Description and characteristics of the Pietrain pig breed, maintenance and breeding

Pietrain, a European bacon pig breed, is popular all over the world. The quality of the Pietrain meat is at a high level, the bacon is considered dietary. Despite the fact that the representatives of this breed are demanding on the conditions of detention, they are bred in private farms in our country, piglets are raised for reproduction and improve the gene pool of the livestock. The European breed is also suitable for industrial meat production.

A bit of history

The ancestors of the valuable breed are the Belgian pigs, which were crossed with the large white, Berkshire and Yorkshire species. This event took place at the beginning of the 20th century. Pietrain achieved particular respect in Germany. Here, these pigs are prized for their high quality bacon, with fine veins of fat.

In Russia, the breed is not very popular due to its demands on the climate, care and conditions of keeping, Pietrain, as a rule, is bred in order to improve the gene pool of the main livestock. The breed is not included in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

Description and characteristics of the Pietrain pig

Representatives of the bacon direction of the Pietrain pig are not genetically predisposed to overweight. The average weight of European pigs is 240 kilograms, the skeleton and bones are quite light. Appearance:

  • The head is small in size with a short snout.
  • The trunk is cylindrical in shape, with well-developed muscles and a wide sacrum.
  • Height at the withers - 80 centimeters.
  • The color of the skin is white, the presence of gray and black spots on the back and head is acceptable.
  • The ears are small and erect.
  • The belly is underdeveloped, not sagging, the pig looks tucked up.
  • The legs are short.
  • Spring-shaped tail.

Pietrain pig breed

Productive characteristics of the breed:

  • Well developed hams.
  • The meat yield from the carcass is 85%.
  • Average fertility - 9-10 piglets.
  • The average daily gain of young animals is 550 grams.
  • The thickness of the subcutaneous fat is no more than 10 millimeters.

On a note. Males are distinguished by a strongly pronounced sexual instinct, therefore boars are often used for inbreeding with pigs of the greasy and meat-greasy direction.

As for the temperament of Pietrain, these pigs are considered peaceful, rarely show aggression, and are suitable for joint keeping with other pets.

Breed advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the European breed include:

  • High quality meat, low fat content.
  • The meat yield from the carcass is more than 80%, the average weight of the ham is 12 kilograms.
  • Strong immunity, including in young animals.
  • Pietrain boars are the best producers.

many pigs

Negative sides of the breed:

  • Poor acclimatization and adaptation to new conditions and regions of detention.
  • Weak milkiness, piglets need complementary foods from the first days after birth.
  • The thin layer of fat makes pigs susceptible to cold and drafts.
  • Specific diet, vitamin supplements and high-calorie food are needed.

It is necessary to keep Pietrains in insulated and clean pigsties. The meat of European pigs is dietary, good quality of the product can be achieved only with a properly selected diet for animals and compliance with the conditions of detention.

Conditions of detention

Pietrain's genetic predisposition to minimal fat accumulation determines the characteristics of the maintenance and diet of these productive animals. Features of pig care:

  • Warm barn with good ventilation and lighting, no drafts are allowed.
  • Clean bedding.
  • Permanent access to drinking water.
  • A walking area for animals in the warm season, it is necessary to create a recreation area for pigs with a canopy from the sun's rays.
  • Regular deworming of livestock, vaccinations.
  • Provide pigs with adequate feeding space.

Pietrain pig breed

It is not recommended to change the conditions of detention and the place of walking for animals, Pietrens do not tolerate a change of environment and the associated stress poorly.

What to feed?

Meat pigs need high-calorie nutrition and vitamin supplements. At the same time, it is not recommended to use stimulants, such agents worsen the taste and quality of bacon, the meat oxidizes and becomes friable. The basis of the diet of the European breed should be proteins and easily digestible carbohydrates, the metabolism of Pietrains is fast. The diet may include the following foods:

  • Waste from the meat and dairy industry.
  • Boiled potatoes and finely chopped vegetables.
  • Legumes and cereals, greens.

Piglets born immediately need complementary foods, from the second day of life, babies begin to feed with yogurt, whole milk.

It is necessary to add vitamins to the diet of animals, as well as minerals: chalk, phosphorus, salt, fish meal, fish oil.

If a lot of cereal feed gets into Pietrain's diet, then the average daily gain will sharply decrease, corn, barley, oats will fade into the background. Many farmers use aspirin as a growth stimulant for young animals.

Pietrain pig breed

Breeding rules

Pietrain males reach sexual maturity by the age of eight months, females by six months. The best breeding age is 11-12 months. Breeding rules:

  • It is recommended to cross Pietrain with representatives of its own breed, as well as with Landraces, Duroc and Great White.
  • Provide animals with a balanced diet and drinking water.
  • After farrowing, the female and her cubs are kept in a separate pigsty.
  • Provide piglets with complementary food from the first days of life.

Most often, male producers of the Pietrain breed are purchased in our country, in order to improve the quality of the meat of the main breed, boars of this breed have a pronounced sexual instinct.

many pigs

Fighting disease

By nature, the representatives of the European Pietrain breed are endowed with persistent immunity, in particular to cyclovirus infections. But this positive quality does not mean that one can refuse vaccinations and planned deworming of the tribe. The main factors in the development of diseases include:

  • Stress of animals associated with moving, changing diet or conditions of detention.
  • Drafts, excess moisture in the pigsty.
  • Dirty, damp bedding.
  • Lack of ventilation in the room where animals are kept.
  • Outbreak of infection among the main population.
  • Incorrectly selected diet.

Livestock should be regularly inspected for signs of disease. Decreased appetite, unmotivated aggression, loose stools, bloating, flow from the eyes and an increase in body temperature are the reason for the examination of animals by a veterinarian.

Pig disease prevention measures:

  • Routine vaccination.
  • Immunization.
  • A balanced diet.
  • Regular disinfection of the premises.
  • Creation of a quarantine zone for animals with signs of disease.

Pietrain pigs are susceptible to pneumonia and gastrointestinal disorders. The selection of products for animals must be carefully considered, pigs often suffer from poisoning, especially from unwashed dirty fruits and vegetables. When keeping Pietrain pigs, it is not recommended to abruptly change the conditions of keeping, change the diet or transport animals to a new place, stress is the main factor in the development of diseases and poor health of animals.

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