Recipes for canning tomatoes with beets for the winter

If you like to surprise your loved ones and cover vegetables for the winter, then you should definitely know how to preserve tomatoes with beets for the winter, because they do not take much time to cook them, and they are eaten just as effectively.


Today we will consider several options for canning tomatoes with beets. All presented solutions will not require many ingredients and will take a minimum of your precious time.

Standard recipe

This option can be called classic, because all housewives use it.

What do you need:

  • One small beet;
  • A little sugar (about five tablespoons);
  • A little salt (tablespoon);
  • Garlic (three cloves);
  • One dill umbrella;
  • A little pepper (six peas);
  • Seventy percent vinegar (tablespoon).

tomato and beet

Now he starts pickling:

  1. To do this, prepare liter jars in advance and sterilize them. Then take the garlic, beets and wash them thoroughly, and cut the last into thin slices.
  2. Next, take a jar and leave to the bottom of the dill, garlic, pepper and literally a few chopped slices of beets.
  3. On top of this, you need to lay tomatoes.
  4. Now you can take an ordinary electric kettle, heat water there and pour all the jars to the top so that the tomatoes are completely covered with water, it will turn red.
  5. Now the water from the cans must be drained into a container, for example, a saucepan, add the specified proportions of sugar and salt there, and boil.
  6. Let it simmer for a few minutes, then add the vinegar and pour it all back into the jars.
  7. Now, using the pasteurized lids, roll up the tomatoes, turn over the cans, and cover them with something.
  8. In the morning it will be possible to store it in the basement.

Tomatoes with beetroot and apple

With apples, the brine turns out like juice, you can drink it in cups.

List of ingredients to make canned tomatoes with beets and apples:

  • One and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
  • Small beets;
  • Medium carrots;
  • Small apples (medium);
  • One onion;
  • One and a half liters of water;
  • A little sugar (130 grams);
  • A little nine percent vinegar - 70 grams;
  • One tablespoon of salt.

canned tomatoes with beets

How conservation is done, step by step:

  1. As last time, we start by preparing the cans. After that, peel the beet, carrots and cut into circles. Take apples, peel them well and remove the core. All this should be placed on the bottom of the prepared jar.
  2. Then grab the tomatoes. They should be washed, pricked with a toothpick in some places and placed in jars, denser.
  3. Next, put the water to a boil (in a kettle), fill the jars with tomatoes and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. It should take on a beetroot hue. Then pour the liquid from the cans into a saucepan, let it boil, and pour over the cans again.
  4. We do the previous operation again, only now we drain the water into the pan, add sugar, vinegar, salt to it, boil and pour the marinade into each jar.
  5. After that, roll them up, turn them over and wait until they cool, then you can rearrange them in a cool place.

tomatoes with beets in jars on the table

Tomatoes with beets, apples and onions

This is another option for preparing this dish. In principle, the proportions of some ingredients distinguish it from the previous ones, otherwise it is almost identical.

Required ingredients to make pickled tomatoes with beets:

  • One and a half kilograms of tomato;
  • Onions - 2 pieces;
  • Small beet;
  • A couple of apples;
  • Bay leaf - one piece;
  • Allspice - 2 or 3 pieces;
  • One carnation;
  • Common salt;
  • Sugar (sand) - three tablespoons;
  • Nine percent vinegar - seventy milliliters;
  • Citric acid (optional)

inverted cans of tomatoes and beets

Recipe for how to salt:

  1. And again, cans should be prepared. You just need to fill them with freshly boiled water, then drain the boiling water (literally after 5 minutes).
  2. Then put the first ingredient - the onion cut into rings.
  3. On top you need to throw beets, which are pre-chopped into thinner circles. Then boldly throw apples (slices), bay leaves, allspice, and also cloves.
  4. After, fill each jar right to the top with tomatoes. By the way, use small fruits, because they look neater.
  5. Further, the workpieces should be poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for twenty minutes under closed lids.
  6. After that, as in previous times, the water must be drained into a saucepan, add sugar and salt, citric acid, boil and pour in vinegar.
  7. Then pour the liquid back into the jars, and turn the beetroot pickled tomatoes until cool.

Store finished workpieces in a cool place. Also, you can watch a video of how tomatoes are canned:


If you like salty, various preserves and more, recipes for tomato with beets for the winter are for you. Be sure to try cooking any of them. You and your loved ones will love it.

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