bush forms inflorescences in the form of a pyramid. The stem extends to 77 cm. Large bright pink flowers.

Velvet giant

The flower bush reaches 82 cm in height, 33 cm in diameter. Large flowers have an interesting red-purple color.

purple coloration

Cherry Improved

The variety is distinguished by a lush, dense flowering. Refers to tall species. The flowers are cherry pink.

The rose

A tall variety of snapdragon forms bushes that look like roses. Large flowers are colored pink.

Black prince

The undersized form of antirrinum. The flowers are large, maroon in color, collected in a brush. Dark greens, black shoot.


An early flowering, medium-sized snapdragon species. The shrub does not grow higher than 58 cm. The color of flowers can be white, pink, dark red.


The height of a strong stem is up to 42 cm. The bush is compact. The flowers are beautiful, light pink.

profuse flowering

Golden monarch

Medium-sized snapdragon with bright lemon yellow flowers. The height of the bush is 48 cm. During flowering, a lush cluster of inflorescences is formed.


The tall variety is grown for cutting. The flowers are bright, large, velvety, bright red.


A strong stem stretches up to 58 cm. The bush has a semi-spreading crown. The flowers are medium-sized, cherry-red.

Red Chiеf

The variety has medium flowering times, undersized growth type. The bushes are compact, up to 53 cm high. The flowers are velvety, dark red in color with a yellow core.

Crimson velvet

The height of the shoot is up to 46 cm. The flowers are velvety, large, deep red, collected in voluminous inflorescences.

different colors


The variety belongs to the dwarf group. The bush is spherical, does not exceed 22 cm in height. The flowers are snow-white in color with openwork edges.


The plant forms a bush no higher than 32 cm. It has a long flowering period.


The plant is undersized, spherical in shape. The flowers are small in size, of various shades.


Flowers of this variety belong to the dwarf group. The bush is compact. Flowers can be of various shades.

The hobbit

The snapdragon variety belongs to the dwarf group. The stem grows only up to 16 cm. Flowers can be of various colors.

dwarf inflorescence


A low-growing group of plants with an early flowering period that lasts for a long time. The color palette is varied.


The undersized flower is distinguished by double or semi-double purple inflorescences.

How to grow through seedlings

Plant seeds can be planted directly in open ground. The first shoots will appear after 2.5 weeks. But this planting method is suitable for regions with a warm climate. Therefore, it is preferable to grow the flower through seedlings.

plant seedlings

Seed and container preparation

Seed planting begins in March. Seed material and containers are prepared:

  • Small snapdragon seeds do not need to be treated with special preparations. You just need to select the seeds suitable for sowing using a saline solution.
  • If there are doubts about the quality of the material, then it is immersed for 17 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The diameter of the containers must be at least 10 cm; drainage holes must be made at the bottom.

Soil preparation

Coarse sand is laid out on the bottom of the container, then there is a layer of compost with sand. After that, the soil is moistened with warm water from a spray bottle.

How to sow

Before planting snapdragon seeds, mix them with sand. After that, the resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the wet soil. The planting is moistened again and covered with a film.

planting seeds

Temperature regime, illumination, humidity

The container with crops should be kept indoors at a temperature of +24 degrees. Every day the film is removed for a while for airing. At this time, you should transfer the container to a well-lit place. Air humidity should not exceed 70%. Under favorable conditions, the first shoots will hatch after 8 days.


The soil must be moist at all times, so you should check it daily. In this case, it is not necessary to allow stagnation of liquid in the soil, otherwise the risk of developing fungal diseases increases. Watering should be done in the morning. Water is used only warm, settled.


After the appearance of two true leaves, a pick is carried out into large containers.


Seedlings transplanted into separate containers should be grown on the lightest windowsill. Planting should be protected from direct sunlight and drafts.

flower capacity


As soon as the sprouts take root, a hardening procedure is carried out. For this purpose, a window is opened daily for ventilation. The first days, the hardening time should not exceed 2-3 minutes. The time is gradually increased.

As soon as the weather outside becomes positive, the seedlings are taken outside. It is important to protect the seedlings from drafts and direct sunlight.


After five leaves appear on the plant, pinching is carried out. Thanks to the procedure, the bushes branch better. If the side branches are strongly stretched, then it is also better to pinch them.

Landing in open ground

Seedlings are transplanted only when the weather is warm, and the threat of frost return becomes minimal.

ready-made pots

Sowing dates

Prepared seedlings begin to be planted in an open space in the last days of May. The nighttime drop in air temperature is not scary for snapdragons.

Seat selection

Choose a flower bed that is well lit by the sun. In this case, the site must be protected from through winds.

Soil requirements

The flower thrives in nutritious, loose soil with good aeration and neutral acidity. High acidity causes the development of many diseases.

How to plant

Holes are made in the selected area. A nutrient mixture of peat, sand and compost is spread on the bottom. The distance between the grooves depends on the variety:

  • Dwarf varieties should be planted with an interval of 16 cm.
  • An interval of 22 cm is left between low-growing plants.
  • For medium-sized ones, more space is required, so the distance between the holes is made at least 32 cm.
  • Tall bushes are planted at a distance of 48 cm from each other.

Before planting, the holes are thoroughly watered with water.

plant in the ground


Snapdragon belongs to unpretentious plants. Leaving is minimal and does not require much effort and time.


Watering the plants is required only during dry periods, when there has been no rain for a long time. Watering is carried out in the morning with settled warm water.

Loosening and weeding

After watering, remove weeds and loosen the soil. The less weeds around the bushes, the less the risk of pests and diseases. Thanks to loosening, air, heat and nutrients better penetrate to the underground part of the plant.

Garter to support

Tall varieties of antirrinum need a garter to support. The procedure will help protect the tall stem from damage in bad weather and strong winds.

plant grown


Withered buds must be cut on time. Thanks to this, the flowering will be abundant and lush. If the wilted flowers are not cut off, a box with seeds will form in their place, and the plant will spend all its energy on the development of fruits.

Withered flowers are pruned under the lower flower. After a while, a new arrow with buds will appear in this place.

Top dressing

Care also includes the introduction of nutrients. In this case, the flowering will be lush and abundant:

  • the first feeding with organic compounds and nitrophosphate is carried out after the rooting of the bush (12 days after planting);
  • during the appearance of buds, a liquid solution of superphosphate, urea and potassium sulfate is useful.

Conservation in winter

With the onset of cold weather, the bushes are cut off, leaving stems 7 cm high above the ground. From above they are covered with straw, dry foliage or sawdust with peat.

pruning for the winter

Diseases and pests

To protect the plant from diseases and pest attacks, timely preventive treatment should be carried out. In case of a problem, chemicals are used.

The following measures will help prevent the problem:

  • seeds should be disinfected and soaked in growth stimulants;
  • when planting bushes, the recommended distance should be observed;
  • do not allow the growth of weeds around the flower bed;
  • in a rainy summer, preventive treatment with antifungal drugs should be carried out.


The disease will be recognized by brown growths that appear on the back of the foliage plate. Affected leaves begin to dry, turn yellow and fall off.

The treatment with Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride, Topaz or Cineba solution will help to save the plant.

disease on flowers


The defeat occurs mainly in young, immature seedlings. In most cases, the reason is excessive soil moisture. The root part of the stem becomes thinner, darkens and dries up.

Sick bushes should be removed from the site, and the soil should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Root rot

The leaves become pale, dull in color. Gradually, the leaves turn yellow and wither. Damp soil and low acidity contribute to the spread of the disease.

Treatment is carried out with drugs such as Fitosporin, Alirin.

stem rot

Gray rot

The disease develops in wet weather. The affected plant becomes covered with gray mold or brown spots that rapidly increase in size.

First of all, it is necessary to remove diseased plants from the site, the remaining flowers are treated with Bordeaux liquid, "Cuproxat".


Fungal disease develops in rainy weather or with excessive watering in cold, acidic soils. Whitish or yellow-brown spots appear on the leaves, which gradually merge with each other. Over time, the leaves fall off, the plant loses its strength.

Treatment with such preparations as Bordeaux liquid, "Profit", "Hom", "Oxyhom", copper sulfate helps.


Fly larvae

Fly larvae are small, colorless worms up to 4.5 mm long. They live in the upper layers of the soil. They eat the root branches, as a result, the flower withers.

In the fight against larvae in the soil will help such insecticides as "Thunder", "Aktellik", "Karbofos", "Aktara".


A harmful insect, a scale insect, can affect plants. The body of the insect is rounded in color, brown in color. The pest feeds on plant sap. The leaves begin to turn yellow, deform, and sticky marks appear on them. The buds do not open and fall off.

In the fight against the scabbard, the following insecticides are used: "Inta-Vir", "Bankol", "Aktara".

Oviparous butterflies

Caterpillars of butterflies are very voracious, so you should get rid of adults in time. All types of scoops are a common pest. Butterflies lay eggs on weeds, from which caterpillars appear, which crawl onto flowers.

The following means are effective against scoops: "Decis", "Arrivo", "Bitoxibacillin". Helps infusion based on wormwood, wood ash.

oviparous butterflies

Downy mildew

It will be possible to recognize the disease by a whitish bloom on the upper half of the leaf plate. White or brown spores appear on the inner half of the leaf.

For treatment, drugs "Ridomil", copper oxychloride or "Previkur" are used.

After flowering

Snapdragon blooms until the first frost in the fall. After that, perennial plant bushes are cut and mulched.

dry inflorescence

Collection and storage of seeds

The seeds ripen in the fruit, which is a multi-seeded capsule. Collecting seeds is started immediately after they are fully ripe. Fully ripe specimens are black.

The collection of material is carried out as follows:

  • remove the upper part of the arrow, on which the seeds are not yet ripe;
  • put on a plastic bag on the remaining part of the peduncle and tie it just below the box;
  • then the peduncle is completely cut off;
  • after the seeds are fully ripe and fall out of the pods into the bag, they are transferred to a storage container.

The collected seeds should be stored in rolled paper or in cardboard boxes. In this case, the air will penetrate in sufficient quantity. The place should be cool and dry. If the right conditions are created, planting material can be stored for three years.

collection of seeds


Reproduction of snapdragons occurs by cuttings and seeds. In addition, the flower reproduces well by self-seeding.


Seeds are first sown in separate containers. The seedling method allows you to wait for flowering much earlier.


It is more difficult to propagate snapdragons by cuttings, so this method is rarely used. In autumn, the strongest stalk is selected and cut into separate sections 12 cm long. The cuttings are treated with growth stimulants, deepened into wet sand and cover the container with glass. The glass is periodically removed for ventilation.

After the foliage appears, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots. In the spring, when the weather is warm, the cuttings are transplanted to an open area.

cuttings of flowers

Medicinal properties and application in traditional medicine

The beneficial substances that make up the plant determine the beneficial medicinal properties for various diseases. Decoctions and infusions help to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, organs of vision, genitourinary system.

Use in landscape design

Snapdragon will become a real decoration of the garden plot:

  • Flowers are planted along the paths and curbs.
  • Flowers look good in combination with other types of plants (for example, with poppy, sage, phlox).
  • Looks beautiful in hanging flowerpots that will decorate a veranda, loggia or balcony.
  • Dwarf varieties of flowers look good on alpine slides.

The beautiful and bright bloom of the snapdragon is sure to attract the attention of others. The variety of species allows you to choose a suitable variety for single cultivation and in combination with other plants.

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