Simple recipes for salting porcini mushrooms for the winter at home

Every year, with the onset of autumn, mushroom pickers begin to go to the forest for mushrooms. The most popular among the wide variety are mushrooms and boletus, the latter can be fried, boiled, stewed, baked, pickled. Consider how to salt porcini mushrooms at home.

Fill in a cold way

This recipe for salting porcini mushrooms is quite simple; it will not take much time and effort to implement it. First, we prepare the ingredients.

One kilogram of boletus will need:

  • salt - about 30 grams;
  • bay leaf - about 5 pieces;
  • dill - about 3 umbrellas;
  • allspice - about 5 peas.

Now let's move on directly to the question of how to salt porcini mushrooms. To do this, you need to do it in stages:

  1. We clean the boletus and fill it with clean water for a day.
  2. Salting is carried out exclusively in wood or glass containers - this is an important rule, on the observance of which the taste of the workpieces will depend.
  3. Put boletus mushrooms in two layers on the bottom of the container, sprinkle with spices and salt. In a similar way, spread the remaining rows and seasoning further, the last layer is also salted.
  4. When everything is ready, put a board or plate on top of the container, on which you will need to place the load.

salting porcini mushrooms

Two days later, the boletus should begin to produce juice. It needs to be drained, but not all. The appeared free space should be filled with fresh mushrooms. It happens that the juice is not allocated or very little.

In this case, a heavier load should be placed on top of the container. Remember that the cold salting method can be used if the workpieces are going to be eaten within 1.5 months. Such porcini mushrooms for the winter you will not save, they are only suitable for a snack for a short period of time.

Garlic recipe

This salting option is also cold, but the ingredients are slightly different. The composition is designed for a container of 10 liters:

  • boletus - 5 kilograms;
  • salt - about 140 grams;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • oak leaves - 30 pieces;
  • cherry leaves - 28 pieces;
  • dill - about 10 umbrellas;
  • horseradish - 6 leaves.

Stages of work:

porcini mushrooms in a basket

  1. The first thing to do is to cook the boletus: peel, wash, select the best ones, cut into pieces.
  2. Next, you should put them in pre-salted water, you cannot bring boletus to a boil, but you just need to slightly warm them up.
  3. Drain the liquid, let the mushrooms dry well.
  4. Peel the garlic, cut into thin slices.
  5. Divide the dill umbrellas into thin twigs.
  6. Prepare a container for salting. Put the horseradish leaves on the bottom, add 1 spoonful of salt.
  7. Lay out the boletus carefully, do not forget to sprinkle each subsequent layer with spices and salt.
  8. Cover the last layer of mushrooms with gauze. It is recommended to sprinkle with dry mustard on top - this is a kind of protection against mold, it is not necessary to perform. Press down on the container with a heavy load.

Such pickled mushrooms must be put in the refrigerator. You can eat in a month.

Hot salting

If you are planning to keep salted porcini mushrooms until winter, then this recipe is just what you need! A simple and at the same time delicious recipe can be performed even by the housewife who has never dealt with salting porcini mushrooms at home. The most important thing is to have everything you need at hand.

Per kilogram of blanks you will need:

  • cloves - 3 buds;
  • dill - 1 umbrella;
  • common salt - 2 large spoons;
  • pepper - 3 peas.

This recipe for mushrooms for the winter provides for the presence of brine, so the above spices need to be thrown into water and boiled. Next, mushrooms are carefully laid out in the water, cook for fifteen minutes. Stir constantly and remove foam from the brine surface. The finished boletus should later settle to the bottom of the container - this will be a sign to stop cooking.

Remove the mushrooms from the brine and leave to cool completely. After they can be placed in clean jars, be sure to sprinkle with salt on top and tighten the lid tightly. This recipe for hot cooking allows you to feast on the blanks in 1.5 months.

The shelf life of mushrooms of any type of salting is no more than 9 months.

Salting in jars

Not all recipes for cooking mushrooms make it possible to harvest them for the winter. With this method of salting, you can stock up on your favorite treat for future use!

mushrooms in a jar

Ingredients for 9 liters:

  • mushrooms - 5 kilograms;
  • common salt - 50 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 0.18 liters.

How to do:

  1. Rinse and cut the boletus into small pieces, add water, add salt (50 grams).
  2. Boil - it will take about 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse. When excess liquid drains, transfer to a jar, sprinkle with salt every 5 centimeters of mushrooms.
  4. Boil the plastic lids.
  5. Close each jar with a plastic lid with holes. Leave in this position for two weeks in the refrigerator.
  6. Remove the covers, pour refined vegetable oil on top. Roll up with iron lids. Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Simple recipes for salting porcini mushrooms for the winter at home

Such preparations for the winter in banks will not deteriorate for a long time.

Dry Ambassador

Ever wondered how you can pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter? This is a very popular dish. Such mushrooms are considered even tastier than pickled ones.

This harvesting method is a fairly easy method. Dry salting is convenient because it does not provide for boiling and soaking, everything is much simpler.

What you need to complete the recipe:

  • fresh boletus - about 2 kilograms;
  • coarse salt - 300 grams;
  • oak leaves - 5 pieces;
  • cherry leaves - 5 pieces;
  • black currant (leaves) - 5 pieces.

All recipes for the winter suggest washing mushrooms thoroughly. You don't need to do this before the dry ambassador, you just need to clean off the forest debris and wipe it with a wet rag. Cut off any damage on the body of the mushroom and remove the wormhole, if any. Cut the mushrooms into plastics - the thinner the better, lightly dry in the oven.

To make the salting of porcini mushrooms a success, put them in a basin, sprinkle with salt, mix well with your hands. Put the ingredients in sterilized jars: a layer of mushrooms, then currant, oak and cherry leaves. Lay in layers until all the components are over: the topmost layer must be sprinkled with salt and the cans can be rolled up. Always store in a dark, cool place. It will be possible to eat it in forty-five days.

  1. Elena
    3.03.2018 14:33

    I have been salting for many years in a cold and hot way, it always turns out perfect, there was not a single spoiled can and the taste is amazing, but these two options give a different taste, which I really like, I have not heard about the other recipes, I will definitely try.

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