Description and characteristics of species of perennial flowers for the Urals, planting and care

In the difficult climate of the Urals, special attention is paid to the choice of perennial flowers for the garden. They must withstand low winter temperatures, recurrent frosts and thaws. Also, the flowering period for such crops should not be longer than September. Among the perennial representatives, there are varieties that are ideal for decorating a personal plot in the Urals.

The best varieties for the region

When choosing crops that bloom all summer, several criteria are taken into account:

  • Adaptation to the climatic conditions of the region.
  • Requirements for soil quality.
  • The need for frequent grooming.
  • Harmonious combination in height and color shades.

Stunted flowers

Low-growing perennials are usually used in the design of borders, planted in the foreground of compositions. The most prominent representatives of this group include the following plants:

  • Armeria seaside. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and endurance, even the harsh winters of this region are not terrible for the plant. Due to its compact size (height about 20 cm), the seaside armeria found application in the design of alpine slides and curbs. Flowers also look beautiful when you need to create low living fences or delimit zones inside the garden area.
  • Phlox. A representative of perennial plants that delights with color throughout the summer. The maximum height of phlox does not exceed 30 cm, and the incredible aroma spreads far beyond the site. Thanks to a wide range of color shades, gardeners create harmonious compositions to decorate the territory.
  • Pansies. Delicate inflorescences have a varied color, which makes it easier for the gardener to create an original composition on the site. Pansies are considered one of the most undemanding perennials and grow quietly in one place for up to 10 years. A nice bonus - flowering lasts all summer.
  • Periwinkle. Blue and pale pink inflorescences of this culture traditionally decorate the site of Russian gardeners. Periwinkle practically creeps along the ground, which allows you to create a lush and colorful carpet out of it. The first flowers on the plant are formed in the first days of summer, and the last ones fade in early autumn.
  • Gentian. Differs in increased frost resistance and blooms from early July to the last days of August. At this time, the bushes are covered with blue bells. The gentian is ideal for decorating an alpine slide.


Medium-sized perennials

If you combine medium-sized and low-growing varieties of flowers on one flower bed, it will become more lush and voluminous. Among flowers with an average height are popular:

  • Mountain cornflower. Bright blue flowers adorn this unpretentious perennial almost all summer. In height, it does not stretch more than 60 cm. It becomes a harmonious part of any garden composition and does not need fertile soils and frequent irrigation.
  • Lily. Elegance and beauty, and at the same time, unpretentiousness - this is what gardeners are sure to choose a lily for in a composition on their site. Both an open sunny area and a light partial shade are suitable for growing them.
  • Irises. Bright and incredibly fragrant flowers will delight the eye on the site throughout the summer, if you choose varieties with different flowering periods. They are used both singly and in compositions with other cultures.
  • Garden chamomile. Niyavnik does not grow higher than 60 cm, its inflorescences-baskets are collected in shields. The snow-white petals and bright yellow core look fresh and attractive. The plant does not require special care and develops even on not very fertile lands.
  • Yarrow. This is not only an excellent decorative decoration of the site, but also a first-aid kit of home medicine at hand. It does not need frequent moistening and replanting, and the variety of varieties with different flowering periods allows you to admire the beauty of the plant throughout the summer.

Yarrow. flower

Tall perennial flowers

In the background of the garden compositions, tall flowers look impressive, which give the flower bed completeness and harmony.

Of the tall flowers for the Urals, the following are suitable:

  • Echinacea. Another representative of medicinal plants, which is used not only to decorate the territory, but also to brew immunostimulating drinks. The brown core looks like a bright accent against the background of delicate lilac petals. Gardeners have the opportunity to admire the flowering of echinacea throughout the summer.
  • Astilba. It belongs to one of the tallest, stretches up to 150 cm. Suitable only for large flower beds, and then only for background decoration. She does not have any special requirements for leaving.
  • Delphinium. Bright flowers, growing in the form of tall candles, allow you to create colorful and effective compositions. To prolong the pleasure of contemplating beautiful plants, varieties with different flowering periods are purchased.
  • Rudbeckia. A flower that looks like a sunny bright chamomile becomes the main decoration of the site. It does not need fertile soil and frequent moistening.

beautiful flowers

Curly representatives

Climbing plants are used to decorate fences, vertical structures. Among the most popular and unpretentious are such representatives:

  • Campsis. Lianas are characterized by a fast growth rate and profuse flowering, which pleases the eye throughout the summer. The main decoration of the plant is its unusual shape flowers.
  • Basil. During the period when this culture blooms, it seems that the whole garden is soaring in the clouds. A suitable place for its placement is partial shade, but if necessary, it can grow in the sun or in the shade. White, cream, green, lilac flowers adorn strong stems two meters high. The only drawback of the basil is that it does not tolerate close proximity to other plants.
  • Clematis. Even for the difficult climate of the Urals, breeders have bred suitable varieties of this vine. It not only decorates unsightly buildings and fences, but also purifies the air from toxins due to the presence of essential oils and tannins in the leaves.

beautiful flowers

The specifics of growing perennial flowers in the Urals

After the summer resident decides on the choice of flowers for his garden, they start planting plants.In the description of each species, there are recommendations for placement, soil requirements and timing of sowing seeds. For each perennial flower, these parameters are different.

The main condition for the start of sowing work is the absence of the threat of recurrent frosts. The soil is pre-fed and the roots of weeds are selected from it.

General care rules

The list of agrotechnical measures for caring for garden flowers includes standard procedures: watering, weeding and loosening, fertilization. Tall species are recommended to be tied to supports so that they are not broken by gusts of wind. For the winter, the plants are cut to ground level and insulated. In the spring, when the weather is warm, it is removed so that the flowers do not spoil.

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