How to get rid of the plum moth and how to treat it to fight

If last season gardeners received a rich harvest of plums, this season it will rest. This situation occurs due to the fact that the plant has spent a significant part of the nutrients for the formation of juicy fruits. However, this does not mean at all that the plum will not give several shoots, on which buds will tie. Along with this, during this period, the plum is susceptible to attacks by pests, in particular the plum moth, which we will discuss below.

What is the danger to the tree

The plum moth is a pest that attacks stone fruit crops. It happens as follows: caterpillars destroy the fruit pulp, and also damage and clog it with their own excrement.

These pests are found almost everywhere. So, on the territory of Russia, they are most observed in the southern regions. The female plum moth gives birth to about two generations of parasites.

Plum moth: signs of a pest

The moth looks like a brown-gray butterfly. The parasite overwinters in the form of a caterpillar. After the plum has bloomed and set fruit, butterflies become visible on the trees; they lay their eggs directly on plums. After that, caterpillars appear, which eat away the passages in the fruit and, thus, reach the stalk. As a result, the plum stops growing actively, changes color and eventually falls off.

With the help of insecticides, you can quickly get rid of pests even in the early stages of moth activity.

plum moth

How to process a plum from a moth

Next, we propose to consider in detail what methods exist to combat the moth on a plum.

Biological preparations

It is possible to treat a fruit tree from a pest with the help of biological preparations that are less dangerous to humans and plants. The main advantage of such products is that, having done the treatment, the owner of the garden tree can be sure that the plums are absolutely clean, both in terms of pests and the drug used.

The most famous biological products:

  • Spark Bio;
  • Fitoverm.

To achieve maximum results, the treatment is carried out on a dry and quiet, windless day. In the case of severe infection, the procedure is repeated several times with an interval of 7 days.

garden pest


In the most difficult situations, it is necessary to resort to chemicals to combat parasites.In any case, these drugs are the most effective, but they are not so easy to use. A significant disadvantage is that during the use of chemicals, the residual product of the reagent accumulates in the fetus. If the solution is used incorrectly, this accumulation can double.

worm in apple

As chemicals used:

  1. Karbofos.
  2. Inta-vir.
  3. Lepidocide.

Processing is carried out twice - after flowering, at the time of ovary formation. By the way, in different climatic conditions, the processing time varies.

The second stage-by-stage processing is carried out in July. At this time, a large number of second-generation caterpillars are destroyed.

chemical preparations

Folk methods of struggle

Those who do not want to use biological or chemical preparations for one reason or another can always turn to folk methods of dealing with the plum moth. By the way, such measures are also effective.

So, among the folk methods, the following are often used:

  1. Garlic, hot peppers and onion peels. From these ingredients, infusions are prepared, with which the affected tree is treated. The best option is to spray the plum. The parasites quickly leave the smell.
  2. Mustard powder. To prepare the product, pour 100 grams of mustard with boiling water (10 liters). A day later, the liquid is diluted with soapy water in the same amount.
  3. Needle extract. For this option, needles are collected from spruce and pine, approximately so that a one-liter jar comes out. The needles are placed in a container and filled with two liters of warm liquid. In this form, the ingredients are insisted for a week. At the end of the term, the infusion is filtered and diluted in proportions of one to two.
  4. Salt. Before buds bloom on the plum, it is treated with a solution of sodium chloride. In order to make a remedy, you need to take one kilogram of salt and dilute it in ten liters of water.
  5. Bitter infusion of wormwood. To prepare the infusion, take one kilogram of the plant and ten liters of water. It is necessary to insist the remedy for two days. Also, planting wormwood near plum trees is a good option.

Traditional methods, as well as chemical ones, should be applied several times, starting in spring.

spoon mustard

How to get rid of a pest on a plum: a step-by-step guide

Let's consider in more detail how to deal with the moth on a plum.

Terms of medical work

On garden plots, where modern work on crop protection has been introduced into practice, it is advisable to observe the following terms for carrying out work using biological and chemical preparations:

  1. The first treatment is carried out between June 1 and 12, and takes place with the help of means for the destruction of the first generation of caterpillars.
  2. To eliminate the second generation of caterpillars, it takes 25 to 30 days from the date of the first treatment. During this period, other chemicals are used.
  3. The peak of the accumulation of caterpillars falls in the period from mid-July, therefore, somewhere in the twentieth of June, two treatments should be carried out, resorting to biological means.

For those who want to minimize the negative effect of the above tree treatments, the ideal option would be to combine the treatment from the plum moth with other types of parasites.

medicine package

Plum processing technology

The systematic elimination of carrion is carried out during the growing season. Before harvesting, the trees are shaken so that the damaged fruits fall.

In the autumn and spring periods, trees are cleaned from the bark that has lagged behind; if there are cocoons, they are removed; in addition, flaws in the trunk are closed, diseased and dry branches are cut off. Whitewashing is also carried out at this time.

spray a tree

Trapping belts must be attached using glue, which should be filled with poisonous powder or solution.

In the event that the ground under the trees is maintained in a state of steam, in the fall it is dug up along the entire perimeter. In general, instead of steam, it is optimal to organize lawns under fruit trees on which wormwood, tansy, carrot testes and other herbs are sown, which would attract insects that destroy the plum moth.

In addition, if the garden is young, tomatoes are grown between the rows, since their smell is not to the liking of the pest.

masked man

Prevention of the appearance of insects

In order not to fight the plum moth, it is worth taking preventive measures, in particular:

  1. Collect the carrion in time.
  2. Install trapping belts on the drain.
  3. Dig the soil every fall.
  4. Correct all damage to the bark with a garden varnish.

Engage in attracting insects that are capable of destroying parasites. To do this, you can, for example, sow green manures on the site, which will attract such "defenders".

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