Instructions for use of Ivermek for piglets and other animals, analogues

Often, gilts and livestock farmers have to deal with ticks. These parasites are quite dangerous as they carry diseases. Therefore, before raising animals, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the means of combating ticks. "Ivermek" is considered an effective drug. However, before using it, you need to understand the instructions for using "Ivermek" for piglets and other animals.

Composition, release form and packaging

The preparation contains the active active ingredient ivermectin. In one milliliter of a medicinal solution, there are about ten milligrams of this substance. Also, in the manufacture of an anti-mite agent, a lot of vitamin E is added. Its share per milliliter of solution is 35-45 milligrams. All other components of the drug are added to improve the absorption of the drug.

"Ivermek" is produced in the form of an injection solution, which is painted in a bright yellowish color. The product is packaged in containers of various sizes. Most often, in veterinary pharmacies, the drug is sold in ampoules of 50 or 100 milliliters. The container with the liquid is hermetically sealed with rubberized caps made of plastic or aluminum.

Operating principle

Before using Ivermek in veterinary medicine, you need to understand in detail its principle of action. This remedy is actively used to treat pigs, chickens and other domestic animals. After the parasites enter the body, the active substance disrupts the work of their nervous system and completely paralyzes it. Because of this, ticks cannot feed and move. After a few hours, they die and detach from the surface of the skin. The drug is not retained in the body of animals and is excreted from it using the excretory system.

ivermec drug

Indications for use

People who are going to treat piglets, chickens or cattle from worms should familiarize themselves with the indications for the use of Ivermek. Experts recommend using this drug to treat these animals:

  • Cattle. Farm-raised cows are often attacked by ticks. Chorioptosis, psoroptosis, and thelaziosis can occur due to the bites of these insects.
  • Goats and Sheep. These animals are also attacked by blood-sucking insects. They can infect them with habertiosis, estrosis, or trichocephalosis.
  • Pigs. Ticks regularly bite piglets, which is why they develop various diseases. Common diseases include sarcoptic mange, stefanurosis and ascariasis.

Instructions for using the drug "Ivermek"

In order not to harm the animals during treatment, you must read the instructions for using the medicine. The dosage may differ depending on who is given the drug. For example, for small and cattle, the dose should not exceed one milliliter for every 50 kilograms of weight. Piglets are injected per milliliter per 30-35 kg.

ivermec drug

The medicine should be injected no more than once a month. However, in severe cases, Ivermek is used at intervals of one and a half weeks. It is recommended to use the medicine in the first half of autumn or at the end of spring, when the ticks become active. For the first time, it is necessary to give the minimum dosage of the drug to check the reaction of the animals to the drug.

Possible side effects

If the medicine is used improperly or with high individual sensitivity to the components from the composition, side effects may appear. These include the following:

  • trouble urinating;
  • loose stools or constipation;
  • ataxia;
  • increased salivation;
  • overexcitation.

Most often, the above symptoms go away on their own after you stop using Ivermek. However, if the side effects persist, you will have to contact a professional veterinarian.

ivermec drug


Some people think that Ivermek injections can be given to any animal, but this is not the case. There are a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before using the medicine. Veterinarians do not allow the use of the product to treat milking animals. Also, the drug is contraindicated for pigs and cattle that have untreated infectious diseases. It is not recommended to give medicine to pregnant females whose milk is used for food purposes.

However, if it is extremely necessary to use Ivermek, then it should be done no earlier than 30 hours before lactation.

Personal prevention measures

When working with the drug, one must be very careful and follow the rules of safety and personal hygiene. It is recommended to use the medicine with rubber gloves so that it does not get on the skin surface. After each use of the product, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water to wash off any remaining liquid. Also, when working with Ivermek, you must not eat, drink water and smoke. People with hypersensitivity to substances from the composition of the product should do everything so that there is no direct contact with it. This will help prevent an allergic reaction.

ivermec drug

Storage conditions and shelf life

To prevent Ivermek from spoiling, it is necessary to understand its storage features. The medicine should be stored in a securely closed package away from feed and food. You cannot leave it for a long time in places that are well lit by the sun, as this will quickly deteriorate the drug. The air temperature should be in the range of 5-20 degrees above zero. If the product has deteriorated, it must be disposed of immediately.


Sometimes people fail to purchase Ivermek. In this case, you can use drugs with a similar effect, which include the following:

  • Ivomek. It is an injectable medicine that contains anti-mite substances. It is necessary to use "Ivomek" no more than once every two weeks.
  • Novomek. This drug is used to combat ticks, bloodsuckers and lice. When used, it is injected subcutaneously. The dosage is 150 mcg per kilogram.
  • Baymek. If animals are often attacked by ticks, you can use this antiparasitic medicine. The dosage for use is the same as that of Novomek.


Ticks are dangerous parasites that can often be found on the skin of animals. To get rid of them, Ivermek is often used. However, before using this drug, you must familiarize yourself with its description and understand the features of use.

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