
Most read entries in the heading
The reliability and good yield, which the Mobil tomato shows, fell on ...
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Neighborhood envy f1
Tomato "Neighborhood Envy f1" is a hybrid form of tomato. He is characterized by ...
Skazka tomatoes are a variety created by Russian breeders. Tomatoes "Fairy Tale" got ...
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Riddle, its yield
The riddle is a super-early tomato, bred in the Research Institute of Agriculture of Transnistria. Brought out recently ...

Harvesting begins as the fruit ripens. Each variety has its own ripening time. It is better to collect unripe brown fruits and leave them to ripen in a warm, bright place. At the same time, damaged, rotten, cracked tomatoes should be removed from the bushes.

If the air temperature has dropped to 8 degrees, then it is recommended to harvest the entire crop. Otherwise, the likelihood of developing diseases increases, and the harvested tomatoes are not stored for a long time and quickly rot.

Another tip that will speed up the ripening process is to remove flowering shoots and buds three weeks before harvest.

Description of the tomato variety Beauty f1, its characteristics and productivity
Description of the tomato variety Beauty f1, its characteristics and productivity
Tomato Beauty pleases gardeners with raspberry fruits. Tomatoes ripen early. An unpretentious plant gives an abundance of berries in ...
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Nastenka, its yield
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Nastenka, its yield
It is important for summer residents to have in the garden such a variety as Nastenka's tomato, moderately whimsical, fruitful ...
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Eupator, its yield
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Eupator, its yield
Early ripening hybrids have become widespread due to their high taste, undemanding care, minimum effort for ...
Description of the tomato variety Donkey ears, its characteristics and productivity
Description of the tomato variety Donkey ears, its characteristics and productivity
A rare tomato species that has earned a good reputation. Mainly used for growing in greenhouses. Besides the high ...
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Explosion, its yield
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Explosion, its yield
Tomato Explosion has a high yield. That is why it is popular with those summer residents who ...
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety White filling, yield and cultivation
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety White filling, yield and cultivation
Tomato White Naliv is a variety bred by Kazakhstani breeders by crossing several hybrid plants. The main ...
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