Recipe for making banana and orange jam for the winter

Jam made from bananas and oranges is an unusual dessert that will not leave anyone indifferent. The combination of the sweetness of exotic fruits and the acidity of citrus fruits gives the preparation a special, rich taste. It will not be a shame to serve it on the festive table and put it in front of guests who suddenly appear. And households will love the Sunday morning tea party with a banana-orange delicacy.

Features of making banana and orange jam for the winter

It's easy to cook an unusual delicacy, but you need to know and follow simple rules:

  1. Prepare fruit yummy in an enamel bowl with a thick bottom so that the mass does not burn.
  2. They take only bottled water. Tap water can spoil the taste of the food.
  3. During cooking, the jam is constantly stirred with a wooden spatula and the pop-up foam is removed.
  4. The finished delicacy is poured into containers and sealed with lids doused with boiling water.

Banks are placed on a horizontal surface upside down and covered with an old blanket. After cooling, the workpiece is removed to a permanent storage location.

Required ingredients

To create a dish, the hostess must stock the following products:

  • large bananas - 1 kg;
  • medium oranges - 500 g;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • white sugar - 1 kg.

Moreover, it is better to choose sweet citrus fruits. Otherwise, you will have to increase the amount of granulated sugar so that the dessert does not turn out sour.

oranges in a basket

How to prepare foods for a recipe

For an original treat, choose bananas with a yellow peel without brown spots. They show that the fruits are overripe. And if you make a dessert from soft fruits, then it will not taste very good.

The choice of citrus fruits is also thoroughly approached. Oranges are bought with a thin rind, juicy.

Preparing containers for the start of the process

Before starting to create a fruit yummy, a container is prepared for storage. Take liter or half liter glass jars. They are first thoroughly washed and dried, then they are placed in the oven and kept for at least an hour.

glass containers

How to make banana orange jam at home

A delicacy is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. The fruits are washed and spread on a clean napkin to drain the water.
  2. Peel the peel from them, and cut the pulp.
  3. Fruit pieces are put into a deep saucepan, sugar and water are added. Mix everything well.
  4. The container is put on fire. The mass is brought to a boil, then boiled over the lowest heat for 35 minutes.
  5. The hot product is placed in pasteurized containers.

You can put a circle of parchment in each jar and only then close it with a plastic lid.

jam close

How to store it correctly

Homemade preparations are perfectly stored and do not lose their taste for 1.5-2 years. But you need to know and follow some tricks:

  1. The best place in the apartment is the bottom shelf of the refrigerator; a dark pantry is also suitable.
  2. If possible, then the blanks should be placed in the cellar or basement. The main thing is that there is no high humidity, otherwise the cans and lids may become moldy.
  3. The best temperature is + 5-15 ° С.
  4. On the balcony, the product can be stored until the onset of cold weather, because the frozen dish loses its taste and aroma. The jar may even crack when thawed.

fruit sweetness

It is important that the jam does not stand in the light, because the sun's rays will destroy the useful substances of the product.

Orange-banana dessert is served as a separate dish. You can soak baked cakes with it, fill pies, bagels, or fill tartlets. And pancakes, pancakes, cheese cakes with fruit yummy will go away with a bang.

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