How to get rid of flies in a pigsty and the best insect etchants

How to effectively get rid of flies in a pigsty? The stable is an ideal breeding ground for insects that carry infections. Their number increases 3-5 times daily. Dealing with pests is quite difficult. Using several methods at the same time, you should observe safety standards and adhere to the rules for pest control.

Features of the fight

Room processing rules:

  • during disinsection, animals are removed from the barn;
  • the time after the neutralization of insects before the return of the pigs to the pen is at least 2-3 hours;
  • after processing, be sure to wash the feeders, change the litter, set fresh food.

The insecticide, on average, lasts 3 weeks, then the pest control manipulations are repeated. In the spring-summer period, such operations for processing a pigsty are carried out up to 5 per season, because it is rather difficult to prevent the appearance of flies. But insect activity can be controlled by timely implementation of effective preventive measures.

The main thing is to correctly use the means for destroying flies, not to neglect the dosage and cyclicity of disinsections, to lay out deterrent substances in places safe for animals. It should be remembered that violation of rules and regulations leads to disastrous results: a deterioration in the well-being of pigs, and sometimes even death.

How to get rid of flies in a barn

Action plan for preparing the barn for pest control:

  • inventory, feeding troughs, food residues, feces are taken out of the room;
  • stationary care items are thoroughly washed;
  • clean the walls and floor from dirt.

many flies

Thorough preparation of the premises for processing is the key to success. Flies are hardy and highly productive, they lay eggs in inaccessible places. And if the insecticide does not get there, then in 10-14 days they will again cause inconvenience to the pigs, and the likelihood of contracting infectious diseases will increase.

Important! Achieve the desired result during processing is possible only with the combined use of several methods.

Mechanical techniques

Effective with a small number of insects in the pigsty, as well as in the first days after baiting flies. Mechanical means of struggle include:

  • traps - when making them, do not forget that flies flock to sweets much more willingly;
  • sticky tapes - hung higher, closer to the lights.

Such products are easily placed in a pigsty, they are safe to use in a confined space.The imperfection of the method includes the fact that the agent does not restrain flies from entering the pigsty, does not neutralize fly eggs, and is ineffective with a rare replacement.

fly in the barn

Folk recipes

Poorly effective at dense colonization of pigsty flies. More suitable as preventive measures.

The 3 most effective recipes:

  1. Essential oils have a pungent odor that insects don't like. Effective volatile substances: oils of clove, eucalyptus, lemongrass, peppermint. It is not recommended to use them in their pure form. A few drops of the product are dissolved in 100 ml of water and sprayed into the barn.
  2. Bunches of fresh or dried plants with an unpleasant odor. The "fragrant repellents" include: wormwood, tansy, bay leaves, mint, tomatoes, elderberry. The bundles are hung or laid out so that animals cannot reach them.
  3. Vodka, vinegar. Flies cannot stand the strong smell of these products. To scare off pests, they are sprayed indoors, avoiding contact with food, bedding and the animal itself.

The advantages of folk methods in confronting insects are general availability, effectiveness.

fly in the barn


They get rid of annoying pests for a long time, but they have an unpleasant smell. If the processing technology is violated, it can cause side effects, allergies, and poisoning. Products that are harmless to pigs and have a positive reputation:

  1. "Agita". With the correct dosage and use, it does not cause side effects. It is forbidden to handle feeders and other surfaces that the pigs will come into contact with. The duration of the drug is from 1 to 1.5 months.
  2. "Delta Zone". Completely destroys adult insects, as well as their offspring for 1.5-2 months. Moreover, the product is completely harmless to humans and piglets. The drug has no heavy odor. Sold in a container with a capacity of 50 ml, this amount of insecticide is enough to treat a pigsty with an area of ​​100 m2.
  3. "Solfisan". The drug is a broad spectrum of action. Flies die within a few minutes, their eggs and larvae - after 2-3 hours. Insects are re-poisoned no earlier than after 1 month.
  4. Medilis Ziper. It goes on sale in the form of a liquid emulsion, which, after dilution with water, destroys pests at any stage of development. The effect lasts up to 3 weeks.

The preparations are diluted with clean cold water. All surfaces in the pigsty are treated with a freshly prepared product. After 3-4 hours, those places that come into contact with animals are washed. In cases where it is not possible to take out the drinkers and feeders from the barn, their surface is treated with a brush.

fly in the barn

Animal handling

To prevent insects from bothering the pigs, they are treated with folk remedies with a persistent "aroma" or special chemicals. Subject to the rules of dilution and application technology, side effects are not observed. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the safety measures provided when working with insecticides.

It is forbidden to handle pigs with infectious diseases, malnourished animals.

It is impossible to completely get rid of flies in the premises where pigs are kept. But compliance with basic preventive measures helps to significantly reduce their population: they monitor the ventilation in the pigsty, remove manure twice a day, take care of the cleanliness of drinkers and feeders. In addition, they use various means (chemicals, folk remedies and mechanical methods) in the fight against annoying insects.

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