The most productive and best new varieties of tomatoes of 2020 for greenhouses and open ground

It is difficult to name a vegetable that has more varieties than tomatoes. Breeders have bred many hybrids of the nightshade crop, the fruits of which were brought to Europe from Latin America by seafarers. Although tomatoes love sun and warmth, they are grown not only in the south, but also in temperate latitudes. It is not easy to compile a rating of the best tomatoes in 2020, varieties that give an excellent harvest in some conditions may not take root in others. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and contain a natural antioxidant.

The best varieties of varieties bred in 2020

Breeders do not stop at the achieved result, creating both early and late-ripening tomatoes for each season. By crossing different varieties, hybrids have been bred that take root in the open field and delight with the harvest even in the Arkhangelsk region, in the south of Siberia. Tomato seeds go on sale right away, the packaging indicates the growing method, the ripening period, although it varies depending on climatic conditions.

varieties of varieties

For open ground

Of the thousands of varieties, it is difficult to find tomatoes that will bear fruit both in the southern regions and in the middle lane. Many summer residents and gardeners prefer to plant in the garden:

  1. De barao. Tomatoes weighing 100 g ripen within 4 months, up to 4 kg can be harvested from one bush.
  2. Bull heart. The pink fruits are surprising in size, they ripen 120 days after planting in the garden, the mass of one tomato is 500 grams.
  3. Chio-Chio-San. Tomatoes weigh 50 g each and have excellent taste.

They take root better in the open field, are less affected by diseases standard tomato varietieswhich have a low trunk, compact roots. It is easy to look after them, there is no need to tie up, cut off stepsons.

thousand varieties

Among the standard varieties in the ranking for 2020, the leaders are:

  1. El Dorado. Tomato shoots do not reach a meter, up to 4 kg of yellow tomatoes ripen on each bush. Individual copies weigh 400 grams.
  2. Gina. The height of the plant, which has appeared thanks to Dutch breeders, is only slightly more than 50 cm. In the south, seeds are sown directly in the field.Up to 6 tomatoes with dense skin and bright red flesh ripen on a brush.
  3. Logane. The mid-early hybrid attracts with its appearance, resistance to drought and heat, high yield and transportability. Up to 8 kg of large tomatoes with juicy flesh of a classic color are harvested from the bush.
  4. Red Fang. The plant rarely suffers from fusarium, rot, is almost not affected by fungi, takes root in Siberia. Oblong fruits weighing 50 g ripen 90 days after sowing.

These varieties are planted not only by summer residents and owners of suburban areas. They are cultivated by farmers.

standard tomatoes

For greenhouses

In mid-latitudes, tomatoes do not always have time to ripen; plants die during early fogs and late spring frosts. Many people plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, picking up early hybrids:

  1. Swallowtail F is prized for its excellent taste, tomatoes weighing about 200 g begin to ripen on the 96th day after sowing.
  2. The determinant Harlequin F1 is of medium height. On one brush, up to 9 fruits are tied, which, when ripe, acquire a bright red color.
  3. Buddy F. A significant number of round tomatoes are tied on the bushes of the hybrid, they begin to ripen after 3 months, weigh 100 grams.

A little later, the early hybrids ripen the fruits of the Tornado varieties with a yield of up to 8 kg per bush, Funtik with a mass of one tomato of almost 250 grams, Empire in the form of a plum.

Tomato Yakimanka E1 is excellent for planting in a greenhouse, has a strong ground part, fruits are valued for their good transportability and taste.

round tomatoes

Early and undersized varieties

After 70 days, the Benito hybrid tomatoes ripen. On a bush 50 cm high, up to 20 cream-shaped tomatoes are tied. They have dense and strong skin of bright red color.

Maksimka ripens 5 days later. The spreading bush does not boast a large number of leaves, its height does not exceed 60 cm, but the plant gives a good harvest of tomatoes with a smooth surface and orange skin.

Both in the garden and in the greenhouse, the standard variety Ultra-fast-ripening feels good. The bush has an attractive appearance, the fruits on the shoots are tied with brushes, they are plucked after 70 days. Up to 15 kg of tomatoes are harvested from a square meter.

early and undersized

Medium-sized large-fruited red and pink varieties

Most summer residents prefer to plant tomatoes that have a classic color, hybrids with yellow or orange fruits are grown less often. The most popular among medium-sized varieties are:

  • Virtuoso F1;
  • Courchevel F1;
  • Blagovest F1.

The bushes of these hybrids reach 1.80 meters in height and are cultivated in the greenhouse and in the open field. After 110-130 days, red tomatoes ripen with fleshy pulp and weigh from 110 to 160 grams. The first fruits of the Bull's heart weigh up to 0.5 kg.

large-fruited red

Many gardeners believe that the tastiest and sweetest tomatoes are pink. The varieties that summer residents like most of all, with tomatoes of this color, include:

  • Alesi;
  • The Scarlet Flower;
  • Anna is Russian;
  • Bulgarian miracle;
  • Pink;

Tomato bushes are tied to a support and pinned. The fruits of the Banzai variety weigh about 160 g, Alesi - 300, the Bulgarian miracle - up to 700 grams.

The Scarlet Flower

Late tomatoes

Summer residents and farmers plant early hybrids in order to quickly feast on fresh vegetables. Fruits of late varieties have a pronounced aroma, sweeter taste. In a temperate climate, they take root only in greenhouses. Hybrids received the most positive reviews:

  1. King of Kings. Differs in large tomatoes, the weight of individual specimens reaches one and a half kilograms.
  2. Bobcat. The fruits weigh 240 g, ripen after 120 days, are used to prepare juice and sauces.
  3. Russian size F1 is cultivated on an industrial scale, used for the preparation of tomatoes. 130 after planting, fruits weighing from 600 grams are harvested.

Grandma's gift pleases with high yield, rich red color. Tomatoes have a thin skin, sweet firm flesh.

early hybrids

Tomatoes with giant fruits

Breeders are working not only on breeding varieties adapted to different climatic conditions, creating hybrids that are resistant to diseases and an unfavorable environment, but also on improving the external characteristics, increasing the size of tomatoes.

Hybrids can boast of high weight:

  1. The giant is red, a bush 2.5 m high, the mass of a round fruit reaches 600 g.
  2. Bull heart F1, from 2 to 5 cone-shaped tomatoes weighing from 450 g to 1.5 kg are tied on a brush.
  3. Krasnobay F1, tomatoes of a powerful bush have fleshy pulp, dense skin, do not lose their taste for a long time, are processed into juice and paste.

The category of giants includes hybrids Russian Standard, Ural, Cavalcade.

giant fruits

Elite varieties from collectors

Not only research institutes, but also private specialists are working on the creation of new varieties of tomatoes. Thanks to the work of these collectors, elite varieties have appeared that differ in quality characteristics.

On the Champion's bushes, pink fruits with a yellowish tint ripen. They have an interesting shape that resembles a heart, weighing about 600 grams.

new varieties

A beautiful plant of the American variety Wild Fred by the middle of summer is strewn with small raspberry tomatoes with excellent taste.

The fireworks, bred by the Russian breeder, amaze with the appearance of the tomatoes. Red fruits are covered with yellow specks, have an unusual aroma, weigh about 400 g.

The mid-season variety Bull's forehead grows to a height of 1.2 meters, undemanding to care, pleases with oblong tomatoes weighing about 700 grams.

beautiful plant

How to choose tomato varieties for different regions of Russia

The heat-loving culture is grown in Siberia, the North Caucasus, and the Moscow region, but not everywhere the same hybrid can please with an abundance of fruits. Not all gardeners know how to choose the most productive varieties, what you need to focus on in the first place.

For the Moscow region

Breeders have bred tomatoes that are adapted to different climates, and this list is constantly updated. In the middle lane, hot summers, but frosts and fogs often come in September. In the dachas and gardens of the Moscow region, it is better to plant early tomatoes that can withstand temperature jumps, and are rarely affected by diseases. They guarantee a good harvest:

breeders bred

  • Penguin;
  • The Snow Queen;
  • Muscovite.

Tall standard bushes need to be tied up, pinned, but plants are cared for with a large number of fruits with a dense skin and excellent taste. These varieties take root in the open field.

Sprinter, Overture, Druzhok, Snowfall, Farmer are grown in greenhouses. For those who love large tomatoes, it is worth opting for the Raspberry Giant and Big Brother varieties, Chibis and Die Hard Nut are distinguished by excellent yield.

The Snow Queen

For the Urals

In a harsh climate, most vegetables, and even more so tomatoes, are grown in greenhouses. Breeders managed to breed undersized varieties that not only take root in the Urals, but also delight with the harvest. Lelya is planted indoors. On bushes below 60 cm in height, after 100 days, red tomatoes with fleshy pulp weighing up to 180 grams are harvested.

The mid-season Titanic variety is distinguished by its sweet taste and lack of acid. One plant gives a yield of up to 5 kg. On the hands of the beautiful Lady, up to 8 fruits are tied, ripening, they are filled with juice and weigh about 200 grams.

mid-season Titanic

In the open field, the following varieties are grown in seedlings:

  • Gina;
  • Alpha;
  • Alsou.

In the south of the Urals they cultivate tomato Berdsky... The bush reaches a height of one meter, and the mass of one tomato approaches 800 grams.

cultivate Berdsk

In Siberia

In Russia, almost every year, varieties and hybrids of tomatoes appear that can withstand light frosts, sharp jumps in temperature, and the fruits have time to ripen in a short summer.Novelties of Siberian selection meet such requirements. In greenhouses, residents of the harsh land in 2020 will grow real giants weighing about 800 grams. Such huge fruits ripen on the bushes of the King of Siberia variety, which require a garter to the trellis.

Watercolor adapts well to the external environment, small tomatoes have a strong and dense skin, ripen in 3.5 months.

Tall variety Abakan pink pleases with beautiful fruits weighing 200 grams, high yield - Novosibirsk red.

Abakan pink

For the middle lane

In the Central and Northwest region, tomatoes are more commonly planted in the greenhouse, which helps to protect them from adverse conditions. Early and mid-season tomatoes are suitable for growing in temperate latitudes:

  • Red Arrow;
  • Gina;
  • Sun;
  • White filling.

In the open field cultivated hybrid Keg F1. It is best to plant standard plants in the beds with early ripening of fruits - Buyan, Lakomka, Raketa.

Red Arrow

Rating of the best varieties of 2020

Some summer residents have already decided which seeds to buy for the next season, after reading the reviews and reading the list, which includes the best varieties and hybrids of tomatoes.

Tomato Patio for indoor cultivation

You can grow vegetables for your own use without having a summer cottage or vegetable garden. In the loggia, on the balcony or just on the windowsill, tomato seeds are sown. On a small tree that fits in a pot, fruits rich in sugars and vitamins ripen.

indoor breeding

Novosibirsk red

The early ripening variety is cultivated in the open field. The bushes have an unusual cube-like shape. The tomato is adapted to the conditions of the middle zone, is not affected by diseases, many red fruits weighing less than 100 grams are tied on one plant.

Novosibirsk red

Kira F1

For growing in a greenhouse, breeders bred a hybrid, the height of the shoots of which is almost 2 meters. Oblong miniature tomatoes ripen on the bush. Kira fruits are only 30 g, they have excellent taste.

yellow small

Little brother

The variety can be grown in the garden, and in the greenhouse, and on the window. At the end of June, small red tomatoes ripen on bushes 30 to 35 cm high. Seeds are sown directly into the ground, in the middle lane - under the film.

grow in the garden

Kinder F1

The round fruits of a medium-sized hybrid ripen earlier than 3 months after planting. Up to 20 tomatoes are tied on each brush, the weight of one barely reaches 30 g. The plant is rarely affected by fungal and bacterial diseases.

Kinder eggs


The variety of Russian selection is suitable for growing in regions where the summer is long, since it takes at least 100 days for the fruits to ripen. Juicy pear-shaped tomatoes ripen on bushes more than a meter high.

juicy tomatoes

Blueberry Plum F1

The shoots of a hybrid grown only in seedlings require a garter to the trellis. To create tomatoes of an unusual color, breeders used 2 different varieties. The purple round fruit has a firm, shiny skin, and the sweet pulp is rich in anthocyanins.

Blueberry plum

Plum drop F1

The exotic hybrid surprises with an abundance of miniature tomatoes ripening on a beautiful plant up to one and a half meters high. On one bush, more than 300 pieces of small yellow-purple fruits are tied.

plum drop

Gigantissimo F1

Already by the name you can understand what this hybrid is. On powerful branches, after 85 days, tomatoes with fleshy and juicy pulp ripen. The bushes of the variety are tall, and the fruits are huge, some specimens weigh almost 1.5 kg.

some instances

Terek F1

Miniature tomatoes weighing up to 20 grams are cultivated not in open ground, but in greenhouses, they look amazing in jars. The fruits ripen together, ripen in 3 months, 2 dozen of them are tied on one brush.

miniature vegetables


Elongated orange tomatoes weighing more than 250 g delight tall bushes of the variety cultivated in greenhouses.To get a decent harvest, shoots are tied to a support, stepsons are cut off.

oblong orange

Striped flight

About 20 small fruits cling to each brush of a medium-sized plant, ripening, they acquire a chocolate color, the skin is painted with greenish stripes.

The most productive and best new varieties of tomatoes of 2020 for greenhouses and open ground

Creme brulee

This tomato surprises with spherical tomatoes of a light yellow, almost white color. Individual specimens weigh 200 grams, the fruits are valued for their sour taste, the ability to ferment in a barrel.

Creme brulee

Black Pearl

Sprawling bushes of a medium ripening variety are used for decorative purposes. Tomatoes resemble dark pink balls, they are tied in bunches on the branches, the pulp has a delicate taste.

black Pearl

Marina Grove

The variety, bred by Russian breeders, is adapted to temperature fluctuations, is not affected by viruses, and gives a high yield both in the garden and in the greenhouse. The fruits weigh about 150 g, have a classic shape and color.

Marina Grove

Phytophthora resistant

In the open field, tomatoes often die, having become infected with brown rot. Hybrids and varieties, whose tomatoes ripen in the early stages, suffer less from the disease:

  • Cardinal;
  • Betta;
  • Japanese creeping;
  • Anyuta.

To protect tomatoes from late blight, you need to make sure that the bushes do not grow, remove weeds from the beds in a timely manner. Excess moisture contributes to the appearance of brown rot.

late blight resistant


Although this variety was bred back in the nineties, summer residents are happy to grow small tomatoes with powerful shoots and multi-chamber oval fruits. Tomatoes have a dense skin, do not wrinkle during transportation, and keep fresh for a long time.

Phytous in the garden


The plant takes root in the northern regions of Russia, feels fine in Siberia. With the cultivation of low bushes, covered with wide leaves, beginner gardeners cope. The mass of pink tomatoes reaches 200 grams. Farmers collect up to 300 centners of fruit per hectare even in the Volga-Vyatka region.

the plant takes root


An early fruitful variety is popular among summer residents for its resistance to temperature fluctuations and drought. On low bushes, red fruits weighing about 100 g ripen.

bushes ripen


The hybrid is adapted to the conditions of the middle lane. In the internodes of the leaves, 3 brushes are formed, and up to 7 tomatoes are tied on each. Tomatoes ripen 3 months after sowing, have a round shape, classic color, weigh about 160-180 grams.

leaf internodes

  1. Oleg
    10.10.2018 05:59

    It is not enough to find the best variety of tomato, you also need to know how to plant and implement it correctly, then it will help, just the same bioactivator of growth and plants BioGrow, the result is beyond praise.

    To answer
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