A simple recipe for making physalis jam for the winter

A sweet treat rich in vitamins is prepared by almost every housewife. It is necessary to know the features of the preparation of this or that type of dessert. This will be half the success. To cook physalis jam for the winter, you don't have to do anything special. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations given in the recipe, to accurately observe the proportions.

The subtleties of cooking

Knowing some of the intricacies in making jam will not hurt even an experienced housewife, in order to avoid mistakes:

  • When cooking jam, many housewives advise to remove the foam that forms on the surface.
  • It is recommended to pierce the fruits, this is necessary for better penetration of the syrup into the berry.
  • Jars and lids are sterilized in advance, then dried and covered until they are useful.

The preparation of a dessert from a berry has no peculiarities, an experienced housewife will cope without difficulty.

How to choose physalis for jam

At the beginning of cooking any jam, they are engaged in the selection of the main ingredients. In addition to choosing berries, you need to properly prepare them.

Then proceed with the following steps of the recipe:

  • Selection of berries. Fruits are chosen healthy and of the same size, if possible This is true if it is boiled whole.
  • There are several varieties of physalis, it is advisable to choose one variety of fruit for one jam.

physalis for jam

The preparation of the berries for all recipes is the same, the fruits are washed, sorted, doused with boiling water, cut or punctured with the help of improvised means.

Cooking methods

True gourmets will appreciate the richness of tastes and aroma of the finished delicacy. The most popular recipes have a large following. Simple recipes that are not difficult to prepare and eat deliciously are in demand. Even a beginner can cope with them.

Physalis jam with plum

To prepare delicacies according to this recipe, you will need the following set of products: 800 g of plums; 1.7 kg of physalis; 2.4 kg of sugar; water 400 ml; citric acid to taste.

ripe physalis

Cooking this delicious dessert is not at all difficult. The berries are initially prepared. The plum is cut into slices, removing the stone. Physalis is lowered for 30 seconds. into boiling water, chopped at random.

Meanwhile, the syrup is prepared by mixing water and granulated sugar. After the sugar has dissolved, add the main ingredient and leave for 3 hours.

When the specified time has passed, bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 15 minutes. When the fruits become transparent, pour citric acid and boil for 8 minutes.Hot poured into prepared containers and closed with lids. Wrap up for a day.

physalis for jam

Physalis jam with ginger

To cook this jam, you will need: 1.1 kg of physalis, 40 g of ginger root, 1.3 kg of sugar, 0.26 l of water. Physalis is prepared, specimens suitable for jam are selected, then you need to pour boiling water over them to remove the wax plaque. After that, the berry must be dried and pierced.

ripe physalis

The ginger should be washed thoroughly and cut into small wedges. Put it in a container, pour water there and boil. Then gradually introduce sugar.

When the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, add the berry. Turn off the heat and let the piece stand for 2 hours.

When the time is up, cook over low heat until tender. Pour into sterilized containers, remove to cool under a warm blanket.

physalis for jam

Physalis jam with pear and apple

Each housewife tries to combine various ingredients. Required: 1 kg of pears, apples and physalis, 3 kg of granulated sugar, 65-75 g of lemon. Rinse Physalis, scald, lay out to dry. Remove the centers from pears and apples. Chop arbitrarily, the main thing is that it turns out the same.

pears and apples

Cut lemon of any size into small slices, removing the seeds. Mix the main ingredients, no citrus. Stir in sugar and leave for 4 hours. After boiling, cook until the mass begins to thicken, add lemon. When ingredients become transparent, distribute to jars and roll up. After complete cooling, put away for storage.

physalis jam

Physalis jam with lemon

For preparation you will need: 1 kg of berries and granulated sugar, 1 citrus, 250 ml of water. Syrup is made from a portion of sugar with water. Chopped lemon is placed in it. The berries are washed and put in a colander and dipped in boiling water for a few minutes. Grind the finished mass through a sieve and pour the remaining sugar into it. Combine with syrup strained from lemon slices. Insist for 3-5 hours.

physalis jam

Cook for 10-15 minutes. Hot jam is put in jars, rolled up.

Strawberry Physalis Jam

Jam according to this recipe is not at all difficult to cook, you need to purchase 1 kg of physalis, 500 ml of water, 1200 g of granulated sugar, add cinnamon or vanilla if desired.

First of all, syrup is cooked from water and 0.5 kg of sugar, meanwhile the berries are prepared.

When the syrup is ready, physalis is placed in it and left to infuse. This procedure should take at least 5 hours.

physalis jam

Add some more granulated sugar and bring the workpiece to a boil. After complete dissolution of sugar, remove to infuse for 6 hours. At the final stage, add the remaining sugar, boil until the berries are transparent, add cinnamon or vanilla. Packed in sterile containers, rolled up, cleaned and stored.

Recipe with the addition of orange

To make jam according to this recipe, you need to purchase: 1 kg of physalis, 1 kg of oranges, 1 kg of sugar, cinnamon.

The berries are prepared, they are thoroughly washed, sorted out and poured over with boiling water.

Then holes are made in several places and covered with sugar. Leave for 8-10 hours.

physalis jam

It is better to make jam in the evening, it is left to infuse overnight.

When the indicated time has passed, put the container on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove again to infuse until it cools completely. In the meantime, the orange is being cooked, peeled, seeds removed and cut in any way. When the workpiece has cooled, cooked citrus and cinnamon are added to it. The mixture is left to infuse for a day. Then they put it on the fire again, cook until tender. When hot, they are laid out in banks and put away for storage.

physalis jam

Pineapple Physalis Recipe

This physalis variety has a sweet taste, the jam from it is tasty and healthy.For cooking you will need: 1 kg of berries, 1 glass of water and 1.2 kg of sugar, 3 g of citric acid.

pineapple and physalis

The berries are washed and poured over with boiling water. Then shallow holes are made and covered with sugar. Leave to brew for 3-4 hours, then put on fire and cook after boiling for 5 minutes. Set aside and allow to cool, then reheat, bring to a boil and add citric acid. Cook until tender. Hot laid out in jars and closed with lids.

Storage features

In order for the jam to be stored longer, simple rules should be followed:

  1. Follow the steps of the recipe exactly, do not change the proportions.
  2. Sterilize jars and lids.
  3. In the storage room, maintain a temperature of at least 0 ⁰С and not more than + 15-20 ⁰С.
  4. Humidity should not exceed 80%.

Properly cooked jam can be stored for several years.

Making a physalis dessert is easy. Having taken the time to prepare the treat, the hostess provides the family with a supply of vitamins for the winter.

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