Rules for planting and caring for clarke, 15 best varieties and growing from seeds

The rules for planting and caring for a clarke flower are of interest to many gardeners. It is a very attractive crop with a long flowering period. In appearance, the plant resembles a bush, which is dotted with refined double flowers. They are like roses. Clarkies can be of many shades, which allows you to choose the right variety. Flowers are white, pink, orange. There are also red and lilac crops.

Description and features

Clarkia is an annual herb that grows up to 90 centimeters. Flowers differ in color. They can form racemose or spike inflorescences. The plant is characterized by branchy straight stems covered with short villi.

The leaves of the culture have an elongated or oval shape. They are bright green or have a bluish tint. On the stem, the leaves are arranged in turn. The bush is distinguished by simple or double flowers. They have the correct shape. The flowers are 3.5 centimeters in diameter. They have a tubular cup. To the base, the corolla tapers into a marigold.


The flower has different types. Each of them has certain features. This allows growers to choose the appropriate options.


This plant has very beautiful flowers. The height can be 25-65 centimeters. The flowers are 6 centimeters in diameter. They decorate the stems and look like a spike-like culture.


The culture reaches a maximum of 30 centimeters. It can have double or non-double inflorescences. The plant begins to bloom in May. Moreover, this process continues until frost.

grade Pretty


This plant has a thin and branched stem, which is highly durable. The culture reaches 90 centimeters in height. The leaves have a dense green tint. Inside there are reddish streaks and denticles along the edges. The plant has simple or double flowers that bloom in June. The culture fades at the end of September.

Popular varieties

There are many plant varieties that have certain characteristics. Thanks to this, each grower will be able to choose the best option.


This annual decorative culture blooms quite luxuriantly. In height, it reaches 75 centimeters. Terry flowers have a different color scheme. Clarkia is used for cutting. She decorates flower beds. In this case, single or group landings are used.

flower Fantasy


This spectacular plant has double flowers. They are white. The bush has a branched structure. In height, it reaches 0.75 meters.

Salmon Perfection

This is a fairly tall culture. In height, the bushes reach 80-100 centimeters. The plant is decorated with double inflorescences of a pale pink hue.


In height, the culture reaches 60-70 centimeters. It is characterized by double flowers of a delicate salmon shade.


In height, this bush reaches 50-60 centimeters. It is decorated with beautiful terry inflorescences. They have a rich orange hue.

terry inflorescences


The plant of this variety is a maximum of 60 centimeters in height. It is decorated with many flowers. They have a rich ruby ​​hue.


This culture reaches 80-90 centimeters. It is characterized by double flowers. They have a bright red tint.


The plant has dense and straight stems that reach 40-60 centimeters. The culture begins to bloom 2 months after planting. Flowers are arranged from bottom to top. Their shades can be different - from bright pink to crimson. The flowers are 3-4 centimeters in diameter. The flowering period lasts long enough.


This variety forms dense branches. It blooms magnificently. The bushes are 60-80 centimeters high. In July, the bush covers many flowers. Each of them is 4 centimeters long and has a red-pink color. Clarkia axillary flowers remain on the bushes almost until the end of September.

flowers Diamond


This plant variety began to be cultivated later than others. The variety is resistant to frost and does not need to be grown in seedlings. The stems of the culture branch well, which helps to form a compact bush.

There are small flowers in the upper part of the shoot. Their diameter is 3 centimeters. The flowers have pink petals, which are cut into several parts. The plant has a pleasant aroma. In height, it does not exceed 50 centimeters.

Mix of colors

The mixture of crop colors depends on the variety of the plant. Shades are different - purple, blue, red. There are also white and pink varieties.

Mix of colors


This mixture has an attractive appearance. The plant is decorated with flowers of different variants of a pink shade.


This variety is characterized by delicate flowers that appear in July. The plant has peach-colored terry inflorescences. They adorn a tall, branched stem. Culture is used to form group compositions. It also helps to create tall beautiful bouquets.

How to plant

To grow clarkia, it is important to plant the plant correctly and provide it with quality care.

Seat selection

Places with drafts are great for this plant. Culture normally perceives the action of direct rays of the sun and partial shade.

bright bloom

Soil requirements

The culture needs light and fertile soil. This ensures good development of the plant and helps it bloom better. Heavy clay types of soil are not suitable for the culture - it will develop much worse on such beds. Sour soil is completely contraindicated.


It is best to plant clarke in the beds in the last week of May. If the bushes have grown a lot, this can be done 7-10 days earlier. A slight decrease in temperature parameters will not harm the plant.

Landing scheme

First, it is worth adding peat, humus and sand to the soil. This should be done in poor soil conditions. Plants are recommended to be moved with an earthen clod into shallow holes.

Sprinkle the culture on top with soil so that the growth point is close enough to the surface.

With a strong deepening, the culture will not be able to bloom and will stop growing.

the seeds are white

Growing through seedlings

To grow clarkia, you can use the seedling method. For this, it is worth following certain recommendations.


Seeds should be planted in March or early April. This is done in shallow containers filled with loose earth. The planting material is shallow, therefore it is not recommended to bury it.

Preparation of planting material

In order for the seeds to hatch faster, it is recommended to properly prepare them. For this, the planting material is soaked in water or treated with special stimulating agents.

the seeds have sprung


First, the seeds should be mixed with sand, and then scattered over the soil surface, lightly pressing them to the ground. Then spray the soil with a spray bottle and cover with foil.

Temperature, illumination and humidity

The container with seeds should stand on a lighted windowsill. At the same time, direct rays of the sun should not fall on it. The sprouts will appear in 10-14 days. The optimal temperature regime is 20 degrees. Seed containers should be moistened when the soil dries.


Seedlings should be dived at an early age. Flower seedlings do not perceive the transplant well. When 2 leaves appear on them, it is better to transfer the sprouts to separate containers. It is best to use peat cups. Then they are buried in the soil.

dive flower


Before transplanting seedlings into open ground, it is worth hardening them. For this, the containers with the plant are taken out into fresh air for several hours.

Landing in open ground

Sprouts should be transplanted into open soil in small groups. It is important to keep a distance of 20-35 centimeters between them.

landing in the garden


After planting a culture, it should be provided with quality care. For this, it is recommended to water and feed the plant in a timely manner.


The amount of watering is affected by the frequency of precipitation. With constant precipitation and in cool weather, the plant does not require additional moisture at all. In the remaining time, the clarke is moderately moistened when the top layer of the soil dries. Excess moisture provokes rotting of the root system.

Loosening and weeding

It is recommended to loosen the soil after each watering. This will provide oxygen to the roots. To make the flowers comfortable, it is worth getting rid of wilted buds and dry leaves in time.

Removal of weeds and thinning of plantations is of no small importance. An interval of 20 centimeters should be maintained between plants.

work in the ground

Drainage system

It is recommended to install drainage on the garden bed. Broken brick or expanded clay is suitable for this purpose. Using a drainage layer will help prevent moisture stagnation.


When the main stem grows 12-15 centimeters, it should be pinched. This activates the formation of new shoots. This manipulation helps to form the bush correctly and helps to increase the flowers.

Top dressing

During flowering and bud formation, clarkia needs additional feeding. Mineral fertilizers should be used once every 2 weeks. They are worth buying from flower shops. Organic plant products are not used.

bud formation


It is recommended to install bushes tying supports immediately after planting. In the beginning, the plant has thin stems that can fall to the ground. If this happens, the bush may die. In addition, the lying flower does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Preparation for wintering

After flowering, the bushes should be cut off and the soil should be dug up.If seeds get into the ground, they can germinate next year. Clarkia does not need any maintenance in winter. If the seeds are sown in the fall, they will overwinter under the snow and begin to develop in the spring.

Diseases and pests

Clarkia can suffer from various diseases. Therefore, it is very important to identify and eliminate them in time.


In this case, the leaves are covered with red spots. They appear when a crop is planted in loamy soil. The cause of problems is a fungus that infects the plant with an excessive amount of nitrogen or stagnation of liquid in the soil. To cope with the problem, the culture is treated with Bordeaux liquid 2 times a week.

rust on clarke


Root rot may require fungicide treatment. It is also worth adjusting the amount of watering. The affected fragments should be cut off. If clarkia is significantly affected, it is removed and a new plant is grown..

Downy mildew

This disease is accompanied by the appearance of dark spots on the lower part of the leaves. As a result, they curl and crumble. Excessive soil moisture becomes the cause of problems. Fungicides and reducing the amount of watering will help to cope with them.


If a flower is damaged by this pest, it is recommended to treat the culture with insecticides. If this method does not give tangible results, the infected plant should be destroyed.



This pest infests clarke rather rarely. To cope with it, use insecticides. From folk remedies, an infusion of citrus or garlic is suitable.

Flower midge

These pests infect clarks that grow in waterlogged soil. Insecticides and garlic infusion will help to cope with them. Also citrus peels can be placed in the root zone.

Collection and storage of seeds

To collect seeds, wither flowers should be tied with gauze. This will help avoid self seeding. After 1 month, the seeds will fully ripen. At this point, they are allowed to be collected.

collect seeds

Application in landscape design

Clarkia complements group plantings well and looks spectacular on tracks. It is planted along the walls of buildings and fences. The plant serves as a real decoration for balconies and terraces.

Combinations with other plants

It is permissible to combine culture with other decorative flowers. Clarkia will blend well with peonies, roses, asters. It can also be planted with phlox. Quite good combinations are obtained with delphiniums, oleanders.

Clarkia is a beautiful flower that fits perfectly into various compositions. To grow a strong plant, you need to provide it with quality care. To do this, you should adhere to the basic recommendations of specialists.

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