Description of the breeds of decorative mini-pigs, how long they live and conditions of detention

Mini-pig is a dwarf domestic pig, which is actively used for experiments and laboratory research, and is also used as a decorative animal. Those who wish to acquire such a kind of pet for themselves must have certain knowledge regarding existing breeds, the rules of choice and the specifics of care.

Where did they come from

Back in the middle of the 19th century, scientists from different countries jointly tried to reproduce a new variety of small pigs. During the research, Vietnamese pig breeds were used due to their small size and soft character. In the 1970s, Russian scientists of the Siberian Genetic Department of Sciences of the USSR, in the process of long-term breeding work, obtained a domestic breed of pig piggy.

Why are they bought?

Many farmers purchase miniature pigs called mini-pigs because of their attractive, soft nature. The piglet pleases its owners with mobility and grace. The pet usually lives in the house or apartment with the owners.

Ornamental pig breeds

There are many breeds of decorative pigs, the most popular of which are these.

Bergstrasser knirt

The breed is excellent for home and apartment breeding. An adult weighs no more than 30 kg.

Mini mayyalino

An Italian breed of pigs, breeding which Stefanio Morigni worked for over 10 years. This pig entered the Guinness Book of Records. The average weight is about 10 kg, and the height is 20 cm. The breed was recently bred and does not spread due to the difficulty in breeding and susceptibility to diseases.

Mini mayyalino


German breed, whose representative weighs about 20 kg upon reaching 2 years of age. They are very popular because they look cute, love to scratch and grunt with pleasure.

Miniature Siberian

Russian breed of the times of the USSR. Representatives weigh less than 50 kg. They are resistant to the extreme Siberian climate.

Goettingen mini pig

These are pigs of German origin, which outwardly resemble their Vietnamese relatives. The weight of such an animal varies from 70 to 90 kg.

How to choose

Nowadays, buying a mini-pig is not a problem, since this breed is popular. Experienced pig breeders advise choosing an indoor pig in a nursery for the following reasons:

  • after the purchase, communication with the owner of the cattery is not lost, and if you have any questions, you can contact;
  • a huge selection of breeds.

Advice! It is not recommended to buy pigs in the markets, since a large number of swindlers will try to sell ordinary piglets under the guise of a mini-pig.

Before buying, follow the behavior of the pig's parents and choose the appropriate option for yourself, since the character of the parents is inherited. The most valuable are the piglets of the small mini-pig. Only born pigs weigh about 40 g, and already an adult about 15 kg. If their weight exceeds 25 kg, this is not a real mini-pig.

Mini mayyalino

When buying, give preference to healthy and mobile piglets with a pronounced pink tint, smooth hair, firm ears, a spirally twisted tail. It is advisable to purchase a pet at the age of 2 months, since individuals fed with breast milk have good immunity and are less susceptible to diseases than those that were previously sold.

The price of a mini-pig pig ranges from $ 300 to $ 1,500 depending on the age of the breed. But its maintenance will not require the allocation of huge funds, just like for another pet: a small puppy or kitten.

What to feed

Mini-pigs eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables, especially apples, pears and bananas. It is better to grate or grind all products, as well as combine with cereals, which are pre-steamed with boiling water. Domestic micro-pigs will not give up cereals in the form of compound feed. It is recommended to give your pets dairy products in the form of cottage cheese twice a week. In small portions, you can give the pig fish, chicken meat, beef, carefully removing the bones.

Mini mayyalino

Specificity of care

The piglet takes time to adapt to the new environment. Its domestication is a rather laborious process. At first, the pig will be afraid of sudden movements, so you need to approach her slowly and only offer to try the delicacy on an outstretched hand.

For this funny pet, it is important to develop the correct diet, prepare a personal space for him in the form of a sleeping place, as well as take care of him and take time for walks and games.

In small apartments, piglets will feel uncomfortable, and keeping in a cage and aviary is also considered unsuccessful. Usually, the owners allocate an old sofa, armchair or large lined basket for the pig. The pet's personal place should be well ventilated and at the same time protected from drafts.

A slippery flooring will cause a lot of inconvenience to the mini pig, as it will constantly fall off. Before buying, carefully inspect the premises for the presence of open wires, electrical appliances, household chemicals and other dangerous items. It is advisable to hide them away from the curious pig.

little pig

The pet needs to be on a hard surface so that the hooves are naturally erased, otherwise the floor of the house will be damaged. Cutting them is required at least once every 2 years, contacting a specialist. Males are recommended to be castrated, otherwise they will be angry and aggressive. Piglets live according to the presented schedule and quickly get used to it, remember their place and are not indifferent to water procedures.

On a note! Decorative pigs live from 10 to 15 years.

Possible diseases

Mini-pigs at home can be exposed to many colds. Therefore, you should not offer cold water to pigs in hot weather, as well as heat food to room temperature.

It is mandatory to vaccinate against rabies, plague and other equally serious infections.

If a pet is infected with parasites, you need to contact an experienced veterinarian for advice. To prevent the mini-pig from transmitting parasitic diseases to a person, you need to monitor his hygiene.

Mini pigs

Breeding mini pigs

Send the male mini-pig to the same room as the female, familiar to her, for at least 15 hours. This is enough for them to get to know each other, and the mating process took place. Many pig breeders recommend repeating the summary again after 5 days. The pig will give offspring 118 days after fertilization, therefore, calculate the time and prepare a small pen or warm basket in advance. Within 2 months, the piglets should be near the mother and drink her milk.

Differences from an ordinary pig

There are significant distinctive features that can easily distinguish a mini-pig from an ordinary domestic pig that is raised for slaughter:

  • the mini pig is small, even after it has grown;
  • a piglet and an adult pet do not emit unpleasant odors, so it can be kept in a house, apartment and other closed rooms;
  • mini pigs have a denser coat;
  • they are expensive, therefore not available to everyone.

Before buying, be sure to ask the seller about the pedigree of the pig, ask for a passport and other documents to avoid fraud.

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