TOP 6 recipes for making pumpkin-apple juice for the winter

Pumpkin-apple juice, prepared for the winter, is a tasty and healthy drink that helps to get rid of vitamin deficiency and symptoms of viral diseases. In addition, this product is suitable as a treat for any event and feast. Fruit and vegetable juice is prepared according to various recipes: traditional, with the addition of pulp, fruits and various additives.

The subtleties of making juice from pumpkins and apples for the winter

To enhance the beneficial properties of the drink, the following recommendations should be considered:

  1. In order for the product to be saturated, you need to acquire fresh fruits that have a uniform color and a subtle aroma.
  2. To grind the ingredients faster, you need to use a juicer.
  3. If the juice is too sweet, you can add a small amount of citric acid to it.

In order for the drink to have a beneficial effect on the body, it is recommended to use it half an hour before a meal.

How to choose the right raw material

To get a tasty and healthy product, you should pay attention to the features of the ingredients:

  1. Pumpkin and apples should be fresh and freshly ripened. It is better if they are slightly unripe, this will give the drink a slight sourness.
  2. The optimal pumpkin weight is up to 5 kg, it is important that there are no blotches and dents on the surface of the fruit.
  3. The apples should be free of dents and rot. Their surface must be firm. This speaks of a healthy fetus.

The taste of the finished product depends on the correct choice of raw materials.

Preparation of containers

It is recommended to harvest pumpkin-apple juice in glass jars, so it better retains its rich vitamin composition. For the procedure, it is better to take medium-sized jars; before starting the process, they must be thoroughly rinsed, sterilized in boiling water and dried naturally. Do the same with the twist caps.

empty cans

How to make apple pumpkin juice at home?

There are many recipes for preparing a tonic drink. This can be a classic version or a recipe with the addition of additional products.

Classic recipe

A pumpkin drink made according to the classic recipe is prepared as follows:

  1. Rinse the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Grind the resulting workpiece on a grater.
  3. Put the raw materials in a saucepan, add water, put on the oven. Cook for about 7 minutes.
  4. When the pumpkin is removed from the oven, strain it, add sugar, a little citric acid.
  5. Peel and grate 4 apples, add water and boil for 5 minutes.
  6. Now the pumpkin mixture is mixed with the apple mixture, put on fire and cooked for 7 minutes.

At the end, the juice is poured into clean jars, screwed up with lids. When the workpiece has cooled down, it should be taken to the cellar.

Important! To prevent the banks from exploding, they must be turned upside down at the time of cooling.

pumpkin drink

With pulp

To prepare a drink you need:

  1. Rinse the pumpkin, peel the insides, cut into medium pieces.
  2. Wash a kilogram of apples, cut into pieces of the same size.
  3. Combine pumpkin and apple pulp, put in a saucepan, add water, put on fire.
  4. After 10 minutes, process the entire cooked mass with a blender.
  5. Add 6 tablespoons of sugar and put on fire.

After 10 minutes, you can pour the juice into the jars and tighten the lid.

glass of drink

Through a juicer

To prepare a drink using a juicer, you need:

  1. Pass 1 chopped pumpkin and 5 apples through the machine.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a saucepan, add 4 tablespoons of sugar and a spoonful of lemon juice.
  3. Put on the stove, cook for 7 minutes.
  4. Let the juice brew for half an hour.

Now you can pour the product into cans.

ready juice

In a pressure cooker

To make juice in a pressure cooker, you need:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, cut into pieces.
  2. Place the workpiece on the grid of the pressure cooker.
  3. Rinse 1 kilogram of apples, cut into pieces, put on the chopped pumpkin.
  4. Pour some water into the lower compartment of the pressure cooker, put on fire.
  5. When the product boils, you need to put a special container for draining the juice.
  6. Now you need to cook the ingredients for about an hour.

When the drink is ready, you need to add 300 grams of sugar, a spoonful of lemon juice to it. The juice can now be poured into cans.

iron covers

Lemon option

How to make a lemon-infused drink:

  1. Put a pot of water on the fire, wait for a boil.
  2. After 7 minutes, pour 300 grams of sugar into the liquid.
  3. While the water is boiling, you need to cut a kilogram of apples and one pumpkin into small pieces.
  4. Add the blank to water and cook for 15 minutes.
  5. At the end, you need to squeeze the juice of 1 lemon, combine it with the resulting workpiece.

Pour the resulting juice into jars, and after cooling, take it to the basement.

a slice of lemon

With orange

To make a drink with oranges, you need:

  1. Cut apples and pumpkin into small pieces.
  2. Pour the workpiece into a saucepan with water, put on fire.
  3. Dip 3 chopped oranges into boiling water.
  4. After another 5 minutes add 6 tablespoons of sugar.
  5. Let it boil and turn off the oven.
  6. The resulting raw material must be ground with a blender.

Now the drink is being poured into the cans.

full bottle

Juice storage rules

In order for the drink to retain its useful properties, it is recommended to store it in a dark, moderately humid room. Better if it is a basement or cellar. A balcony is also suitable for these purposes, provided that the sun's rays will not fall on the banks.

If the product is not prepared for spinning, it must be drunk within 3 days to prevent spoilage and loss of useful vitamins.

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