Recipe for making apricot jam with almonds for the winter

Apricots contain a rich vitamin complex and are useful both fresh and canned. Many housewives prepare apricot jam with almonds for the winter according to various recipes. You can cook jam from whole fruits, slices, with or without kernels. Regardless of the method of preparation, jam serves as a prophylactic agent for cardiovascular diseases, anemia and anemia.

The subtleties of cooking apricot jam

To make the jam tasty and healthy, it is important to observe several rules when cooking it.


  1. When cooking, do not stir the fruit mass so that the fruits do not lose their shape. The container can only be shaken periodically.
  2. When adding sugar to apricots, you need to pour it in gradually so that it does not fill all the space between the fruits. Otherwise, the fruit will boil over and become too soft.
  3. When preparing jam with seeds, you should choose varieties with sweet kernels, since they do not produce poisonous hydrocyanic acid.
  4. Any foam that forms on the surface must be removed from the pan as it can spoil the taste and create bitterness.

Preparation of the main ingredients

Any kind of apricot can be used for cooking. The picked fruits must be firm, intact, free from dents and other defects. Using whole fruits for jam, they should be pre-pierced in several places and blanched for 5 minutes at a temperature of 80-90 degrees, and then immediately cooled.

The standard recipe assumes the use of 1 kg of fruit and sugar, 250 g of water, 100 g of nuts.

almonds and jam

Apricot jam with almonds for the winter

The classic recipe for apricot jam with the addition of almonds does not require special culinary skills.

To cook a treat, just follow a simple instruction:

  • separate fruits from seeds or take whole fruits and stew them;
  • mix the resulting mass with sugar and bring to a boil;
  • add almonds and boil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  • put the finished product in sterilized jars.

jam with apricot

Apricot jam with pitted almonds

The seedless jam recipe is one of the most common. According to the recipe, you need to thoroughly wash the fruit, remove the stalks and cut in half along the groove. The fruits are folded into a saucepan, cut upwards, and covered with hot sugar syrup. The resulting mixture is left for a day, after which it is brought to a boil over low heat and cooked to a suitable thickness.At the end of cooking, add vinegar essence and vanillin.

jam with apricot

Apricot jam with almonds and lemon

To diversify the apricot flavor, you can add spices to the recipe. Adding lemon juice or a couple of tablespoons of zest will add a citrusy flavor. For 1 kg of the main ingredient, it is recommended to add half or a whole lemon.

By using more citrus fruits, there is a chance that the finished product will turn out sour.

Mix the lemon with a boiling mass of apricots and sugar syrup. All other steps follow the standard recipe.

Apricot jam with almonds and lemon

Royal jam from apricots with almonds

The most exquisite recipe is considered to be royal jam with nuts inside the fruit.

To prepare it you need:

  1. Carefully remove the stone from the apricots without damaging the fruit itself. To do this, you can make a small incision and stick a cutlery with a round handle or a similar object into the recess.
  2. Place almonds in the hole in the fruit.
  3. Fold the fruits into a saucepan and mix with the sugar syrup.
  4. Constantly removing the foam, wait for a boil, remove from the stove and leave to stand for 10-12 hours.
  5. Continue to cook the resulting mass in three doses at similar intervals.
  6. Pour the jam into jars and wait until it cools completely by turning the containers upside down.

Tsar's jam

Storage of the finished product

Jars for storing ready-made jam must be washed, treated with boiling water and dried in the oven. If the product comes into contact with moisture, mold may develop. When sealing containers with jam with tin lids, pour it hot, completely filling the free space. You can leave the jars at room temperature, preventing direct sunlight.

ready-made jam

If you pack the jam in a cold state, it is enough to cover it with parchment paper. In this case, store the product in a cool, dark place. It is best to consume jam with the addition of seeds during the first year, since as a result of prolonged storage, the kernels begin to release harmful substances.

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