Description of Potentilla varieties Goldfinger, planting and care rules

Shrub cinquefoil Goldfinger is an ornamental plant that is often planted as a hedge. Gardeners are attracted by the large yellow flowers that adorn the site. Cinquefoil grows slowly, but at the same time it does not require serious efforts from the summer resident to care. The shrub perfectly tolerates temperature fluctuations and is suitable for mass planting.

What is Goldfinger Potentilla?

The Goldfinger cinquefoil has certain characteristics. This is a plant that can beautify the site, attract butterflies, it often acts as a hedge. Visually meets the following characteristics:

  1. A low-growth shrub that grows slowly, reaches a height of 1.5 meters.
  2. With a wide crown, decorative leaves, large yellow flowers.
  3. The root system of the shrub is poorly developed, the roots do not sink deeply into the soil, a maximum of 0.6-0.8 meters.

The plant has special requirements for the soil, but at the same time it is successfully cultivated in the northern regions of our country. Cinquefoil is resistant to frost, tolerates cold successfully, adapts to shady conditions, but at the same time “loves” the sun.

Cinquefoil is unique in that it blooms from late spring to early autumn, it will become a real decoration of the site.

But the bush does not tolerate drought, direct sunlight. When cultivated in hot climates requires abundant watering.

A feature of the culture is considered its slow growth - in a year it adds only a few centimeters in length, which confuses many summer residents. It seems that Potentilla does not grow, but it is not.

yellow shrub

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

If we talk about the benefits of a shrub, then there are many of them:

  • appearance - the plant is classified as decorative, which means that it will become a garden decoration;
  • large, beautiful flowers, bright yellow, which attract butterflies;
  • resistance to frost, temperature fluctuations;
  • unpretentious care;
  • good immunity, which means resistance to various diseases of a fungal and other nature.

If we talk about the dignity of culture, the main thing is the minimum amount of effort that will be required when cultivating a plant. Shrubs are planted in large quantities. They do not require frequent watering, they reproduce by cuttings or division.Cinquefoil is resistant to frost, so it is immediately planted in open ground, even if the seeds are stained.

flowering shrub

Disadvantages of culture and its features:

  1. The slow growth of Potentilla - should be attributed to the main problems in cultivation.
  2. The plant does not tolerate drought well - when grown in warm climates, it will have to be watered frequently.
  3. Stagnant moisture can destroy the shrub, so you will have to provide it with a drainage system.
  4. Despite the relatively good immunity, the shrubs need feeding.

The main disadvantage of Potentilla is its slow growth, which can be extremely difficult to accelerate. To reach a height of 30 centimeters, the shrub will have to "grow" for several years, literally half of its life.

Attention! Young representatives of culture require close attention to themselves, but over the years, the needs of Potentilla are reduced. You don't have to take care of the plant intensively.

Potentilla growth

The specifics of planting a bush

When planting shrubs in open ground, you will have to adhere to certain rules. This will help the plant to "survive" and adapt to the site.

Choosing a landing site

You can plant a plant in any convenient place. Let's consider several options and discuss their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. When a shrub is planted in the shade, it will miss the sun during the growing period, which will further slow down its development process. But over time, Potentilla adapts to such conditions.
  2. If you plant a shrub in a sunny place, then this will positively affect the process of its growth. But if the climate in the region is warm, arid, this can lead to certain problems. The plant does not tolerate drought well - the summer resident who planted it on the sunny side will often have to water the bushes so that they do not dry out.

To a greater extent, this is a northern plant than a southern one. For this reason, it is not cultivated in greenhouses, only in open ground, without fear that it will freeze or die under harsh climatic conditions.

landing place

Preparation of planting material

If you use seeds, then "pickle" them with potassium permanganate, it is better to use a weak solution. When you propagate cinquefoil by cuttings, it is better to plant a bush with a lump of earth, if this is not possible, then rinse the root system before planting.

How to plant shrub cinquefoil?

Planting is carried out in early spring, adhering to certain rules:

  1. A hole is dug on the site with a depth of 50-60 centimeters.
  2. They fill it with rubble or broken brick, about half.
  3. The plant is planted, sprinkling the root system with soil.
  4. You can add humus or mineral fertilizer to the hole.

It is noteworthy that the plant does not grow well on acidic soil, for this reason, before planting, it will be necessary to reduce the acidity of the soil, normalizing this indicator.

germination from seeds

You can plant seeds, but it is advisable to first germinate them in a pea or box. At the initial stage, the seedlings will need watering and feeding.

Reference: planting is carried out in early spring or late autumn.

Further care of the culture

In order for the shrub to grow and delight the summer resident with bright, large yellow flowers, provide the Potentilla with proper care. It will have to be watered, fed, and weeds removed in a timely manner.


Moisture stagnation can adversely affect the characteristics of the plant and lead to its death. Therefore, the Potentilla is watered abundantly only in the dry season.

On average, the bushes are watered 3-5 times per season. Watering plentiful, 1-1.5 buckets for each plant.

stagnant moisture


Weed plants are removed regularly, it is advisable to carry out similar procedures after watering. Then you have to start loosening the soil. Mulching will significantly reduce the amount of effort.

Top dressing

Mineral and organic fertilizers are used as top dressing.The first time the cinquefoil is fed at planting, the second - after 30 days. It will be possible to repeat the procedures when the shrub begins to bloom.

Most often they use humus, manure. On poor soils, abundant feeding is required.

organic fertilizing


The shrub is pruned in winter when severe frosts have passed. You can carry out similar procedures in September and April if you plan to give the plant a decorative look. Shoots are cut no more than 10 centimeters.

Preparing for winter

Since the cinquefoil is resistant to temperature fluctuations, you should not cover it with film. The shrub is not transferred to the greenhouse, do not create shelters for it.

cut the bush

Fight against diseases and pests of Potentilla

The plant rarely gets sick, but if the summer is humid, cold, then problems may arise in the form of fungal diseases. In this case, it is worth treating with a fungicide. Of the pests, scoops are more common; insecticides will help get rid of them.

Shrub propagation methods

Reproduction is carried out in several ways, using layering, cuttings, less often - seeds and the method of dividing the bush.

By division

It is carried out in spring, in autumn only in warm regions. It is recommended to act according to the following scheme:

  • the mature shrub is divided into 2 parts using a shovel or a small hatchet;
  • some of the roots are buried, sprinkling them with soil;
  • the separated part of Potentilla is transplanted into a pre-prepared hole with a formed drainage system, watered and fed.

shrub share


A complex method with many subtleties and nuances, we will describe it in more detail:

  1. Woody shoots are cut from the bush you like, so that 3-4 leaves remain on them.
  2. The procedures are carried out in the spring, before the cinquefoil begins to bloom, otherwise the shoots will be painful, weak.
  3. They are treated with a growth stimulant so that the shoots sooner root.
  4. Then they are planted in the ground, watered abundantly, and top dressing is used.
  5. On a sunny day, shoots are cut early in the morning; in cool weather, similar procedures can be carried out throughout the day.
  6. It is not worth storing cuttings, they are planted immediately, after a maximum of 2 days. Otherwise, the green leaves on the cuttings will die, like the plant itself.


Germinated according to the standard scheme, then planted in a box, kept for several months and in April they are planted in open ground.

seeds in a box


It's simple: to get a young plant, you have to act according to the following scheme:

  • a small incision is made on a young shoot - in the part that comes into contact with the soil;
  • the shoot is sprinkled with a small amount of earth, having previously dug a shallow hole;
  • press a branch with a stone or use a wire for this purpose;
  • after 10 days, the shoot will give roots, during this time it is watered, fertilizers are used;
  • it will be possible to separate the young plant from the parent plant next year, preferably in the spring.

The use of the variety in landscape design

In practice, the shrub is used for decorative purposes, it is planted as a hedge. Mass planting of Potentilla is permissible, but single plantings also look good on the site, due to abundant flowering.

Less often, flower beds are formed on which Potentilla is combined with other flowers and shrubs.

scenery on the site

Application in traditional medicine

Potentilla has unusual properties that allow it to be used as a medicinal plant:

  1. The bush leaves contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which means they increase immunity, stimulate the natural protective functions of the body.
  2. They have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.

For a long time in Siberia, a popular drink is made from the leaves of Potentilla. They are brewed dry or fresh. The drink is insisted in a thermos for 2-3 hours, then filtered and drunk like regular tea.

flower in medicine

In the northern regions, it is customary to chew the leaves of the plant, add cinquefoil to various salads, as a vitamin component. The broth tastes like the leaves themselves, has a pleasant taste with a hint of sourness.

Cinquefoil is a medium-sized shrub that grows slowly and does not need much maintenance. The plant is very unpretentious, it is resistant to frost and diseases. But, despite all the advantages, it needs watering, fertilizing and other measures aimed at caring for it. Choose a suitable place for Potentilla, water it, use fertilizers - as a result, a decorative bush with yellow, large flowers will grow on the site.

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