How to give fish oil to piglets and dosage, instructions for use and advice

Fish oil is an important and useful element of the diet of adult pigs and piglets, which can compensate for the lack of vitamins A and D, omega-3 in the body of fattening animals and during the winter rearing period. With the help of an appetizing and aromatic additive, piglets are taught to dry food. How to properly give fish oil to piglets, how to calculate the dosage depending on the age and weight of the animal, they are interested in advance.

Benefit and harm

In what cases and why do veterinarians recommend adding fish oil to the diet of animals? Here are the main aspects:

  • Prevention of rickets, tetany and anemia.
  • Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis, gastroenteritis, cardiovascular system.
  • Replenishment of vitamin D and A deficiency.
  • Improving the quality of the seed material of the male producers.
  • Recovery of animals after limb fractures.
  • Creation of strong immunity in small pigs.
  • Promotes the habituation of young animals to dry food.

Lack of vitamin D in the diet of animals leads to a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism and hormonal balance.

The young growth lags behind in development, the piglets look like "wounded", the formation of umbilical and scrotal hernias is possible, the lag in the appearance of teeth, bones and limbs are deformed.

Negative moments that can arise when feeding animals with fish oil:

  • Allergies are possible.
  • Nausea, gastrointestinal upset.

The occurrence of such symptoms is possible in the case of individual intolerance to the animals of the added additive.

On a note. To check the likelihood of a possible allergy, the additive is applied to the piglet's skin, if no redness appears, then the additive can be used in feeding the young.

pig feeding

Instructions for the use of fish oil for pigs

To get the maximum effect from adding the drug to the piglet ration, it is important to observe the dosage and follow the instructions for use of the supplement for the young. Experienced farmers introduce vitamin preparations into the diet systematically, in courses. For example, a week with an additive, a week without an additive. The scheme is often used - day after day. The total duration of the course with breaks should not exceed three months.

The most popular fish oil among livestock breeders in the form of a concentrate. The aroma of the additive attracts animals to food, therefore, piglets are often taught to dry food with the help of the smell. In addition, fish oil is often found in multivitamin complexes for pigs, here its concentration is significantly lower, but the dosage and compatibility with other components of the complex are clearly defined. Modern vitamins are not inferior in quality to natural concentrates and are successfully used in animal husbandry.Premixes are recommended to be applied once a day with a full dose during morning feeding, adding the element to food.

feeding pigs

Supplement dosage

The amount of the drug per day is determined by the age of the young. So 2-4-month-old piglets are given about 15-20 grams of supplement per individual. This is the daily norm. Sucking piglets need 3 grams per day.

If the farmer uses multivitamin complexes with fish oil content, then it is inappropriate to feed the piglets with additional concentrate.

The rate of additives may vary depending on the breed of pigs being raised, so for the Vietnamese varieties, the rate of additive is halved and depends on the weight of the animal.

What do the experts advise?

Pig breeding is a well-developed branch of animal husbandry today. Recommended diets for fattening and raising young animals have been compiled for each pig breed. Experienced farmer's tips for feeding piglets with fish oil supplement:

  • It is recommended to start feeding piglets with premixes from the 5th day of life, the additive is introduced into the first complementary food in the form of skim milk or yogurt.
  • Strictly observe the dosage of supplements and the duration of the course.
  • It is especially important to add fish oil to the diet of the young in winter.
  • Add fish oil to the lactating sow's diet.
  • The food supplement is added to the food during the morning feeding.
  • Before using the supplement, make sure that the animals are free of allergies, do a skin test.
  • When first dispensing, reduce the base dosage by half.
  • Use courses intermittently.

Livestock breeding, and in particular pig breeding, is a thriving productive branch of agriculture in our country. Creating a high-quality ration for pigs is an important goal and task of a farmer; the daily growth of young animals, their health and productivity will depend on the quality of the feed. Fish oil is an important element in the prevention of rickets and anemia in young animals. When it is added to the first complementary food, young animals develop stable immunity to various diseases, and metabolism begins to function correctly and effectively.

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