2 best recipes for mashed blackberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

Blackberry is a berry that is rich in vitamins, useful elements, therefore it is used for the preparation of conservation. A popular recipe for mashed blackberries with sugar for the winter without cooking. Dessert is often prepared in this way due to the lack of heat treatment, which allows the berry to retain all its usefulness. In addition, such a recipe will not cause difficulties for the hostess, you just need to know how to properly prepare the product.

Cooking features

To cook blackberries mashed with granulated sugar, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. The berry, unlike other fruits, is not prone to ripening at home, if harvested ahead of schedule. Therefore, the collection of the fruit should be carried out at the time of its full ripening.
  2. The berry must be picked carefully, you cannot squeeze it. The fruit has a thin, fragile skin, delicate compared to raspberries, it is easily damaged.
  3. If the bush with blackberries is surrounded by insects, including bedbugs, then it is better not to pick berries from it.

Rules for the preparation of products and containers

Before starting to wash the berries, they get over with the elimination of dirt, adhered leaves, insects, spoiled fruits. It is recommended to wash blackberries under the shower, as the tap jet can damage them.

The main preparatory step for canning is the removal of the stalks. They are pulled out of the fruit by twisting.

The prepared and washed product is dried before use for a cold dessert.

Distribute the berry, rubbed with sugar, only in a sterilized container, which is pre-washed with water and soda solution. The covers are also processed. Sterilization is carried out using a pot of boiling water, on top of which a special ring with a hole for the can's neck is fixed. The container is sterilized for about 20 minutes.

sterilization of containers

How to cook blackberries, mashed with sugar, for the winter?

To cook blackberries for the winter, you can use one of the recipes that include the classic version and the sterilization method.

Classic recipe without cooking

The recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • 500 gr. blackberries;
  • 500 gr. granulated sugar.

Dessert preparation steps:

  1. You need to select a good berry, peel it from the stalks, dry it and put it in an enamel bowl. It is important that midges, dirt, dust, spoiled fruits do not penetrate into the dessert, since the jam will not succumb to the boiling process, and granulated sugar will not save sick berries.
  2. Take a mortar or a convenient container and a heavy pestle.You will need to add a little blackberry, rubbing it until a gruel is formed.
  3. Sugar is added, the mixture is stirred and left for 2.5 hours.
  4. During this period of time, the mass needs to be mixed a couple of times to completely dissolve the granulated sugar.
  5. After 2 hours, the dessert is distributed in sterile containers. A tablespoon of sugar is poured into each jar on top of the mixture, tightly twisted with a lid. Thanks to the sugar film, the grated berry is stored longer for the winter.

blackberries with sugar

Sterilization recipe

The advantage of this method is the ability to store the dessert at room temperature. You can also save a lot on sugar.

The recipe includes the following products:

  • blackberries - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

How to make dessert:

  1. Grate the berries using a sieve.
  2. Cover the puree with sugar, set aside for 2 hours. It is also recommended to use a water bath to speed up the process.
  3. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and distributed in containers, which are covered with lids.
  4. In a large bowl, a tea towel is laid out on the bottom, water is poured and the container is placed.
  5. The container is transferred to low heat until boiling. Sterilization of 0.5-liter cans takes 20 minutes.

Terms and rules for storing blanks

If the fruits are rolled up with granulated sugar without a sterilization process, then storage in the refrigerator takes 2 months.

A blank from the cellar under a plastic lid must be consumed before February.

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