Description of the cherry plum variety July Rose, pollinators, planting and care

Cherry plum of the Yulskaya Rose variety is famous for its excellent taste, unpretentiousness in care. This is an early variety that opens the berry season. The subspecies is considered a follower of the famous Kuban comet. Cherry plum is widely grown on the territory of the CIS countries, it takes root easily. Beforehand, you should familiarize yourself with the planting technique, plant care.

How the Alycha variety was bred

The cherry plum variety Iulskaya Rose was bred by breeders of the Institute of Plant Industry in Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory. The variety was obtained by free pollination of the Kuban comet plum, created in the same laboratory. The variety differs from the progenitor by the earlier ripening period of the fruit. In 1999, the July Rose was entered in the state register, zoned for the North Caucasian region. The hybrid species of cherry plum, created from the seeds of the Kuban Comet, is an achievement in floriculture.

Main indicators of culture

A description of the fruit crop of the Yulskaya Kometa variety will help you figure out whether it is worth planting it in a private garden or industrial plantations. A detailed description of the plant is also required to familiarize yourself with the method of caring for it.


The trees grow of medium height, with a smooth trunk and medium thickening tillering. Shoots are horizontal, their diameter is 25 mm. The fruits ripen on short, overgrown, bouquet branches. The period of their life lasts about 2-3 years. The tree bears an annual harvest, up to 10 kg of fruit can be harvested from an 8-year-old plant. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to dry periods. Cherry plum resists diseases, harmful insects. The first fruits appear in the 3rd year after planting. The cherry plum variety does not pollinate itself.

July Rose


The July Rose tree variety bears ovoid fruits weighing up to 30 grams, with a waxy bloom. The skin color is purple with a pinkish undertone. The pulp is dense, slightly juicy, fibrous with a sweet and sour taste. The variety was rated 4.4 by the tasters.

The stone is small in size, easily detachable; in the air, the pulp does not darken soon. Cherry plum can be consumed fresh or prepared for the winter. Cherry plum is suitable for making jam, compotes, jams, dried fruits.You can also decorate desserts with fruit, add them to baked goods.

Characteristics of cherry plum July rose

The characteristic features of the cherry plum variety July Rose are as follows:

  • fruits ripen after June 20, the tree bears fruit until July 10-15;
  • high resistance to pests and diseases;
  • flowering occurs on April 1-15;
  • with proper care, the tree bears fruit in the 3rd year.

The variety is excellent for growing on industrial plantations and in private gardens. Trees bear many fruits, do not require daily care, which is in the hands of summer residents.

shallow plum

Drought resistance and resistance to low temperatures

The tree survives drought normally, but not regular. A type of moisture-loving, however, with an excess of water, aphids are damaged, diseases develop. The July cherry plum variety can withstand frosts down to -36 degrees. The plant also resists adverse weather conditions such as strong winds, rain, snow.

Susceptibility of the cherry plum variety to diseases and parasites

The July cherry plum is famous for its powerful protective properties, practically does not get sick, it is rarely attacked by harmful beetles. With proper care, preventive pruning, the plant will live up to 15 years.

Tree pollinators

Near the July cherry plum tree should be planted or planted next to varieties that bloom at the same time. These include the culture Traveler, Pramen.

berries without parasites

Blooming and fruiting cherry plum

Pollen falls in early April. Fruits ripen by the end of June. The crop is stable, but it is recommended to harvest it immediately. Cherry plum fruits do not firmly adhere to the stalks, with wind gusts they can crumble.

How to collect and store fruits

The cherry plum crop should be picked 2-3 days after the fruit ripens. They will become sweeter, more juicy. Transportation is possible, but if carried out correctly. The harvest should be kept open for 1-1.5 weeks. If plums are placed in a wooden box, kept in a cool, dark room, they will stay there for up to 1 month. It is important to sort out the fruits so that there are no rotten, damaged ones among them.

sprawling clusters

Advantages and disadvantages of wood

Cherry plum of the July variety has a lot of advantages. There are also some drawbacks that you should familiarize yourself with.

Fruits ripen earlyFruit ripens unevenly
The harvest is stable, abundantDry resistance medium
The variety takes root well almost anywhere
High resistance to cold, disease
The fruits are tasty, large

Planting a plant on the site

Cherry plum is usually planted with seedlings. This is the most popular breeding method. It is better to buy planting material from trusted sellers on the market or in nurseries. If you take a seedling via the Internet or from unfamiliar sellers, you may stumble upon wild-growing seedlings, or the wrong variety. It should be free of any damage, signs of disease.

The structure of the trunk is dense, its height is about 10 centimeters. Keep the seedling in the basement or dug into the ground with a semi-horizontal slope. A hole is dug out in advance, 50-60 centimeters deep and 80 cm wide. Groundwater occurrence should be at least 1.5 meters above the surface. A place to choose well-lit by the sun, where the wind does not blow. Bushes can be planted under the tree so that the fruit is not damaged when dropped.

tree on site

When to plant

In the middle and northern lane, it is better to plant cherry plum in March, before sap flow. If you plant a plant in the fall, it will not have time to get stronger by the cold, the roots will not form. In the south, you can engage in planting work in October if the air temperature is stable at +10.

Step-by-step landing instructions

Planting works are carried out in early spring. The tree is planted according to the instructions below.

  1. The seedling is dug out or taken out of the basement, the rhizome is placed in water for 1-2 hours. Add Heteroauxin, Epin to it.Substances stimulate growth, root formation.
  2. Remove part of the earth from the previously prepared hole so that the roots fit.
  3. Pour a mound of soil in the middle. At a distance of 10 cm from the center, drive in a wooden stick 100 cm high.
  4. Lower the planting material to a hill so that the neck is located at the top, and the root system evenly spreads along the slopes.
  5. Cover the rhizome with earth in layers, tamping.
  6. Tie the tree to the peg with a figure-eight twine.
  7. Form a trunk circle around the seedling.
  8. Water abundantly so that the earth adheres well to the rhizome.

After 2 hours, loosen the trunk circle of a young tree and cover with a mulching layer. For this, compost, rotted sawdust, hay are used.

landing on the territory

Subtleties of crop care

In order for the cherry plum to grow healthy and bring a stable harvest, a number of rules must be followed.

  1. Regularly remove the soil from weeds, loosen it. Weeding helps the roots to be aerated, moisture will not erode from the ground.
  2. Timely thin out the bush, cut off the branches.
  3. Feed the plant with fertilizers.
  4. Harvest time.
  5. Process cherry plum from pests and diseases.

The last point is optional, since the tree has powerful immunity. If illness or beetle infestation has been noticed, carry out sanitary work.

spray fertilizer

Irrigation and fertilization

You need to water the cherry plum often, with an interval of 3 weeks. Moisten the ground 25 centimeters deep, this will require 3-4 buckets of water. Excessive irrigation will be a disservice, a swamp will form in the near-trunk circle. After planting, watering is carried out through the mulch layer. This will reduce the amount of irrigation, loosening, and prevent the growth of weeds.

When slugs, beetles, and other insects are in the mulch, destroy them, dry the earth. Then restore the mulching layer.

Cherry plum should be fertilized for 3-4 years of life, when the supply of nutrients in the planting hole is depleted. Use nitrogenous substances, complex mineral dressing in the spring.

preparation preparation

Pruning and shaping the crown

Tree pruning should be done 2 times during the growing season. In the spring, the bush is thinned, removing 20 centimeters of side branches. In autumn, damaged or diseased shoots are excised. At the 8th year of life of cherry plum, rejuvenating pruning is required. It will help replace old branches with new ones, the procedure will prolong the life of the tree. Coat the cut sites with garden varnish so that pathogenic agents do not penetrate the tree.


The cherry plum should be trimmed to adjust it in the last days of March or early April, until the buds have blossomed. Shoots directed deeper into the forest are excised, the intersecting branches are shortened.


Cut off young trees 15 centimeters each year to prevent frostbite. Also excise dry shoots. Thin the bush so that the fruits are saturated with oxygen and sunlight.

saw operation


Sanitary pruning takes place from late October to early November. It is necessary to remove all dry, damaged shoots, burn them.

Barrel circle care

In areas where there is frequent drought, the trunk circle should be kept under the mulch at all times. Where there is a lot of moisture, mulching will only be required during the first two years of the plant's life. Pour a layer of humus, peat 10 centimeters around the trunk. Change the mulch layer 3-4 times a season.

cherry plum trunk

Prevention of diseases and insect infestations

They prevent the appearance of diseases and the attack of cherry plum by beetles by a number of measures.

  1. Before pollen, after and after another 2 weeks, treat the tree with 1% Bordeaux liquid or Hom.
  2. For prophylaxis in the spring, before sap flow, spray the cherry plum with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate.

Do not leave plant residues under the trees for the winter.The crown is not allowed to thicken, thinning pruning helps prevent beetle attacks or the development of diseases.

Preparing for winter

In the middle lane and the Trans-Urals, it is advisable to cover the cherry plum until frost. Whitewashing the trunks is required first, this will prevent burns in the spring. Cover the stem with a 40 cm sheet metal casing. Embed the end 10 cm into the ground. Wrap the tree with burlap on top.

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