Healing properties and contraindications of nettle for the human body, application features

Nettle is a traditional medicinal plant used in various fields: folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking. The medicinal properties of the perennial nettle bush have been studied since time immemorial, but there are also known contraindications for the use of a medicinal plant. How to use nettles, collect and store the resulting material.

The chemical composition of the plant

The popularly known nettle, or firewood, has a rich chemical composition. Important amino acids, vitamins, trace elements that make up the plant make it curative, the burning herb is valued in folk medicine for its ability to stop bleeding, heal and disinfect wounds. Chemical composition:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin K;
  • silicon;
  • glycine;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • and other components.

The composition of the medicinal plant contains 9 out of 10 amino acids essential for humans. Every part of the plant (from root to flower) has beneficial properties. Decoctions from the firewood raise immunity, normalize blood clotting, and have a tonic effect.


Medicinal properties for the human body

The benefits of young nettle for the human body are enormous. The medicinal pungent herb was used in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. The tradition of using nettle brooms for baths has been known in Russia since time immemorial.


Burning healing leaves are a storehouse of vitamin C and organic acids. Decoctions are made from the leaves, dried, crushed and made into briquettes. The chlorophyll contained in the leaves of the plant promotes rapid wound healing and skin regeneration. For this property, zhguchanka is so valued in cosmetology. Disinfecting properties allow you to cleanse the skin while fighting acne and purulent lesions.


Tincture from the roots is successfully used in the treatment of liver diseases due to the choleretic effect, the work of the gallbladder improves. Firewood syrup is drunk in case of viral diseases to increase immunity and the production of interferon.

nettle root


Flavonoids and linoleic acid are found in large quantities in the dried seeds of the plant.These components are indispensable for men and their health - potency improves, a positive effect is achieved in the fight against various diseases of the reproductive system.

It is recommended to lubricate places of sprains of joints, bruises with oil from seeds.

Indications and contraindications for use

It is necessary to use folk remedies in the treatment of various diseases and in cosmetology with caution. Allergic reactions are possible, if you use it rashly, you can harm the body. Contraindications to the use of funds are:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • the presence of tumors and formations in the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • kidney disease;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension.

Important! When preparing decoctions, tinctures, storing nettles for the winter, it is important to observe the recipe and dosage.

Before external use, make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the burning bush, a small amount of the product is applied to the inside of the wrist. Itching, burning, red spots from nettle on the skin should not appear.


How to use nettle

Nettle preparations are known not only in folk medicine, stinging herb is used in pharmacology, medicines are produced in the form of briquettes, extracts, syrups and tinctures. You can dry the raw materials for medicinal products yourself during the summer. Nettle is a unique immunostimulating agent used in the treatment of colds, anemia, bleeding and various ailments of the respiratory and urinary systems.

With anemia

You can increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood with the regular use of juice from burning grass. Geminic atoms in the nutrient fluid double the absorption of iron. At the same time, nettle juice fights vitamin deficiency and cleanses blood vessels, providing a medicinal effect.

Nettle juice

With bleeding

Burning herb is able to stop severe bleeding, having a hemostatic property. Vitamin K, which is part of the medicinal plant, stimulates the production of prothrombin, which thickens the blood and increases clotting.

With diabetes

As a component of insulin therapy, the medicinal plant is able to lower blood sugar levels. Secretin, which is part of the vitamin herb, stimulates the pancreas. Burning grass is included in the composition of medicinal dishes for diabetics: vitamin soups and salads are prepared from the leaves.

Nettle soup

For diseases of the respiratory system

The burning bush is an excellent assistant in the fight against chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Compresses, infusions for inhalation, decoctions and syrups are made from the leaves. It is important to follow the recipe correctly and consult a doctor first.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Ulcers and gastritis are common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, unpleasant symptoms bring discomfort and worsen the quality of life. To get rid of ailments, nettle broth is used. It is recommended to combine the beneficial properties of nettle with the healing components of mint and St. John's wort.

A decoction of stinging herbs reduces appetite and boosts immunity.

Nettle decoction

For skin diseases

Heel spurs are an unpleasant skin disease that manifests itself with a decrease in the protective functions of the body. To combat "heel warts" use compresses from young burning leaves.

Also, the plant relieves pain in sprains, heals and disinfects open wounds. In cosmetology, nettle infusions treat the skin from acne, are used as vitamin masks.

With musculoskeletal pathologies

Regular consumption of nettle in the form of teas and infusions in combination with sports training allows you to quickly gain muscle mass, the hormonal system is restored in the shortest possible time.

Since ancient times, the burning herb has been valued by healers for its ability to relieve joint pain, with sprains, bruises and dislocations.

Nettle tea

With diseases of the urinary system

Juice, seed and root pomace are used as medicines for kidney and bladder stones. At the same time, the blood is purified, the functions of the liver are restored.

Antitoxic action

Lignin in combination with vitamins and cellulose polysaccharides contained in the chemical composition of nettle is responsible for the anti-toxic effect of the medicinal plant. Toxins are removed from the entire area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract.


General strengthening action

A rich vitamin cocktail combined with essential amino acids is responsible for boosting immunity and fighting viral diseases. Drinking is recommended during the respiratory season.

The benefits of nettle for women

Nettle is an assistant in maintaining women's health. Healing herb normalizes hormones, stabilizes metabolic processes, and helps to lose weight. The burning bush is used in folk medicine to treat female diseases.

The benefits of nettle for women

With heavy periods

For its ability to stop bleeding, burning grass has been successfully used in gynecology to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of heavy periods. Normalization of hormonal levels and metabolic processes brings the menstrual cycle to a regular schedule.

Nettle with uterine fibroids

In the treatment of uterine fibroids in the course of complex therapy, the healing properties of the zhuchanka are used. The hemostatic effect helps to reduce the amount of secretions, while the risk of anemia decreases, lipid metabolism returns to normal.

Nettle with uterine fibroids

Nettles while breastfeeding

Since ancient times, nettle infusion has been used to stimulate lactation and improve the quality of breast milk. All useful substances, vitamins and elements get to the baby with milk, the mother's emotional state improves, the emotional and hormonal background returns to normal.

Is nettle possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy is undesirable only in the first trimester, the uterus can become toned. In the future, the healing infusion is the prevention of anemia and vitamin deficiency in a future or nursing mother.

Important! Before using traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor. Nettle is contraindicated in persons with increased blood clotting, allergic reactions may occur.


With erosion of the cervix

The disinfecting and healing effect of the juice is used in the treatment of cervical erosion. Cotton swabs are dipped in a decoction and inserted into the vagina.

Nettle in cooking

Healthy eating is the norm for a modern person. Nettle vitamin leaves are successfully used in cooking. To get rid of the "burning effect" of the leaves, they are scalded with boiling water and used in salads with fresh vegetables and herbs.

Green spring soup is a storehouse of the first vitamins. There are many recipes for this delicious dish, for sure, everyone will remember their own, known since the days of grandmothers.

Sorrel and nettle pies have gained popularity. Dry nettle leaves are used as seasonings. It is not difficult to create a vitamin snack, it is important to arm yourself with imagination and good mood.

Nettle soup

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, the firewood is used in the form of infusions and decoctions for hair and facial skin. Methionine, contained in the burning herb, strengthens hair, reduces hair loss, the scalp is hydrated, and dandruff disappears.

The disinfecting effect allows you to fight acne and pimples. The skin becomes soft and taut.

Is nettle good for weight loss

Tea made from nettle leaves and flowers improves metabolic processes in the body, the vitamin complex improves mood, nettle reduces appetite.You can make healthy tea at home. Due to these properties, the effect of weight loss is noticeable after a few months, muscle mass is gained faster.

Nettle tea

Nettle broom for a bath

The symbol of the Russian bath along with a birch and oak broom. Arthritis, rheumatism, skin ailments - a nettle broom will suppress unpleasant symptoms. After a bath with a nettle broom, the skin looks fresh, the tone returns to the tissue.

Aromatherapy based on nettle brooms - a remedy for colds and chronic fatigue.

Collecting and storing nettles

Rules for collecting and storing nettles:

  1. The best time to harvest the leaves is during the flowering period.
  2. The roots for the harvesting are dug in the spring.
  3. The seeds must be fully ripe to create oil.
  4. They do not collect raw materials along highways.
  5. Raw materials must be completely dried before being stored for storage.
  6. It is recommended to store dried material in paper or cloth bags.
  7. The storage room must be dry, out of direct sunlight.

Important! Drying of raw materials should be carried out under the influence of heat, without direct sunlight, otherwise the leaf plates become discolored and lose some of the vitamins.

Nettle is a unique plant, endowed with healing properties and rich chemical composition. But before using drugs based on nettle, be sure to consult a doctor, there are contraindications.

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