Description of varieties of ever-flowering begonias, planting and care in the open field

In their natural habitat, ever flowering begonias are found in the tropical forests of South America. Thanks to the many years of work of scientists and breeders, hybrid plant varieties have been created, which are grown with great success in any climatic zone. Begonia is an unpretentious flower. Therefore, it successfully grows both in the open ground of personal plots, and at home.

Varieties and varieties of culture

Varieties of ever-flowering begonias differ in plant height, leaf color, size and color of inflorescences.


The largest representatives of the culture are tall varieties of begonias from 25 to 45 cm:

  1. Terry begonia of the Elatior variety is distinguished by tall bushes and lush, large flowers.
  2. The Volumia variety is resistant to hot climates and drought. A plant with bright green foliage and large flowers of various shades.
  3. Lotto varieties are one of the tallest representatives of the culture. Its bushes grow up to 40-45 cm. The leaves are waxy, green. Inflorescences are large, opened flower 4-5 cm in diameter.
  4. The Stara variety is densely covered with dark green leaves. Inflorescences are small, but frequent. During the flowering period, the plant is completely covered with medium-sized flowers.
  5. Begonia "Party" grows up to 30 cm. Leaves are waxy, green or brown. Inflorescences are large, frequent. This type of plant comes with red, pink or white flowers.

begonia variety


Medium-sized plants from 20 to 25 cm look great in garden beds and are used in complex floristic compositions:

  1. Begonia Ambassador is unpretentious to climatic conditions. Leaves are waxy, green with reddish or white edging. A wide range of colors of a flowering plant.
  2. Vision variety with dark green leaves and large flowers of various shades.
  3. Senator is an unusual strain. Against the background of bronze foliage, bright shades of flowers look especially elegant.
  4. Bada Bing has green leaves with a thin white border. The hybrid is available in several shades.

beautiful ever-flowering begonia


The most compact representatives of the culture are dwarf begonias. Plant sizes from 5 to 20 cm, great for flower beds and garden arrangements:

  1. Cocktail variety. Due to its compact size, red foliage with a brown tint and abundant flowering, the plant is in demand by gardeners and florists.
  2. Ray - resistant to weather conditions and temperature extremes. Miniature bushes are covered with green foliage and white flowers with a thin pink border.
  3. The Queen variety is distinguished by double flowers of different shades.
  4. Begonia Eureka. The leaves are green with a bronze tint, the flowers are large.

Important! When planting flowers in open ground, one must not forget that the plant is of tropical origin, so it needs special conditions for growth and flowering.

dwarf variety

Breeding features

To make more beautiful flowers, they are multiplied. There are several ways to increase the flowering begonia population in your garden or home.


Propagation of a hybrid plant by seeds requires certain knowledge:

  1. The seed material of begonia is similar to small grains of sand, so it is difficult to work with it. When sowing, the seeds are mixed with sand, this makes it possible to evenly distribute them in the soil.
  2. The prepared soil is watered before planting the seeds; after planting, watering is not performed.
  3. Boxes or pots with planted flowers are covered with foil or glass.
  4. After the appearance of the first 2-3 leaves, the seedlings are planted in different pots.
  5. For germination of seeds, a comfortable temperature regime is created from +22 to +24 degrees.
  6. If the soil dries up, then it is sprayed with a fine spray bottle.

Important! Hybrid flower varieties, when propagated by seed, may lose the characteristics of the mother plant.

sotr begonias


Propagating the culture by cuttings, they get strong, viable seedlings.

In early spring, the upper branches are cut from adult flowers, they are cuttings. Next, the cuttings are placed in water and covered with foil. After the appearance of the first roots, the plant is planted in light soil, and with the onset of warm days, it is sent to open ground.

ever-flowering begonia

Caring for ever flowering begonia at home

Ever-flowering begonia is often grown at home. This houseplant is suitable for decorating the interior of a house or apartment, winter garden, balcony or loggia.

Selection of tubers for planting

The most beautiful flowers grow from tubers. When buying planting material, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. The tubers are not overdried.
  2. Strong seed is selected with a diameter of 5 to 6 cm.
  3. Each tuber has a small sprout.
  4. If there are no buds on the tuber, then it must be kept in the sun for several days.
  5. Tubers without obvious damage or defects. If incomprehensible symptoms are found, the tubers are treated with a manganese solution.
  6. When planting, large tubers are divided into several parts. Each part must have an active kidney.

The planted tubers germinate in a warm, bright room.

growing begonias

Location and lighting

Ever-flowering begonia is an unpretentious culture and takes root in any soil. But for the correct growth and development of the flower, it is still recommended to purchase a special soil mixture for growing begonias.

The plant, although it has tropical roots, is negative towards direct sunlight. But for active flowering, it needs good lighting. Also, flowers do not like to change their place of residence. Having decided to grow this crop at home, you need to clearly define the place where it will constantly be. Windows facing the west or east side are suitable for the growth and flowering of begonias.

lush begonia

Temperature regime

Growing a plant at home, the florist counts on year-round begonia bloom.And so that the flowering period of the flower does not end, compliance with the temperature regime is necessary. The plant grows and develops comfortably at temperatures from +18 to +24 degrees.

For flower growth, high humidity is required. And the required percentage of humidity is maintained by installing additional sources of moisture or purchasing an air humidifier.

Spraying frequency

Moisture is needed not only for the roots, but also for the leaves of flowers. But with frequent spraying, spots appear on the leaves, which negatively affects their decorative properties. Therefore, they spray the room where the plant is located.


Insufficient moisture also affects flowering. Water the flower as needed, as soon as the topsoil dries up. If, after watering, water accumulates in the trays, then it is urgently removed in order to prevent root rot. On hot and dry days, the flower needs to be watered additionally.

Important! Water the flowers with settled and warm water.

watering flowers

Top dressing and pruning

A constantly flowering plant requires additional feeding. With the beginning of the growing season, flowers are fed with fertilizers, which include phosphorus and potassium. Further, with special feeding for flowering plants. To make the plant look lush and beautiful, excess layers are cut from it.

As soon as the flower begins to actively grow up, the shoots are cut off, and with the help of special clips, their growth is stopped.

Diseases and pests: methods of control and prevention

Even at home, the flower is susceptible to pests and diseases. If begonia is sick with powdery mildew, this is the first sign of improper watering. The plant is treated with preparations of the fungicide group. When the roots and stems decay, the damaged areas are removed, and the plant, after pretreating with special preparations, is transplanted into fresh soil. Also, the flower is defeated by aphids, spider mites and nematodes. In this case, begonia is treated with insecticide preparations.

begonia disease

Important! Chemical treatment of plants is carried out outside living quarters.

Most diseases and pests are the result of improper care of the tropical beauty. Therefore, try not to violate the rules of watering and moisturizing, and then the plant will have no chance of getting sick.

Begonia in landscape design

Landscape designers love begonias for their decorative properties. Flowers are used for flower beds, decorating alpine slides, gazebos and garden paths. Small islands of blooming begonias on a green lawn will add bright colors to the backyard and improve the mood of the owners.

blooming begonia in a flower bed

How to plant and grow a plant in the garden

Ever-flowering begonia will quickly take root in the open ground of the personal plot, if no gross mistakes and violations were made during planting.

Cooking tubers and a planting pit

Tubers for planting are selected large, without visible damage. It is best to purchase planting materials in specialized nurseries or garden centers.

A kidney must be present on the tuber. In the absence of an active bud, the tubers are laid out in sunlight and left for several days. As soon as a small sprout has appeared, the tuber can be planted in the ground. Before planting, begonia tubers are kept in a solution of manganese or fungicide for 30-40 minutes.

Begonia is not a finicky flower, but the soil must be thoroughly loosened before planting. If the soil has a high acid content, then add lime. Flower planting holes are dug out based on the size of the plant. If the begonia is tall, then the distance between the pits is at least 30 cm, for medium bushes 20 cm, and dwarf flowers are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm.

begonia in a flower bed

Terms and technology of planting in open ground

Planting starts depending on the climatic conditions of the region. You can plant tubers in open ground after the end of the night frosts. Seedlings are planted in late spring or early summer season.

The landing site is shaded, but not shady. The plant needs a lot of sunlight, but begonia does not tolerate direct exposure to rays.

We organize the right care

Ever-flowering begonia is a complex hybrid variety bred by crossing many species of this crop. But at the genetic level, the flower belongs to the tropical species, so it should be carefully looked after.

beautiful decoration with begonia

Irrigation and soil moisture

Begonia is an ever-flowering moisture-loving flower. Therefore, the irrigation regime must be observed. Flowers are watered in the morning, once every 2-3 days. Warm, settled water is poured under the plant itself, avoiding contact with the leaves. On hot and hot days, begonia requires extra moisture.

Soil loosening

To supply oxygen to the root system, the soil is loosened if necessary. Usually, such work is carried out in conjunction with watering and feeding the plant.

feeding begonias

Important! The roots of the flower are close to the soil surface, so loosening and removing weeds should be done carefully.

Transplant and shaping

To get a lush plant that will decorate your personal plot or garden, it should be pruned. As soon as the begonia grows to 15-20 cm, the upper branches of the flower are pinned, then the lateral branches develop actively and the begonia takes on a beautiful shape.

The flower does not require frequent transplants. Usually, young seedlings are transplanted into open ground in the spring, and back into pots or boxes in the fall.

Preparing a flower for wintering

Begonia requires special preparation for wintering. Plants grown at home are simply transferred to houses and apartments for the winter, where they continue to develop and bloom. But flowers planted in open ground are unlikely to survive cold winters. Therefore, begonia tubers are dug up after the first frost and sent to winter in a cool place, having previously dug them in with peat and moistened. Also, the plant can be preserved by simply transplanting it into a pot in the fall, and removing it into a warm living room.

We protect against parasites and diseases

With proper care, ever-flowering begonia is not exposed to various diseases and pests. Therefore, for prevention, it is enough to fully provide care for the plant, and the begonia will grow healthy and strong.

The main condition for care is the correct and timely watering of the plant. It is because of a lack or excess of moisture that the flower gets sick. But if the plant is sick or attacked by pests, then standard measures are taken to prevent further infestation of neighboring flowers.

blooming begonia

What problems can you face

Growing beautiful flowers, gardeners and florists sometimes face problems, on the solution of which the health and decorative properties of begonias depend.

When growing a flower in the house

Sometimes indoor begonia does not form buds, and therefore does not bloom. But why the plant does not bloom, we wake up to figure it out:

  1. The flower pot stands in direct sunlight.
  2. Insufficient watering.
  3. There was no feeding of begonias.
  4. The size of the pot or box does not fit the flower.
  5. The plant is sick or attacked by pests.

Important! To return a plant to the flowering phase, you need to know exactly the reason for its absence, and only then start work.

In an open area

In the open field, flowers are exposed to the external environment, which can have a negative impact on their development and decorative characteristics:

  1. Gray rot. Dark spots appear on the leaves of the flower, and later a gray bloom.
  2. Low air humidity.
  3. Lack of lighting.
  4. Incorrectly selected neighbors. Begonia will not bloom if an oak or willow grows nearby.
  5. Excess moisture.
  6. Pests and fungal diseases.

Ever-flowering begonia pleases with its bright, colorful flowers all summer long, and with proper and timely care, the plant blooms in winter.

  1. Julia
    3.03.2019 12:19

    Begonia is great for decorating a summer cottage. I like the way it looks during the flowering period, I planted flowers of different varieties, their shade is completely different.

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