How and how to treat currants from diseases and pests after harvest

Planting culture in the garden is not the most important thing. It is important to properly care for the plants. Correct processing of currant bushes from pests and diseases is an important agricultural technique. Timely help will save the whole plant from death.

Pest and disease control drugs

For effective control of insects or diseases, manufacturers offer a variety of drugs, which are divided into categories.


These are preparations aimed at fighting insects. Their effectiveness is assessed by the summer resident when applied. Manufacturers offer a choice of a summer resident many different means, each of which is effective in its own way.

Fitoverm is the safest for the human body. Its origin is biological, the effect on insects is strong.

List of other drugs in this category:

  • Malathion;
  • "Thiamethoxam";
  • "Imidacloprid";
  • "Cypermethrin";
  • "Dimethoat".

Most summer residents prefer to use safe drugs, but sometimes only chemical treatment helps.

glass vials


Division of Fungal Diseases. Summer residents are offered a list of funds that differ in composition and effectiveness of exposure:

  • "Propiconazole";
  • sulfur;
  • "Triadimefon";
  • "Fenarimol";
  • "Penconazole".

They are treated against the fungus in spring and autumn, then it is easier to control its development and distribution in the garden.

propiconazole canister


Unfortunately, it is difficult to deal with pests and diseases with folk and biological means, summer residents turn to chemicals. Manufacturers offer no less than a list of remedies that help fight one specific disease or insect.There are some products that are used for complex spraying.


Permitrine is the substance that forms the basis of this drug. This tool is used for humans. But summer residents, due to the low price and efficiency, began to use it in the garden. It is used to get rid of all sorts of parasites that live on black currants.

Positive qualities, which are a plus for the product: low price, large scope, free use all season, the only exception is the period of flowering and fruiting. There are also disadvantages, sometimes the drug is ineffective, has a degree of toxicity.

substance permitrin


Affects many insects. 1 or 2 treatments are enough per season, the effect is long lasting. Summer residents recommend processing black currants 2 times, in early spring and again after 2-3 weeks.

The drug is highly effective, does not affect bees, birds and animals. A big and significant disadvantage is a high degree of toxicity.

Copper oxychloride

The abbreviated name of the drug is "Hom". It is a weak analogue of Bordeaux liquid. Used for the treatment and prevention of most diseases. Pros of using:

  • wide range of applications, processing black currants, flowers, vegetables, fruit trees;
  • low degree of toxicity;
  • low price;
  • used for treatment and prevention;
  • used to treat brown spot, macrosporiosis, fusarium, scab and other diseases.

Minus - affects bees and other beneficial insects, therefore it is not used during flowering. With severe neglect of the disease, the effectiveness of the effect is reduced.

copper oxychloride

Copper sulfate

A tool familiar to many summer residents. It is used to treat diseases and prevent development. The advantages of this drug are its low price and wide range of applications. It is used for processing black currants and other fruit and berry crops.

If the drug is used correctly, there will be no harm to insects and animals. But copper sulfate should be used with caution. Particles of substances that make up it can cause allergic manifestations, especially if they enter the respiratory tract, eyes.

copper sulfate

"Prophylactin FEM"

The basis of the product is oil. Therefore, the impact is maximally effective. The insect will not be able to clear it even in the rain.

Causes the death of parasites immediately after use or after a while. Combines with any processing medium.

The disadvantages are:

  • toxicity;
  • poor solubility in water.

Warm water will help dissolve the drug.

  • to achieve the desired effect, they are re-processed;
  • the time of effectiveness of the diluted drug is 1 hour.

Compliance with safety measures is a prerequisite for the use of this drug.

Prophylactin FEM

"Aktara KS"

This tool has been familiar to summer residents for a long time. The method of exposure to pests is the digestive system.

The drug affects all leaf beetles, combined with other processing agents. Minus - addictive with constant use. Insects develop immunity. Does not affect clutches, larvae and pupae.


Basically, the drug is used for the treatment and prevention of powdery mildew. In addition, Topaz is effective for other diseases. Pros:

  • effectively affects pathogens and is used as a prophylactic agent;
  • the exposure time is long;
  • when it gets on the fruit, it is completely washed off;
  • used for flowers and fruit trees.


  • during processing, observe safety precautions, avoiding contact with eyes or respiratory tract.

Observing the rules for using the drug, the summer resident receives an excellent potent remedy to fight diseases.

topaz treatment

Bordeaux liquid

The drug is very popular with gardeners.There is no equal in the use and effectiveness of this tool.

The advantages of Bordeaux liquid are considered to be low price, efficiency, long term on the market.

Negative qualities are called negative effects on bees, incompatibility with other drugs, the possibility of processing only before flowering.

Biological remedies

The advantage of drugs belonging to this category is that they do not affect the human body. Therefore, they are popular with gardeners.


Black currant is processed from lepidoptera insects and larvae. A high concentration of the drug helps not only to get rid of pests, but also inhibits their reproductive function.

The exposure time of the drug is a day. The product is environmentally friendly, combined with other drugs.

Cons - affects only a limited circle of insects, if necessary, repeat the treatment, not applied over a large area.

drug exposure


It is used not only for black currant but also for others. In addition to preventing and treating diseases, the drug helps to increase immunity and plant growth.

It does not harm a person, the fruits are eaten on the same day, it is only necessary to rinse.

Cannot be used in conjunction with chemistry.

Of the means of protection, only gloves are used, the rest are unnecessary.

yellow package


Every year the drug is gaining popularity. Fights against pathogenic microflora, which is formed as a result of the vital activity of insects. For the pests themselves, it is not dangerous.

When processed with this agent, black currants receive not only preventive treatment, but also nutrition, as from humic fertilizer.

"Fitop" goes well with chemical means of protection, has one drawback - it does not destroy insects.


Affects deciduous insects. Acts on the pest through the food system. The insect dies 2.5-3 days after spraying.

Wide range of applications, "Dendrobacillin" is effective against many insects. Not harmful to the environment.

A high concentration of the drug has a low degree of toxicity, quickly disintegrates.

plant treatment

Folk remedies

Summer residents, who are opponents of the use of chemicals and other drugs, prefer to use folk remedies to combat diseases and insects.

Combination of shredded tobacco and wood ash

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 100 g of tobacco;
  • 100 g of wood ash;
  • 10 liters of water.

All components are combined, mixed well and left to infuse for 2 days. The resulting mixture is poured off without raising the precipitate. The solution bucket is divided into three bushes. Watered at the root.

tobacco solution

Some summer residents sprinkle ash and shredded tobacco around the roots of currants to facilitate work.

Advantages of the method:

  • the composition of the soil improves;
  • the effect is high;
  • minimal costs;
  • the term of use is the whole season.


  • extended exposure period;
  • It is easier for a gardener to buy a treatment product than to find tobacco or wood ash.

This method is effective, absolutely safe and easy to use.

ash bags

Boiling water exposure

The water is heated to 80 ⁰С, the bushes are treated, fencing the plant roots from boiling water.

Summer residents add manganese to boiling water for efficiency.

There is a risk of harming the bushes. Bushes are processed in early spring, as soon as the snow melts.

Birch tar consistency

Laundry soap 75% is an alternative. Grind 200 g of a piece of soap and pour 10 liters of warm water. After the soap has dissolved, the bushes are sprayed. The resulting solution is divided into 3-4 bushes.

birch tar

Onion-garlic solution

For cooking you will need:

  • 100 g of garlic;
  • 100 g onions;
  • 10 liters of water.

Vegetables are chopped in any convenient way, filled with water. Infusion time is a day. Calculation for 4 plants.

garlic solution

Safety engineering

Care must be taken with any method of processing.They work with chemicals according to the instructions, with folk remedies, following the recommendations.

Toxic chemicals

Protective suits, masks and hats are often used, gloves are put on their hands. After processing, all containers and items used are thoroughly washed in warm soapy water. Unused liquid, water after washing is poured into a place where nothing grows. Do not pour into reservoirs or running water used for irrigation.

The adjacent beds with fruits or vegetables are covered with plastic. Upon completion, wash with warm water and soap.

Boiling water and steam

Plants are carefully treated with steam or hot water. In contact with open areas, burns. The watering can is kept at a height of 10 cm from the tops of the bush, one plant is watered for no more than 5 seconds.

currant roots

What to use in case of an insect invasion

Each pest requires a specific approach. Various drugs are used to destroy them.

Spider mite

Prevention will help, the bushes are often sprayed with water. This pest does not tolerate high humidity.
From chemical preparations, agents belonging to the category of acaricides are suitable:

  • Floromite;
  • "Nisoran".
  • Sunmight;
  • Oberon;
  • Apollo.

bottle nisoran

Folk remedies:

  • onion infusion;
  • garlic infusion;
  • infusion of marigold flowers.

The stronger the enemy, the more powerful the means must be.

From kidney mites

Chemical preparations containing colloidal sulfur are used. Summer residents recommend the following tools:

  • "Nissoran";
  • "Neoron";
  • Apollo;
  • "Kinmix" and others.

From folk remedies, the same drugs are used as for spider mites. In addition, spring boiling water treatment or manual collection of affected kidneys is practiced.

Apollo preparations

From aphids

The bloom that appears on the leaves of black currant is a reason to sound the alarm. Hordes of insects leave behind a liquid substance that prevents the plant from breathing.


  • "Aktara";
  • Inta-Vir;
  • Rovikurt;
  • Fury.

If the settlement of aphids is not yet large-scale, use the infusion of celandine, dandelion, potato tops, wood ash, soap and other folk remedies.

Blackcurrant sawfly

It is necessary to destroy the caterpillars of the beetle, they can damage the green mass of the plant. Use the drug "Iskra", it effectively fights the pest. From folk remedies, an infusion of tobacco, onion, garlic and other strong-smelling infusions is used.

blackcurrant sawfly

Goose moth

This pest is dangerous for black currant flowers. Chemicals to combat:

  • Iskra Bio;
  • "Fufanon";
  • "Karbofos".

The insect hibernates in the roots, in the spring, before flowering, the place near the bush is covered with roofing material. The pest cannot get over the plants and therefore does not attack the bushes.


This is a parasite, whose vital activity can be noticed only in the 2nd year. The plant begins to wilt as the caterpillars eat the core of the stem.

It is treated with Iskra or an infusion of celandine and mustard. Pruning the plant will help, the affected areas are removed without even leaving a hemp.

insect glass

From bedbugs

The pest is collected by hand if there are few insects. Or they use chemicals:

  • Phosphamide;
  • "Karbofos";
  • Chlorophos.

Plants that repel bugs are planted next to the bushes, weeding will help to destroy some of the pests.

The main diseases and methods of dealing with them

There are certain cultural diseases. It is necessary to deal with each of them in order to get a crop and not lose bushes.

white leaves

With powdery mildew

If white leaves are found on the currant, it means that he was struck by a disease called powdery mildew. If timely measures are not taken, the focus of infection can be global.

Adherence to agricultural techniques and planting subtleties can help in solving the problem, this applies to any disease.

In early spring, the affected bushes are treated with copper sulfate of 3% consistency. They practice boiling water, steam or open fire.

Of the preparations used for processing "Fitosporin", "Quadris".

When red leaves appear

The appearance of red spots indicates the presence of anthracnose or aphids. Action should be taken immediately by treating the plants.

red leaves

How to treat fungus on currants

Fungal diseases are common in gardens. First of all, it is necessary to determine what kind of disease affected the plants. Only then can we start processing.


For prevention purposes, remove all the leaves from under the bushes. If there are obvious symptoms of redness or the appearance of brown spots on the bushes, they must be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid.

For cooking you will need:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 100 g of substance.

In early spring, to destroy pathogens, it is recommended to treat the plants with boiling water.

anthracnose leaves

Treatment of terry black currant

Symptoms are deformation of flowers, buds and leaves. They begin to change shape, sometimes shade.

To achieve the effect, it is recommended to treat the plants with boiling water in early spring, since there is no effective chemical yet.

From scab

Copper and iron vitriol, Nitrafen and other effective drugs are used to treat diseases.

Terms of preventive treatments

Black currants need treatments for pests and diseases, an important condition is strict adherence to deadlines. At each stage of the growing season, a specific preparation is used.

black currant

Before kidney swelling

The first spraying is carried out even before the buds begin to awaken. Untouched by parasites, they are protected by a strong film, so they will not be damaged. And those with insects will receive the necessary dose of medicine.


  • boiling water or steam, open fire;
  • 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid;
  • 5% solution of copper sulfate.

The next treatment is carried out in May, even before flowering.

When the first leaves appear

Use drugs of biological origin or folk remedies. Properly treated bushes will form an ovary and produce a crop.

For treatment from awakened pests and pathogens, use "Fitol" or another agent.

first leaves

Before flowering

In the spring, plants need treatment most of all. Timely treated bushes form ovaries, give new shoots. Before flowering, black currants are treated from insects that harm the future ovary.

During fruiting

They are especially sensitive to plants that are at the fruiting stage. Some varieties ripen in July. But later species bear fruit in August. Such bushes cannot be treated with chemicals. Summer residents are advised to spray currants with folk remedies in the summer.

When there are already berries, the bushes are treated with onion or garlic infusion. They do not harm either humans or animals. During the ripening of berries, it is better to use biological preparations, in addition to treatment for diseases, some of them are top dressing.

wet berries

After harvest

When black currants bear fruit, they are treated with chemicals. The autumn procedure does not harm the plants, it kills insects that are going to winter on the bushes. Summer residents recommend sprinkling with complex preparations that destroy insects or pathogens. You can water the soil under the currants with a weak solution of manganese or Bordeaux liquid. The bushes will be better prepared for winter and will give a normal harvest in the future.

Without processing, black currants will yield less than expected, this will lead to the death of plants.

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