Step by step cultivation of cherry tomatoes on the balcony

Nowadays, growing Cherry tomatoes on the balcony is not a problem. The main thing is that there is a balcony, and everything else can be found in the nearest shop for gardeners. This activity is exciting, the good thing is that you can attract children or the elderly who already find it difficult to go out.

Where to begin

You need to start by analyzing tomato varieties. A properly selected variety is not half of the success, but a large part of it. Low-growing species and tomatoes of medium height are more suitable for the balcony and windowsill, and tall ones for loggias with a large area.

After the variety is selected, you can start preparing the containers for planting. When choosing, it is important to consider the characteristics of the pot:

  • volume;
  • registration;
  • material of manufacture;
  • the presence of drainage holes.

For the plant itself, only the volume of the pot and the presence of drainage holes are important. Two other characteristics must be taken into account if there is a desire to create a cozy resting place on the balcony (loggia), decorated with picturesque tomato bushes.

Have you chosen pots, do you know their volume? You can go for the land. It is better to go not to the dacha, but to the store. High-quality purchased soil for tomatoes meets the needs of the plant in terms of mechanical and chemical composition. But before planting Cherry, the purchased soil should be treated from the fungus. For disinfection, you need to buy a proven fungicide "Fitosporin M", prepare a working solution and process the purchased soil.

Choosing a variety

A little about what cherry tomatoes are. First of all, this is a separate type of tomato with small spherical or slightly elongated fruits. Ripe cherry fruits come in different colors: yellow, red, black, green.

growing cherry

The main differences between cherry fruits and classic tomatoes:

  • Cherries are sweeter;
  • stored longer;
  • the content of nutrients in cherry pulp is almost 1.5 times more.

Let's get acquainted with the existing classification of Cherry by type of growth. All varieties of tomatoes are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Superdeterminate.
  2. Stunted.
  3. Determinant.
  4. Indeterminate.

The first group is represented by compact plants, the height of the bushes of which does not exceed 40 centimeters. Cherries of this group are the earliest ripening tomatoes. After the formation of the fifth cluster, the growth of the central stem stops. The second group is Cherry undersized.

Ideal for indoor or balcony cultivation. The third and fourth groups are species that are not suitable for breeding at home because of the large tall bushes.

Description of some varieties of Cherry

Consider those Cherry tomatoes that grow well not only on the balcony (loggia), but also on the windowsill.

cherry on the windowsill

The first on the list is the Bonsai tomato variety.An early ripening plant, absolutely unpretentious. The bushes are compact, they do not need pinching. Caring for a Bonsai tomato is very simple.

The super early tomato variety Garden Pearl is very interesting. Low bushes are hung with a large number (up to 500 pieces) of small pink fruits. The weight of one Cherry tomato does not exceed 20 g. The purpose of miniature fruits is universal.

Cherry Kira tomatoes have an unusual fruity taste. The weight of one cherry tomato of this species is 30 g. Fruits are stored for a long time, from 2 to 2.5 months. Cherry Kira tomato bushes planted in a large-volume container (8 - 10 l) can keep fruiting almost until January.

You can pay attention to the Minibel variety. The plant is undersized (40 cm), unpretentious, strewn with small, up to 25 g in weight, fruits. The list of suitable cherry varieties does not end there, it can be continued for a long time.

Home vegetable growers practice growing the following varieties on the balcony:

  • Balcony miracle;
  • Golden bunch;
  • Rowan beads.

We sow seeds for seedlings

Consider growing cherry seedlings step by step from seeds for a balcony. Planting seeds is not a complicated process, you can have a great time, take a break from the bustle of the city.

The first step is the pre-sowing preparation of tomato seeds. First, the seeds must be inspected visually, all whole, without damage, must be selected. Put them in a glass, add water (0.5 cups). Discard the floating seeds, place the remaining seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, dry.

The second step is to prepare a container for planting. For this we take a cleanly washed plastic container. A deep container is not needed, the optimal height of the sides is 6 cm. We fill the container with purchased soil, pour the soil with settled water.

seedlings in glasses

The third step is to sow tomato seeds. We lay them out with a step of 3 cm, cover them with the same soil or clean humus. The layer thickness is 1 - 1.5 cm. It is not necessary to water the soil from above, the seeds have enough moisture in the lower soil layer. Cover the container with foil or glass.

The seeds have been sown, with good germination, they will sprout in 5 - 6 days. Place the container closer to the heater. Seedlings will sprout faster if the ambient temperature is 25 - 28 ° C.

Seedling care

Remove the film from the container as soon as the first green loops appear, and place the container on a window well-lit by the sun. There comes a period when light plays the most important role in the development of Cherry seedlings. With a lack of light, the seedlings will stretch out, but the stems will be thin and fragile. It is good to have a lamp for supplementary lighting of tomato seedlings. The ideal option is a phytolamp, the radiation of which contains the entire spectrum of light waves necessary for the plant. If there is no phytolamp, you can supplement the seedlings with an ordinary fluorescent lamp.

Are the tomatoes planted, the first leaves have appeared? It's time to prepare cups for tomato seedlings, where each seedling has its own cup. Disposable 250 ml cups are suitable. Take the soil of the same composition that is poured into the seedling boxes.

feeding cherry

After the pick, 10 days will pass, by this time the seedlings will get stronger, it can be watered for the first time with a solution of liquid complex fertilizer. In the future, it is required to feed the Cherry bushes no more than 1 time in 10 days.

The exact feeding scheme can be found in the instructions attached to the preparation. Before transplanting seedlings into a large container, you need to feed Cherry at least two times.

We transplant seedlings

By April, the cherry seedlings are growing, the glass will no longer be enough. We need to prepare for the transplant. Wash purchased pots, buckets or other containers with any disinfectant, pour a layer of expanded clay on the bottom, fill the containers with soil mixture.

Using the transshipment method, transplant the Cherry seedlings to a permanent place, water and take them to the balcony (loggia).At the time of transplanting, install a support for the bush. At first, it is not needed, but during the period of fruit formation it will certainly come in handy. There are many cute bamboo and plastic supports on sale that are not only functional, but also decorative.

Adult plant care

The main thing in care is attention. Controlling soil moisture, tracking signs of diseases and pests - those activities that need to be carried out regularly. There should always be a watering can with room temperature water ready. Prolonged drying out of the soil can lead to shedding of flowers, ovaries, therefore, it is necessary to water the soil in pots at the first signs of drying out.

Attach the grown tomatoes to the support. The top layer of the soil is periodically shallowly loosened. Loosening promotes better oxygen access to the roots, prevents crust formation. Do not forget about additional lighting of tomato bushes. During the period of active growth, the optimal illumination is 150 lux / m². The better the lighting, the faster the tomato bush develops.

Fertilizers for Cherry

Fertilizers for Cherry on the balcony do not differ at all from the fertilizers used by summer residents in the garden:

  • urea;
  • superphosphate;
  • nitroammophoska;
  • ash.

It is especially important to feed cherry bushes during flowering and fruiting. The main thing is not to overdo it with feeding. In "overfed" tomatoes, the taste of the fruit deteriorates and the beneficial properties are reduced due to the high content of nitrates in tomatoes. The instructions that come with each drug will help not to be mistaken with the dosage.

cherry tomato negro

During the flowering period, tomato bushes can be sprayed with Ovary. The product promotes better pollination. Pollination can be stimulated artificially by gently shaking flowering bushes.


Harvesting is the most enjoyable job. It is unlikely that it will be possible to grow a huge number of tomatoes on the balcony. A guaranteed small Cherry bush can produce up to 1 kg of delicious tomatoes. This is enough to diversify the menu with a light Cherry snack. You need to remove the fruits regularly to reduce the stress on the plant. The harvested tomatoes are stored for a long time even at room temperature.


Knowing how grow cherry tomatoes and how to properly care for them, you can do a detailed study of the varieties of Cherry tomatoes and start breeding them. A self-grown tomato bush will decorate the balcony and delight you with delicious, beautiful fruits.

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