Description of marsh hibiscus, planting and care in the open field

Growing flowers to the liking of many summer residents. It is very difficult to choose from the variety presented by manufacturers. Before you plant something, you need to read the description and characteristics. Swamp hibiscus is an unpretentious plant. With proper care, it will delight with its abundant flowering for a long time.

Description and characteristics of marsh hibiscus

There are about 300 known hibiscus flowers. The variety fell in love with flower growers. The reason is that it is grown at home, in greenhouses and outdoors in the garden. When favorable conditions are created, marsh hibiscus reveals large-sized flowers that delight the eye all year round.


  • 3 m height in nature;
  • excellent root development;
  • heart-shaped leaf;
  • flowering from early spring to autumn;
  • shades of red, lilac, violet;
  • one flower is in an open state for 1 day, after which it falls off;
  • diameter 15 cm;
  • after the flower falls, a box with seeds is formed.

Having planted a marsh hibiscus, the summer resident understands that the culture is unpretentious, and if all requirements are met, he will delight him with beautiful flowers.

white stripes


There are two ways:

  • grafting;
  • seeds.

First way:

  1. Cut off the branches and place them in wet sand or water.
  2. They are waiting for the roots to appear.
  3. After they are seated in separate containers, pots or in a permanent place.
  4. They are transplanted into open ground in June.

Second way:

  1. Planting material is soaked for 12 hours in a growth stimulator.
  2. Then sow into the prepared mixture.
  3. Cover with polyethylene and put away in a warm, dark place.
  4. After emergence, they are placed on a sunny windowsill and grown until the third leaf is formed.
  5. After the seedlings are planted separately.

large flowers

Landing rules

It is necessary to properly plant the hibiscus, then it will bloom and grow profusely. Following the recommendations will help you get a strong plant.

Seed preparation

Proper cultivation begins with the preparation of the planting material. For this, the seeds are soaked in a stimulant. After 12 hours in the solution, dry it.

Sowing seedlings

A nutritious soil mixture is prepared, disinfected by watering a solution of potassium permanganate. The composition is as follows:

  • 4 parts of sod land;
  • 3 pieces of leafy land;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part river sand.

marsh hibiscus

A drainage layer is formed at the bottom. Broken brick, expanded clay or other similar material is used.

Then grooves are made and seeds are planted in them.They are spread over the surface and pressed a little. No need to sprinkle.

The sprouts that appear are carefully watered with water, preventing the plants from drying out. Swamp hibiscus loves moisture very much. Plants are adapted to slight waterlogging of the soil. The soil must be periodically loosened, the root system needs air.

Choosing a landing site

As the name of the subspecies suggests, marsh hibiscus loves a lot of moisture. Planted in a swampy area. If there is no such place, then they land near water bodies. There should be no strong shading, as the plants need sunlight.

grows in the sun

Transplanting seedlings to a permanent place

In summer, the flower is planted in the open field. For this, grown seedlings are planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Humus or complex fertilizers are poured at the bottom of the hole.

Features of care for marsh hibiscus

It is not enough just to plant plants in the ground, you need to take care of it. The flowering duration, abundance and size of flowers depend on how correctly this is done.

Temperature and lighting

The optimum temperature for plant growth and flowering is + 20-24 ⁰С. In winter, when grown indoors or in greenhouses, the temperature is set to +17 ⁰С. It should not fall below + 15 ° C, in which case the hibiscus will begin to throw off the ovary and leaves.

garden flower

Plants require diffused light, as direct sunlight can cause burns. There is sufficient lighting in summer, supplementary lighting is organized in winter.

If there is not enough light, marsh hibiscus stops flowering.

Watering, mulching and feeding

Swamp hibiscus needs water for proper growth and abundant flowering. Therefore, you need to make sure that the flowers do not dry out. The lack of moisture affects the plants. It sheds buds and foliage.

Mulching will help retain moisture in the soil by using plant residues, sawdust and other available material.

Fertilizers help plants to form flower buds. With a lack of nutrients in the soil, plants stop growing and form ovaries.

correct growth

It is recommended to water the plants with nitrogen fertilizers in summer. In winter, hibiscus needs potassium and phosphorus. If fertilizers are applied in a timely manner, the plants will not hurt.

Bush formation and transplant

Bush pruning is recommended in order to stimulate the plants for additional shoot growth. This is good because the flowers are formed precisely at the ends of the branches.

Marsh hibiscus is formed at any time. Rest is recommended after pruning. Place in a dark place, slightly limit watering if grown in pots.

Positively responds to pinching. In early spring, the crown and ends of young shoots are removed. This stimulates the growth of additional shoots.

big pistil

Those branches that extend beyond the crown are shortened. A beautiful, even and neat plant is formed.

It is advisable to delete the entire branch if it:

  • dried out;
  • is a root shoot;
  • sick or deformed;
  • grows inside the crown;
  • grows parallel to the bush.

When carrying out the formation, it is necessary to take into account one feature of hibiscus. 3-4 branches are removed at a time, no more.

Adult flowers are transplanted every 2-3 years. It is advisable to replant the young every year. At the same time, they try not to disturb the roots of the hibiscus. It is transplanted along with a large clod of earth. Then sprinkle with a nutrient mixture of soil and watered with water.

box of matches

In an adult bush, they try to renew the top layer of the earth annually.


Swamp hibiscus is famous for its thermophilicity. But despite this, it perfectly tolerates the winter. It is enough for a flower that the root system is covered with snow.But flower growers, in order to protect it, cover it with a thick layer of mulch for the winter. This protects from freezing and protects from the cold.

To preserve the variety, summer residents prefer to grow in containers. Then, for the winter, the flowers are removed to warm rooms until spring. If the plant was grown in the ground, it is carefully dug out with a lump of earth and moved into a tub. It is also stored in a warm room.

Young bushes need careful care and high-quality preparation for winter. The older the flower, the less attention the culture needs to winter.

green bush

Diseases and pests: control methods

Hibiscus has high immunity, it is enough to fulfill the requirements of agricultural technology, and the plant will not get sick. A common problem is soil oversaturation with nitrogen. It stimulates the growth of green mass, while there are practically no flowers.

Salty soil is characterized by leaf fall from below. Plants respond poorly to draft, soil depletion, drought and waterlogging.

salty soil

If pests or diseases are observed on the bushes nearby, then the hibiscus can get sick. For prevention, flower growers are advised to strictly follow all the requirements of agricultural technology. In the spring, plants are treated with chemicals. They are used only if there are no fruit or berry crops nearby.

If the hibiscus does not bloom for a long time, the reason may be that too much fertilizer is applied. It is advisable to reduce the amount of dressings. Rot develops in a damp room. It is recommended to lower the humidity and provide sunlight.

A spider mite or scale insect can harm plants. To eliminate them, the bush is sprayed with soapy water and alcohol.

weaving a web

Application of plants

The planting of marsh hibiscus is practiced as garden decorations. If you plant plants in containers, they decorate the yard, install them near buildings. In Russia and Ukraine, all plant parts are used for cosmetic and health purposes. Leaves and flowers are used to make tea useful for the human body.

Swamp hibiscus is unpretentious in care. If you follow the requirements of agricultural technology, the summer resident will receive a beautiful and useful plant for the home and garden. A variety of shades of colors will help create beautiful compositions.

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