Description and characteristics of Etude plum variety, pollinators and cultivation

Plum of Etude variety has excellent commercial and taste characteristics of fruits. Their tasting assessment, transportability, keeping quality are considered its main advantages. The variety is known among gardeners as one of the most productive. Therefore, it can increasingly be seen in gardens, in summer cottages.

Plum Etude: description and characteristics of the variety

Table technical variety of plum of the mid-early ripening period Etude was obtained by crossing a hybrid of the Eurasia 21 culture and the Volzhskaya krasavitsa plum. Author G. A. Kursakov. The plum tree begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting the seedling. Pleases with abundant, beautiful flowering in the last decade of May. The fruits ripen in mid-August.

Tree and foliage

Plum variety Etude is a tall tree that forms a raised oval-spherical crown. The plant is covered with a rough bark, which has a dark brown tint with a grayish coating. Large leaves in the shape of a circle have an oval base and a slightly pointed tip, sharply turning into a spout. The leaf plate has a dark green color, slight wrinkling.


The variety is prized for its fruits, reaching 30 g in weight, oval-ovoid. In technical ripeness, the fruit is colored green, and when fully ripe, it acquires a bright purple color. The skin is firm with a waxy coating. The pulp has an emerald-amber tone, very juicy with a sweet taste and slightly perceptible acidity. The stone is in the form of an oval, small in size, easily moves away from the pulp.

The harvest is good not only for fresh consumption, but also used for the manufacture of homemade winter preparations such as jam, preserves, compote.

plum Etude


From year to year, the culture has consistently endowed with fruits. Harvesting takes place in the last decade of August. One tree can yield up to 20 kg of fruit.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Etude plum variety is endowed with a number of advantages, thanks to which it is in special demand among summer residents:

  • early maturity;
  • winter hardiness, drought resistance;
  • immunity to major diseases inherent in the culture;
  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste, tasting score is 4.3 points;
  • presentation of fruits;
  • transportability, which makes it possible to breed crops for industrial use;
  • keeping quality, allowing you to keep plums for about 2 months;
  • universality of appointment.

No flaws were found in the variety. The only drawback is self-infertility, so the Etude plum variety needs pollinators, which can be Renklod Tambov and Volzhskaya beauty.

good qualities

Cultivation of culture

Like every fruit tree, Etude plum has its own terms and requirements for planting, which are important to take into account, since a small error can leave the plant itself, as well as the desired yield, without.

Landing time and place

When choosing a seat, the following factors must be considered:

  • illumination, with its lack, the sugar content of the fruit may decrease and the quality of the crop may decrease;
  • protection from winds and drafts;
  • the relief of the site should be even, the lowlands can flood the plant, which will lead to the death of the tree;
  • light sandy loam soil with neutral acidity, characterized by moisture capacity.

It is recommended to plant Etude plums in the fall, at the end of the growing season, 1-2 months before the onset of frost.

growing plum

Seedling preparation

When choosing a material for planting, attention should be paid to its appearance, which should not have signs of disease, as well as dry leaves or broken branches. Saplings are best used at the age of 2 years. Before planting, they must be treated with a limestone solution.

seedlings for sale

Landing technology

Competent planting of Etude plum is a guarantee of successful development and favorable existence of the plum tree, therefore, the following procedure is required:

  1. Prepare the landing hole three weeks before the start of the planned landing. In the designated place, dig a hole measuring 70 x 50 x 60 cm.
  2. At the bottom, form a hill from a soil mixture containing the topsoil, organic and mineral substances.
  3. Install a peg to securely support the young tree.
  4. Lower the seedling, gently spreading the root system, and bury, shaking the plant to distribute the soil between the roots.
  5. Cover with fertile soil, compacting thoroughly to avoid the formation of voids.

After planting, water and mulch with peat.

Plant care

When cultivating Etude plums, not only competent planting is important, but also subsequent care, which must be carried out in accordance with all the rules.

trees have grown


Water the culture regularly. Enough 2 times a week. In hot weather, increase the amount of irrigation up to 3 times. Each plant should get 10 liters of water. It is not recommended to fill the soil during the rainy season.

Top dressing

Saturate the Etude plum tree with all the necessary nutrients by applying a complex of fertilizers to ensure its healthy appearance and strong immunity. In the first year, the plant does not need feeding, in the second, nitrogen-containing substances are added twice at the beginning and end of June.

Starting from the 3rd year of the tree's life, fertilize it at the end of April with nitrogen elements, in June - with nitrophosphate, in August after picking up the fruits, using phosphorus-potassium substances.


Spring, autumn is the time for this agricultural technique. You need to cut it in the second year after planting the seedling. It is necessary to form the crown of Etude plum in the form of tiers. Lay 6-8 healthy strong branches in the base. Also, rid the plant of dry, affected shoots.

remove branches


Although the plum of the Etude variety is characterized by frost resistance, it needs shelter at the initial stages of development in the presence of severe winters. They can be covered with peat, fallen leaves. A snow embankment, sketched in the zone of the plant's trunk circle, will protect the tree from frost in winter and supply the culture with moisture in early spring.

Diseases and pests

According to the description, the variety is well resistant to major diseases and dangerous pests.Therefore, it does not need to carry out mandatory prophylactic spraying to protect the culture from fungi and infections.

Cleaning and storage

The harvest of the Etude plum variety is in mid-August. Fruit should be picked when dry weather prevails. If they are exposed to rain, let them dry a little.

storage of cream

Plums without mechanical damage should be placed in one row in boxes made of wood, lined with paper, and transferred to storage.

In order to preserve the healing properties, the room where the crop is kept should be set to a temperature of 0–2 ° C and a humidity of at least 85%. Under these conditions, the drain will have a shelf life of 2 to 3 months.

So that the quality and quantity of the crop does not disappoint and pleases with the expected results, it is necessary to choose the Etude plum variety, which has a special taste and a pleasant harmonious aroma.

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