
Most read entries in the heading
Determinant plants are increasingly attracting gardeners. Tomato Ballad pleases with a combination ...
How many days after sowing tomato seeds sprout
Every vegetable grower who plans to grow tomatoes wants a good harvest ....
Tomato Mahitos F1 is a hybrid variety that allows you to get a rich harvest ...
What is the shelf life of tomato seeds and how many years they remain viable
Tomato seeds, their shelf life is the time prescribed in the legislation, ...

When choosing seeds, one should take into account not only the taste of the fruits, but also their resistance to diseases, adverse weather conditions, and the peculiarities of the soil composition.

You need to buy seeds only from trusted sellers. It is necessary to study the characteristics, check the expiration dates. In order not to be left without a harvest, it is recommended to buy at least four different varieties.

After purchase, the bags are opened and only whole large seeds are selected, which are immersed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about 15 minutes. Then visit in a wet rag for germination. In a warm place, shoots should appear in about two days.

Description of the tomato variety Scarlet frigate f1, its characteristics and productivity
Description of the tomato variety Scarlet frigate f1, its characteristics and productivity
Tomato Scarlet frigate f1 attracts attention not only by the excellent taste of the fruits, but also by their aesthetic ...
Description of the tomato variety Barrel, its characteristics and productivity
Description of the tomato variety Barrel, its characteristics and productivity
Tomatoes The F1 orange barrel is a real find for gardeners. The hybrid has joined the line of supertomatoes. Giant tomato ...
Description of the tomato variety Vladimir F1, its characteristics and cultivation
Description of the tomato variety Vladimir F1, its characteristics and cultivation
Tomatoes are considered one of the most popular vegetable crops intended for growing on a personal plot. Tomato Vladimir ...
Description of the tomato variety Pomisolka, its characteristics and yield
Description of the tomato variety Pomisolka, its characteristics and yield
A tall bush of cherry tomatoes will appeal to even the most picky gardener. Tomato Pomisolka is just that. When ...
Description of tomato variety Drying, its characteristics and cultivation
Description of tomato variety Drying, its characteristics and cultivation
Tomato Drying f1 belongs to a variety of mid-season hybrid varieties. The variety is actively grown by farms on ...
Description of the tomato variety Minister, its characteristics and yield
Description of the tomato variety Minister, its characteristics and yield
The Tomato Minister ranks high in the State Register of Varietal Crops. He is considered one of the best ...
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