Choosing a variety of indoor lilies, how to grow and care at home

When choosing a plant for home cultivation, men and women prefer beautiful flowers and rich greenery. All these characteristics can boast of a lily intended for indoor maintenance. The compact size does not in any way affect the desire to breed it at home.

Can a lily be grown in a pot at home?

The only answer is yes. This is confirmed by many varieties that were bred for indoor cultivation. The flower pleases with beauty, standing on the windowsill or being on the balcony and loggia.

Varieties suitable for indoor cultivation

A plant is classified according to the size of the flower and its shape:

  1. Bowl-shaped flowers, wide open. The Empress of China, the Gilded Lily and the Beautiful Lily are grown at home. The Great Commander is considered one of the best.
  2. Funnel-shaped petals forming a tube. The varieties of this group are characterized by a wide variety of colors. The petals range from pale yellow to bright orange.
  3. Bent petals. In comparison with other species, the group does not stand out for a large number of varieties. The most common representatives are the dwarf lily and L. citronella.

In the latter case, the pot has a small stem size. The flowers themselves reach 5 cm in diameter.

indoor flower

The nuances of growing at home

In order for the lily to bloom and delight the eye, it needs good care. In turn, this depends on many small points.

Choice of place and conditions of detention

It is recommended to keep the flower in a dark place until green shoots form. In this case, the air temperature should not be high. If the green mass appears above the ground, the pot is taken out to the windowsill or other suitable place. In summer, they provide access to fresh air masses.

Preparation of planting material

Light fertile soil mixed with sand is the best soil for a plant. Before placing the onion in the ground, it is hardened in the cold. A refrigerator door works well for this. If necessary, the material is soaked in potassium permanganate and dried.

lily by the window

Planting instructions

The bottom of the container is covered with drainage, covering it with a nutritious soil mixture. After installing the bulbs, the roots are straightened and covered with the same prepared soil from above.Half fill the pot, while part of the bulb should be visible. As soon as the domestic lilies rise above the container, the soil is filled up.

How to care for a house lily during the growing season

Proper care is the key to normal development. A person must monitor not only soil moisture, but also maintain an acceptable temperature in the room. In the fall, a houseplant needs increased lighting.

Lighting and temperature control

Lily prefers to receive light from the southwest or southeast. The houseplant loves diffused light. If there are no blinds on the windows, you can always place the container on a stand near the windowsill.

green leaves

In spring and summer, flower care is simple. The plant thrives on average room temperature. Able to survive hot days and a slight cold snap. Despite being hardened, frost can destroy it.

With the arrival of spring, lilies are transferred to the street. In this case, a balcony, a veranda and even a garden area are well suited. Fresh air masses are good for the plant. An alternative to taking a flower outside is to periodically open the windows.

Air humidity

Lily does not need high humidity. On hot days, water is sprayed around it. To remove dust and dirt from the leaves, they are wiped with a damp cloth, cotton pad or sponge.

black tv

Watering lilies

The flower grows and develops in moist soil. If the plant is not properly watered and the soil often dries up, the flowering period does not occur. Good drainage prevents stagnation of water, which also negatively affects lilies.

Standing water at room temperature is suitable for watering the plant. Watering is carried out as the top layer of the earth dries up.


Withered flowers are not left on the shoots, they must be cut off. The procedure is necessary for the plant. Pruning promotes new flowers and prevents the lily's nutrients from being wasted.


Saturation of the soil with nutrients has a positive effect on lilies. Fertilization starts from the moment the stem is formed. In this case, organic or mineral fertilizers will come in handy. Also, special mixtures are suitable, designed for lilies.

potted soil

They are fed three times a month until the buds appear. Then fertilization occurs only once every four weeks. To make the plant grow better, wood ash is poured into the pot.

How to transplant a room lily?

Children are separated from the large onion, since they need to be seated in new containers. Before planting, the bulb is examined, the rotten spots are cut off, and the cut points are covered with activated carbon. For disinfection, it is immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate. After that, she should dry on a paper towel.

The bulb is planted in new soil with fertilizers and nutrients. The transplant follows the same scheme that was used during planting. A separate container is taken for each onion.

transfer on the street

Lily diseases and pests

The flower is sick due to improper care. The main mistakes a person makes while watering a plant. As a result of oversaturation of the soil with water, the lilies are rotted. Red spots look unattractive and give off an unpleasant odor.

You can get rid of red spots of rot by trimming the damaged areas. Cutting points are processed with charcoal or activated carbon. After that, the intensity of watering is reduced. Otherwise, the bulb will deteriorate further.

The moisture content of the soil must match the temperature conditions of the room. Cold and frequent watering is a bad combination for a plant. If you do not pay attention to this problem, the flower will die.

parasite for a flower


In addition to diseases, people who grow lilies are faced with a number of pests. The flower is afraid of such parasites:

  • shield;
  • spider mite.

The shield has a rounded shape and the color of the calf is brown. It multiplies quickly, thanks to which it is able to destroy the plant. The parasite lives not only on the green mass, but also on the pot and in the upper soil layer.

Getting rid of the scabbard is not so easy. The insect often flies to neighboring plants, subjecting them to death. To destroy the scale insect, folk remedies and chemicals are used.

mite spider web

If the lily becomes sick as a result of insect parasitism, it is isolated from other plants.

The indoor flower is also threatened by a spider mite. An insect in the early stages of the development of the disease is difficult to notice. The parasite, like the scale insect, multiplies rapidly. Requires immediate human treatment.

How to provide lilies with a dormant period during the winter season?

Outdoor and indoor plants need rest. During the moment of "hibernation", they restore the strength spent at the time of growth and flowering. Temporary rest allows the lily to bloom again in the coming season.

home plant

The plant itself tells the person when to prepare him for the dormant period. The stem turns yellow, and the flowers wither and fall off. Over time, the stem dries up along with the leaves. This suggests that the lily no longer needs watering. The aerial part of the plant transfers all the accumulated substances to the bulb, and therefore dies off.

The "root" of the flower is dug up and placed in a polyethylene bag. The place where the bulb is kept should be cool. The bag is often filled with sawdust for better storage.

Some gardeners leave the bulb in the ground and change the soil to a new one in the spring.

The house lily is one of the most beloved plants. Often decorates window sills, balconies or loggias of residential premises and offices. The plant is popular for its large, rich flowers. The difference with the street counterpart lies in the size of the flower. But beauty depends on the departure of a person.

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