Why do you need to transplant lilies to another place and when is it better to do it

A feature of lilies is their growth. Every year the plantation is getting thicker and there is not enough space for flowers. Therefore, a lily transplant will have to be carried out at least not every year, but some varieties need to be changed every 3-4 years, others less often. This is how they regulate the growth of the stems, the size of the flower.

Why do you need a transplant and what will happen if you do not do it

Garden lilies are actively developing and blooming for the first 3 years after planting. Then the flowers begin to shrink. Thickened plantations do not allow young shoots to develop. The plant begins to age, wither.

A garden lily should be transplanted if it:

  • stopped growing;
  • covered with withered leaves, withers;
  • gets a fungal or bacterial infection;
  • has grown greatly.

For each plant species, the frequency of transplanting varies. It is enough for American hybrids to change their place in the garden once a decade. Tubular and Asian varieties require annual replanting. Their bulbs multiply faster.

When is it better to transplant lilies

In which month it is better to start a horticultural transplant depends on where it is cultivated. Where it is warm, you can start moving part of the daylily to another location in October. Previously, the procedure is carried out in gardens located in central Russia. The best adaptation of ornamental plants takes place when the buds have fallen 20-30 days ago.

lie on the ground

When to replant lilies in autumn

The choice of the best period for transplanting an ornamental culture is associated with the timing of its flowering. The autumn procedure is favorable for most species. The readiness of the bulbs is determined by the state of dormancy, the set of nutrients by them before wintering.

In September, the time comes to replant those plants that have faded in July-August. Late-flowering lilies must be dug up and transferred to a new location in October. In areas with an early onset of winter, it is better to postpone the procedure to spring. Otherwise, the beginning of a decrease in temperature will destroy the fragile lily bulbs.

If you choose the wrong time and the cooling of the soil in the garden has begun, then you need to take care of the covering material for the plantation of flowers.

tuber roots

Spring and summer lily transplant

Bulbs prepared for transplanting are left until spring if planting time is missed. It remains to save them correctly. The accumulation of nutrients in the bulbs is considered important.So that the planting material does not dry out and remains moist until spring, the bulbs are placed in a plastic bag, placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator or dipped into the cellar. For better preservation, lilies need air, so holes are made in the bag.

In the spring, after the soil warms up to 8-10 degrees Celsius, the plants are planted in a permanent place in the garden.

Lilies such as Snow White are best replanted after flowering in summer. During the dormant period, which occurs in July-August, the bulbs are prepared for planting. They are dug out, treated with "Fundazol" and placed in a hole with nutrient soil. In September, new rosettes will begin to form on the spines. But for this type of lily, it is enough to change the place in the garden every 5 years.

lily transplant

The Asian class of flowers is not afraid of transplanting with flower buds. They easily tolerate the procedure, quickly take root. In order for the plant to have enough strength to adapt to new conditions, the inflorescences are cut off. The next summer, the lily will delight with large buds.

Features of different regions of Russia

The peculiarity of lilies is that they can be cultivated in regions with any climate. But the timing of plant transplantation will vary. In the fall, you need to have time to land a month before the onset of cold weather. In Siberia, this period falls in September, a little later you can do garden work in a temperate climate.

In the spring, in the southern regions, you can engage in planting procedures as early as April, in the Moscow region - in early May, in the gardens beyond the Urals - after May 15. The main thing here is to have time so that the plant does not start to expel the arrow with the bud.

flowering shrub

How to properly transplant lilies

Before you start transplanting a decorative culture, you should prepare for the procedure. Determine where the lilies will be best. They tolerate well the neighborhood of other flowers, conifers.

A new place in the garden

Lilies bloom brightly where there is a lot of sun and little shade. Do not choose a place where the shadow of large trees falls on the site. But the direct rays of the sun are dangerous for the garden plant. Flowers are poorly tolerated by strong winds, drafts. Most often, they choose a place where there is a fence.

The soil in the new place for flowers should be nutritious, loose. The groundwater depth is preferably 2-2.5 meters to the surface. Do not plant in lowlands, otherwise the boggy area will lead to rotting of the bulbs.

The acidity of the soil for the daylily is needed at the level of neutral indicators.

yellow lily

Preparation of planting holes and flower beds

For 2 weeks, it is worthwhile to prepare the holes for the lily bulbs. Dig up the soil to a depth of 3-5 centimeters. They bring humus when the soil is poor, add superphosphate and potash fertilizers. It is better to sprinkle the mixture before digging the site.

For a place with high acidity, dolomite flour or hydrated lime must be added. It is forbidden to fertilize the flowerbed with fresh manure. This will cause fungal infections in the plants. The roots can be burned by organic matter if heat is generated from them.

create holes

Reproduction methods

The transplant is often combined with the reproduction of flowering plants. You can use for this purpose the babies that form on the bulbs. They are separated by planting them on separate beds.

In some types of culture, airy bulbs, bulbs are formed in the leaves. They are also excellent breeding stock in spring.

Outer white scales can be a productive way to increase the number of lilies. After digging up the bulbs, they are cleaned of the earth. Remove 6-8 flakes and plant them on a separate bed. In the fall, you can place the material in sphagnum moss, wet peat, placed in plastic bags. Store the seed in a warm place. When he gives the bulbs, they are transplanted. The plant will begin to bloom only after 2 years.

plant propagation

Cuttings are harvested after the lily has faded. Although they use shoots with buds. They are covered with soil and await rooting. As soon as the bulbs begin to form, they give them the opportunity to get stronger. In a month they are ready to plant.

Direct transplant process

After preliminary preparation of the site, choosing the method of transplanting, they dig out the faded lilies. A garden pitchfork is used for the procedure. They cannot damage the planting material. The stem is easily removed from the roots. Having cleared the sockets from the ground, they are washed, inspected for damage, rot. It is better to trim the roots, leaving 20-30 centimeters of their length.

It is necessary to disinfect the planting material in solutions of the drug "Maxim" or potassium permanganate with a concentration of 1%.

flower growth

Determine the immersion depth of the bulbs at 5-8 centimeters, depending on the size. Tall varieties are buried 10 centimeters. The gap is made between the pits 15-30 centimeters. Determine the gap from what kind of lily. Larger ones need more space, shorter ones - less.

Lay a layer of drainage or coarse sand on the bottom of the pit. Put in the center of the hole on the bulb and cover it with a layer of nutrient substrate. It is necessary that the earth is tightly packed between the roots. After transferring from one place to another, the plants are watered and the plantation is mulched with peat, sawdust or humus.

Lily care after transplant

After transplanting in the fall, conditions for a successful wintering are created for the plants. In addition to saturating the soil with moisture, the plants are fed with organic fertilizers, mineral fertilizers. Most of all you need before winter potassium and phosphorus. Therefore, it is watered with an ash solution.

pruning stems

In areas with cold winters, you need to pour a layer of fallen leaves, placing the boards on top. Can be covered with layers of non-woven fabric... Do not close early, otherwise the bulbs will begin to rot. Shelter planting daylily should be done when the temperature drops to 0 degrees.

In the spring, after removing the covering material, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied. They stimulate the growth of green mass. Phosphorus and potassium are needed before flowering. Water the daylily so that the earth is moistened evenly.

Transplanted lilies do not always bloom in the first year. With good care, their flowering will be mandatory and vibrant next summer.

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