A simple recipe for apricot jam with orange for the winter

In the summer season, almost every house is filled with the aromas of sweet, pleasant life. Nature gives a varied amount of healthy fruits, from which they make excellent jam preparations for the winter. A delicate and at the same time slightly invigorating pronounced taste is possessed by apricot jam with the addition of orange, thanks to which the flavor becomes original, and the content of vitamins increases several times.

Cooking features

One of the main advantages of sweetness is the unique taste and abundant content of vitamins A, B, C, H, E, P, which is very useful for the human body. Also, in a fairly large amount, apricots contain malic, citric and tartaric acids. There are trace minerals phosphorus, potassium, and iodine particles that help treat thyroid disease. In turn, the orange, thanks to its vitamins and minerals, increases appetite, strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To preserve all these properties during the preparation of jam, you must strictly follow the recipe.

apricot jam

Preparing apricots and oranges for jam

It should be remembered that the wrong choice of products or non-compliance with the cooking process can lead to the loss of the useful properties of the treat, its taste and even its appearance. Each recipe has its own step-by-step instructions not only for preparation, but also for the selection of all the ingredients to achieve the desired result.

On the Internet, you can find just an incredible amount of various recipes for making apricot jam with orange. All of them differ in their taste, products (ripeness, firmness, with or without pits), time, and also the way of preparation. The most common are only two methods:

 oranges for jam

  1. By cooking.
  2. Without heat treatment (grind and fill).

Each option is good in its own way, and the best recipes for each of them are presented below in the text.

each option

Ways to make orange and apricot jam

A simple recipe for the winter

To prepare this amber jam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of ripe, firm apricots.
  • 1 kg of sugar.
  • 1 glass of water.
  • 1 orange.

Such a recipe is simple, for the desired result you need to perform the following steps:

firm apricots

  1. First, prepare the apricots in slices, namely, wash and separate from the seeds (do not discard the latter).
  2. Then try to split the bones that were removed and get their soft inner part.It will be used in cooking and will give the dessert a distinct flavor.
  3. Then mix sugar with water and orange juice.
  4. The next step is to fold the prepared fruits and seeds into a large saucepan and pour over them with syrup.
  5. Set the workpiece on fire and bring to a boil, after which the syrup must be drained and the apricots must be allowed to cool (this will help keep the slices intact).
  6. Repeat the above procedure two more times, but the duration of the last boil should last longer than the previous ones - 10-15 minutes.
  7. After that, pour the finished product into sterilized dishes and roll up. This completes the preparation of the dessert.
  8. Pyatiminutka orange-apricot jam

Required Ingredients:

do not throw the last

  • 1 kg of apricot pulp.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • 350 ml of water.
  • One medium-sized orange.

The preparation of the mentioned treat is divided into 5 stages:

the treats are broken

  • To begin with, cover the washed and separated from the seeds with sugar and leave it in this state for several hours, shaking the fruit from time to time (do not stir).
  • Then you need to start preparing the orange. To do this, it is enough to wash it thoroughly, cut it into pieces, select the bones and beat it intensively with a blender or twist it in a meat grinder (along with the peel).
  • When the apricots are juiced and mixed with sugar, add the previously prepared orange blank to them.
  • Then all this can be poured with water, mixed and put to cook over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil and turn off.
  • When the treat has cooled down, the procedure must be repeated. After the third cooking, the sweetness is placed in jars and covered with boiled lids.
  • Seedless apricot and orange jam

This cooking option is very simple, as it does not contain any secrets. All actions are the same as in the first recipe above. The only feature is that bones are not needed, since in this case the sweetness is prepared without them.

boil on and off

Apricot jam with orange and lemon

For cooking you will need:

  • Apricots - 1 kg.
  • Half an orange.
  • Half a lemon.
  • Sugar - 800-1000 grams (to taste).

Prepare an apricot dessert like this:

half lemon

  1. Apricots should be sorted out, filled with cold water and allowed to brew for a while.
  2. After a couple of hours, drain the water, dry the fruit on a towel, divide it in half, separate it from the seeds and put the slices in a cooking container.
  3. The lemon and orange must be scalded in boiling water, then cut into several pieces and remove the seeds.
  4. Grind the citrus fruits in a meat grinder and add them to the apricots.
  5. Then add sugar, mix everything gently and leave for a couple of hours.
  6. After a time when the sugar has melted and turned into a transparent syrup, the workpiece can be put on fire and cooked, boiled over low heat for 10-20 minutes, regularly removing the film and stirring. Then leave in a calm place for 8-12 hours.
  7. For the originality of the taste, you need kernels from the seeds, which should be added to the jam and repeat the cooking procedure, ending it at the moment when the jam has an acceptable density and color.
  8. A delicious treat is ready, it remains to arrange it in jars and enjoy the taste of lemon.

scald in boiling water

Jam storage

There is nothing complicated about it. To do this, you need to place the finished jam in the refrigerator or just a cool place, for example, a cellar. The sourness of the lemon and orange will prevent the dessert from fermenting so it won't go bad.

Jam storage

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