30 species and varieties of calla lilies, planting and care in the open field, growing in the garden

Graceful calla lilies have long attracted the attention of gardeners, planting and caring for them in the open field require special attention. Callas are thermophilic flowers that bloom in early summer and bloom until autumn. They love frequent watering, potash dressings and do not tolerate frost. They reproduce more often by tubers, which are planted in spring, and dug out of the ground before the winter cold.

Features and description of the flower

Calla lilies are perennial herbaceous plants from the Aroid family. Wild forms prefer swampy soils, can grow half submerged in water, and are common throughout the world. Calla has several names: calla, marsh grass, serpentine. Mainly African varieties are cultivated. Callas are grown for cutting for bouquets and compositions, as an indoor flower, and are used in landscape (street) design.

All parts of the plant are poisonous when fresh. Calla lilies are an unpretentious, shade-tolerant plant. It can grow on sandy loam, loamy soils with acidic or neutral acidity.

The shoots of the plant are creeping or erect, with a height (depending on the variety) 25-150 centimeters. In some species, the rhizome is creeping, in others it has the shape of a tuber. Leaves are large, cordate, with a pointed tip, petiolate, basal, smooth, shiny. May be green, solid, or have white specks on the surface.

The flowers are arranged on long, bare petioles and consist of a yellowish cob and veil. The ear is inside, and outside it is surrounded by a funnel-shaped, bright and large bracts-veil, which is snow-white, yellow, scarlet, purple, pink, orange in color.

Calla or Zantedeschia

The ear itself is covered in tiny flowers. Calla lilies bloom in summer. Pollinated by insects. Fruits - small, pomegranate-colored berries with seeds inside, ripen a month after flowering (in late August or September). Calla lilies reproduce by seeds or tubers (by dividing the rhizome).

Plant classification

Calla lilies differ in height (from 25 to 155 centimeters), the structure of the root system (with rhizomes or tubers) and the color of the bracts.

By the type of garden flowers

Calla lilies vary in appearance and color of the veil surrounding the yellow ear. It should be remembered that in all varieties, without exception, the color of the bedspread turns green after pollination. The original color disappears.


Grown as indoor and garden culture. Originally from South Africa. It is a rhizome plant with a snow-white bracts and a yellow ear. The leaves are wide, heart-shaped, dense. The bedspread is funnel-shaped, expands at the top, and has a short-tubular shape at the base. Plant height sometimes reaches 155 centimeters. Used to create bouquets and landscape decoration. Popular varieties: Golden Goddess, Childsiana.

Calla Ethiopian


Plant with yellow inflorescences and large, smooth, heart-shaped leaves. Propagated by tubers. Calla lilies are 50 centimeters high. Leaves are wide, greenish with white dots. The bedspread is long, yellowish-green outside, yellow inside. Popular varieties: Selina, Black-eyed beauty.


Low culture (up to 50 centimeters in length) with pink flowers. Propagated by tubers. It has green leaves with white dots. Spends winter in hibernation. In the fall, drops all the leaves. Famous varieties: Bolero, Little Susie.

Rhizome (marsh)

A low plant (25 centimeters) growing in a swampy area. It has a thick, greenish, creeping rhizome located on the surface of the earth. Leaves are cordate, pointed at the top. The cylindrical ear is surrounded by a snow-white, flat, ovoid blanket on the inside. Used in landscaping to decorate artificial ponds.

Calla Rhizome

By color variety

According to the color of the bracts, calla lilies are divided into white and colored. Whites are descended from the Ethiopian variety. They are taller (up to 150 centimeters long), have a long rhizome, like moist soil, prefer to grow in partial shade.

The pink calla lilies of Remani and the golden yellow calla lilies of Elliott are considered the ancestors of flowering plants. The height of such flowers rarely exceeds 50 centimeters, they grow from a tuber. Plants are less demanding on soil moisture, but they need good lighting.


A rare variety of calla lilies with maroon or dark purple bracts. The plant grows up to 0.4-1 meters in height, has long, pointed, greenish mottled leaves. Propagated by tubers and seeds. Notable varieties: Black Crusader, Black Star, Captain Palermo.


Elegant flowers with rich red or slightly scarlet veil. Height - 0.4-1 meter. Leaves are heart-shaped, greenish, with white specks. Refers to tuberous plants. Popular varieties: Majestic Red, Red Sox, Sanglow.

Calla lilies are red


Beautiful flowers with a soft lemon or rich tangerine veil. Plant height - 0.5-1 meter. Leaves are heart-shaped, shiny, greenish, pointed. Propagated by seeds and tubers. Known Hybrids: Captain Amigo, Captain Cupid, Yellow Giant.


Graceful purple or lilac flowers wrapped in a narrow tube and extended upward. Leaves are pointed, arrow-shaped, green, speckled. Tuber culture. Known hybrids: Amethyst, Picasso, Ash Hayes.


Pink flowers hybridized from wild African species. The stem height is 30-90 centimeters. Leaves are oblong, green, growing from below. Propagated by seeds and tubers. Famous varieties: Zantedeschia white-spotted, Ethiopian, Zantedeschia Elliot, Remania and others.

Calla lilies pink


The plant is 0.4-0.9 meters high with a burgundy bedspread. Leaves are green, speckled, heart-shaped. Tuber culture. Popular varieties: Schwarzwalder, Majestic Red.


Snow-white flowers symbolizing purity. Plant height - 50-150 centimeters.It has long, greenish, cordate leaves. Famous varieties: Ethiopian childziana, Ethiopian Khazmanta, Hercules, Cameo.


Beautiful flowers with an orange veil. Height - 30-70 centimeters. Leaves are oblong, green, speckled. Tuber culture. Popular varieties: Mango, San Remo.


Flowers symbolizing tranquility and nobility. The bract bed has a light blue or deep blue color. Leaves are oblong, heart-shaped, greenish. Known varieties: Ice blue, Teal blue, Merlin blue.

Calla lilies Blue

The best varieties for planting

Calla lilies are divided into tuberous (Remani, Elliott) and rhizome (Ethiopian). Based on these varieties, a huge number of varieties have been bred. The varieties derived from the Ethiopian variety have white inflorescences and tall stems. Tuberous calla lilies (Remani, Elliott) gave rise to undersized, multi-colored varieties.


Exquisite dark purple, like wax, flowers. The height of the culture rarely exceeds 60 centimeters. Leaves are greenish with white lines. Bloom - from July to September.


The culture is 40-60 centimeters high. Has inflorescences of various shades. Leaves are vertical, spear-shaped. Blooms for one month. It reproduces more often by tubers.

The Snow Queen

This is a garden calla with snow-white, almost transparent, and greenish leaves along the edges. The flowers stand out effectively against the background of white foliage, the bracts of the calla lilies are of a deep pink hue.

calla snow queen


Delicate plant with creamy, slightly pinkish and yellowish flowers. Forms a lush rosette of wide, greenish leaves with a white speck. The height of the culture is no more than 65 centimeters.


A low plant with a lush rosette of green arrow-like leaves and bluish peduncles. It reproduces more often by tubers. Blooms from July to August.


A plant with a lush rosette of dark green, white speckled, wide leaves and peduncles with bright orange, slightly reddish flowers. The height of the culture is about 75 centimeters.


This variety has beautiful pink flowers. Leaves are wedge-shaped, greenish, growing from the base of the stem.

Calla Remani

Black star

Differs in an interesting maroon inflorescence. The leaves are narrow, like spears. Calla lilies are 60-70 centimeters high. Blooms all summer.

Captain Promis

A showy plant with deep purple flowers. It grows up to 55-65 centimeters. The leaves are large, dark green, with occasional light patches. Blooms throughout the summer.


A lush plant with pink flowers and greenish, oblong leaves. Reaches a height of 40-70 centimeters.

Gold medal

A beautiful, low plant with graceful rich yellow flowers. The leaves are oblong, arrow-shaped. Blooms from July to August.

Gold medal


Maroon, funnel-shaped flower with a long stem. The plant forms a lush rosette of large greenish, speckled leaves and several peduncles. Height - 50 centimeters.


A low plant with a lush rosette of large, dark green leaves with small light specks. Flowers are rich orange. Blooms from July to August.

Garnet Glow

A beautiful flower 60 centimeters high with a lush rosette of green, large, oblong leaves. In early June, inflorescences of a pale pink hue appear. Calla flowers for almost 3 months.


Exotic plant with delicate purple flowers. The leaves are oblong, dark green, resembling arrowheads. Blooms for 1.5 months, from July to September.

Conditions for the growth and flowering of a crop

Garden calla lilies grow only in the spring and summer, and in the fall, before winter, the tubers or rhizomes of the plant are dug out of the ground. This heat-loving culture can be pre-planted for seedlings, and transferred to a flower bed only at the end of May.In the same period, calla tubers are usually buried in open ground.


Callas need to be provided with good lighting, in the shade they will not grow and develop well. The plant easily tolerates partial shade. In the summer noon heat, the leaves need to be covered from the scorching sun. In a too sunny area, as well as in the shade, calla lilies may not bloom.


In spring and summer, the optimum temperature for calla lilies is 15-25 degrees Celsius. Plants are transferred to the flower bed only at the end of May, when the air warms up well and the threat of night frosts has passed.

Calla garden

Required soil composition

Calla lilies prefer fertilized, loose, slightly acidic or neutral soil. They react negatively to fresh manure. They can grow on loams previously diluted with peat and sand. For callas, garden, sod, leafy soil with the addition of sand and peat is suitable.


In summer, calla lilies need to be watered abundantly. In hot weather, it is advisable to spray the leaves with cold water (in the evening). Air humidity should be 60 percent or more. True, the plant does not tolerate too swampy soil.

Growing a plant in the garden

Callas are usually grown from tubers or by dividing rhizomes. Good quality planting material should look healthy, not lethargic or wrinkled.

Disembarkation dates

Tubers or rhizomes can be planted immediately in the flowerbed at the end of May. True, many gardeners prefer to pre-grow seedlings. In this case, the tubers (rhizomes) are planted in separate containers filled with soil in early April. The soil is irrigated with water from time to time. When the sprouts appear, they are provided with ten hours of daylight hours, a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and regular watering.

Growing calla lilies

According to plant variety

Tubers of colored calla lilies of various varieties are planted in a flower bed in mid or late May, when the air warms up to 15 degrees Celsius, and the threat of night frosts has passed. You can pre-germinate the tubers in containers with soil, and transfer the grown seedlings to the flower bed.

White Ethiopian calla lilies are propagated by dividing the rhizome. In April, they are planted in plastic cups with moistened soil. In early summer, the rhizomes, along with the sprouts, are transplanted into a flower bed.

Depending on the region of cultivation

For Siberia, it is advisable to pre-grow seedlings, and transfer them to a flower bed in the summer. At the beginning of April, the tubers should be planted in small containers, such as plastic cups. Each root must be planted in a separate pot. For planting, use a universal purchased soil for flowering plants.

Water the ground 2-3 times a week. Before transplanting to a flower bed, the seedlings are hardened. They take them outside for several hours every day. Calla lilies are transplanted by the transshipment method: together with an earthen lump, they are deepened into a previously dug hole.

Choosing planting material and landing site

The planting material must be domestic and correspond to the climatic characteristics of the region. The size of the tuber indicates the age of the plant. The larger it is, the older the culture. A large tuber planted in the ground is guaranteed to bloom and throw out several peduncles. Well-lit places are suitable for planting, however, Ethiopian calla lilies feel great in partial shade.

calla bulbs

Garden plot preparation

Before planting, the ground must be well dug, cleaned of weeds, and loosened. It is advisable to disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. A week before planting, the land can be fertilized with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. For 1 square meter of a flower bed, 35 grams of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are taken.

Planting tubers in open ground

Tubers are planted in holes dug in the ground, to a depth of 5-10 centimeters. Sprinkle on top with earth and irrigate with water. There should be a distance of 30 centimeters to the neighboring plant. It is undesirable to strongly compact the soil over the tuber or rhizome.

How to properly care for calla lilies

Garden calla lilies must be regularly looked after: watered and fertilized in a timely manner. Plants will bloom 4-6 weeks after planting. The pre-grown seedlings will flower in June. Garden calla lilies bloom all summer.

Regularity of watering

Callas are watered only in dry season, when it does not rain for a long time. Watering is carried out in 2-3 days. They constantly make sure that the soil does not dry out too much. They take soft, settled water, preferably rainwater. You can acidify it a little with vinegar or citric acid. Rhizome Ethiopian calla lilies prefer to grow in moist soil. Such plants can be planted in partial shade, on the shore of a reservoir.

watering callas


In hot weather, calla leaves can be irrigated with cold water. True, it is advisable to spray in the evening. Do not water the leaves in the midday heat.

What fertilizers to apply

At the very beginning of growth, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen additives. Before flowering, calla lilies are fed with potassium and phosphorus. You can use complex fertilizers for flowering plants (Good power). Callas are fed 2 times per season.

Loosening the soil

The land near the plants must be weeded regularly, removed weeds, and loosened. Be sure to break up the soil crust. You can bring earthworms to the flower bed. They help to loosen the soil and enrich it with nutrients.

Pruning calla lilies

To stimulate the formation of peduncles, it is necessary to constantly remove flowers that have already faded. After the calla lilies have completely finished flowering, they are occasionally watered, and in the fall all the greens are cut off and the roots are dug up.

How is calla transplant performed?

Store-bought adult calla lilies should be immediately transplanted into the flower bed. Pre-moisten the soil in the pot. A planting site is prepared on the flowerbed, corresponding to the size of the pot. Calla is carefully removed from the container and, together with an earthen lump, is transplanted to the garden bed. Then the earth is watered abundantly with water.

calla flowers

The main problems in growing

In the process of growing, gardeners can face a number of problems. Calla lilies do not bloom, turn yellow, dry out if you choose the wrong place for planting, do not fertilize the soil, rarely water the plants and do not pre-treat them with fungicides against possible fungal infections.

Why do leaves turn yellow and dry?

There are several reasons why calla lilies can turn yellow and dry leaves. For example, plants are planted in an area that is too sunny, and the leaves simply fade in the sun. Callas may not have enough moisture.

Leaves often turn yellow when there is a lack of nutrients in the soil (nitrogen). If the plant is infected with a fungal infection, it begins to hurt, and the leaves turn yellow and wither. Parasites can cause yellowing.

In order to save callas, they need to be watered regularly, complex fertilizers should be applied on time, and, as a prophylaxis against diseases, treated with a fungicide solution (Fitosporin).

Calla does not bloom

Many gardeners face this problem. Callas will not bloom if the soil is abundantly fertilized with organic matter or nitrogen supplements. In this case, greenery will begin to grow violently. Flowers may not appear if tubers or rhizomes are placed very deep in the ground. Callas need to be watered regularly, but it is not recommended to flood the flower bed with water. The area where calla lilies grow should be well lit by the sun. Sometimes flowering may never occur if the variety was selected incorrectly for a specific region.

Calla does not bloom

Flower diseases

Callas can get sick. Most often, plants suffer from fungal infections. The disease can be provoked by rainy, cool weather, lack of nutrients in the soil. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to spray the culture with a biological fungicide before flowering. When signs of a fungal infection appear, the plant and the soil are irrigated with a chemical fungicide. Diseased leaves are removed.


Fungal disease.Brown spots appear on the leaves of calla lilies. Subsequently, the plant turns yellow and withers.

Gray rot

Fungal infection. Grayish spots appear on the leaves and stems. Preventive spraying with the fungicide Fitosporin saves from the fungus.

Bacterial rot

Wet bacterial rot appears on corms, stems, and at the base of leaves. As a preventive measure, the bulbs are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting. Diseased plants are removed from the garden.

Bacterial rot

Root rot

Burgundy spots appear on the corm. The disease often develops in wet soil. Despite frequent watering, calla begins to fade.

What parasites are calla lilies

The beautiful flowers of calla lilies and their huge leaves are often attacked by insect pests. It is possible to prevent the appearance of insects if, before planting plants, the ground is thoroughly dug up, weeds are removed and, for prevention, sprayed with biological insecticides.

Calla leaves usually infect ticks, aphids. Wireworms and thrips feed on tubers. The caterpillars of the cabbage scoop eat huge holes in the leaves. If insects are found, calla lilies are sprayed with chemical insecticides (Commander, Iskra, Aktellik).

Reproduction methods

Calla lilies reproduce in different ways depending on the species. The most popular is tuber propagation. Ready-made planting material can be bought in the store, and at the beginning of summer, immediately planted on a flower bed.


Tubers are dug up in the fall, before frost. They are cleaned of earth, washed with cold water and dried. Children are separated from the maternal tuber. Small and adult tubers are wrapped in paper and stored until spring at a temperature of 5-10 degrees Celsius. The next season, they are planted separately in a flower bed or in April they are planted in pots for seedlings. Healthy tubers should have a firm texture. They will bloom in the year of planting.

calla tubers

Dividing the bush

Ethiopian calla lilies do not have tubers. It has a long rhizome. For reproduction, you need to dig up an adult bush, break off young root shoots from the edge of the rhizome and place each in a separate pot with soil. The procedure is carried out in the fall. Throughout the winter, the roots are stored in a cool dark room, in a pot with soil, at a temperature of 5-10 degrees Celsius. In the spring, containers with rhizomes are brought into a warm room and watered. Soon the roots will sprout. The grown seedlings at the beginning of summer can be planted in a flower bed.


Seeds purchased in spring should be placed in water with a growth stimulator for swelling for 5-8 hours, and then wrapped in a damp cloth for germination. The rag must be constantly moistened, and after 5 days the seeds will germinate. Sprouted seeds are sown in boxes in well-moistened soil. Seedlings appear soon. Seedlings are kept in a warm room until May. Closer to summer, plants are planted in a flower bed.

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