How to plant and grow tomatoes in a snail for seedlings

Growing seedlings is a rather difficult and painstaking task. Indeed, for this it is necessary to choose the most suitable seeds and properly prepare the soil. They are also engaged in the preparation of containers in advance, in which new seedlings will grow.

Tomatoes are planted in a snail quite often. Not only tomatoes are planted in such a container, but also peppers. Growing seedlings with this method saves a lot of indoor space.

Snail benefits

Planting seeds in such containers has recently begun to gain popularity, and this is not surprising. This growing method has several advantages:

  • picking tomatoes grown in these containers takes much less time, since each seedling is located at an equal distance from each other;
  • the root system of tomato seedlings develops much better;
  • watering young seedlings in snails less often, since the water in them evaporates longer;
  • in such containers, seedlings are organically formed and do not stretch much;
  • with a snail planting method, you can save a lot of free space even in a small room;
  • It is much easier to extract plants from a snail than from regular pots.

Preparatory work

Before sowing tomato seeds into a snail, you need to start preparing seeds and planting soil.

tomatoes in a snail

Preparation of planting material

In order for the sowing of tomatoes to be of high quality, it is necessary to select the best and most viable seeds. For this, a weak saline solution is created, consisting of one liter of water and 100 grams of salt. Tomato seeds are added to it, which immediately need to be thoroughly stirred. Within a few minutes, small and empty seeds that are not suitable for growing will float to the surface. All high-quality planting material remains at the bottom of the pan.

In order for the seedlings to grow faster, the seed should be treated in advance in a special solution made from aloe juice, boric acid or copper sulfate.

There are also other methods of preparing young seeds for planting. For example, you can simply soak the seeds in plain water. To do this, 2-3 layers of fabric are placed in a small saucer. Tomato grains are placed between them and poured with settled water for several hours. Then it is drained, and the grains are placed in a plastic bag for a day.

Some people process the planting material with a manganese solution.The young seed is placed in it for half an hour, after which it is dried and placed in an ash solution. Then the grains are placed in a wet cloth for 2-3 hours, after which the seeds can be sown.

Soil preparation

Before sowing tomatoes in a snail, it is necessary to prepare the planting soil. For growing tomato seedlings, it is recommended to use loose soil that can retain a sufficient amount of moisture for a long time. Also, the soil must meet the following requirements:

  • contains river sand, perlite and other leavening agents;
  • contains the optimal amount of vermicompost;
  • has never been treated with chemical poisons and other drugs that can harm young seedlings;
  • tested for pests and other pathogens;
  • has a normal acidity level, which averages 6-7 pH.

When creating a soil mixture with your own hands, you need to add a large amount of peat, sand and sawdust to the soil. These components are necessary for rapid seed germination and further growth of young seedlings.

Snail creation

Having finished with the preparation, you can start creating a snail into which the seeds are sown. This work is carried out in several sequential stages.

snail appearance for tomato

Workplace preparation

To avoid any difficulties during work, it is necessary to prepare the work surface in advance. It needs to be cleaned of dirt and debris. Also, you need to place all the necessary tools at hand: seeds, water, soil, laminate substrate.

Working with a laminate backing

First, the material is cut into several long ribbons about 10-15 cm wide. Then one of the ribbons is taken and placed on the table so that one of its edges is directed towards the person. After that, a previously prepared soil is poured onto its surface. The height of the earth layer should not be more than one centimeter.

Quite often, the soil begins to crumble. To eliminate this, it is recommended to periodically tamp it with your hand.

After adding the soil, the tomatoes are sown into the snail. You can plant them with tweezers. The planting material is located along the entire length of the tape. The distance between seeds should be 3-4 cm in order to grow bushes without picking. If you plant tomatoes too close, then in the future they will have to dive. The tape is then folded neatly to a place where there is no earth yet. We also cover the new area with soil, plant tomatoes and wrap the tape in a roll.

When all the tape is used up, it will have to be fixed with an elastic band or some kind of adhesive material.

example of a snail for tomato seedlings

Care features

After creating a snail, you should familiarize yourself with how to grow seedlings and how to care for them.

Soil addition

Immediately after making a container for growing tomato seeds, you need to check the amount of soil. During the rolling of the tape, a small amount of earth could crumble around the edges. It is recommended to immediately fill this gap. The snail is filled with soil until it protrudes slightly from its upper edge.


It is necessary regularly water the tomatoesso that they germinate faster. In this case, all the turns of the created landing structure must be filled with water. There is no need to feel sorry for water, as its excess will not harm the germination of seedlings.


Sowing different varieties of tomatoes for seedlings is quite simple. To do this, just read the recommendations and watch a video of planting tomatoes for seedlings in a snail.

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