TOP 19 simple recipes for preparing blanks of vegetable caviar for the winter

A good winter treat is vegetable caviar. Many people love this shredded vegetable snack. It is convenient to take it to work for a snack. It successfully compensates for the lack of vitamins in the cold season. Any vegetables are suitable for cooking. There are many recipes. Everyone will find their favorite dish.

Features of cooking vegetable caviar for the winter

The main feature of vegetable caviar is that it is prepared from almost everything that grows in the garden. There are traditional types of caviar from vegetables for the winter: squash, eggplant, beetroot. The recipes have been known for a long time. But you can create your own delicious combinations. You can turn your favorite vegetable salad into caviar and roll it up for the winter. The main thing is to know the basic principles of cooking.

Requirements for the main ingredients

The requirements for vegetables from which caviar is prepared are the same as for any preparations for the winter:

  1. The vegetables must be fresh.
  2. Plants damaged by pests, rotten or frostbitten cannot be used in the preparation of blanks for the winter. They will spoil the taste and significantly shorten the shelf life.

For cooking vegetable caviar for the winter, any homemade vegetables are suitable.

Container preparation rules

Vegetable caviar is "packed" in jars for the winter. Most often, small containers with a volume of 0.3-0.5 liters are chosen. They are most convenient because they don't eat a lot of caviar at once.

preparation of containers

Banks are washed in hot water and sterilized. You can sterilize the container by holding the container over the steam coming out of the teapot spout, or by boiling it in a large pot of water. Jars with metal screw caps are sometimes used. Prepare the lids: rinse and boil for 5 minutes. Plastic lids are simply poured over with boiling water just before use.

The best recipes

It would be rash to name any recipe the best - everyone has their own tastes. But there are recipes for caviar from vegetables that almost everyone cooks for the winter. They have become classics long ago.

Classic vegetable caviar

Carrots, onions and squash grow in every vegetable garden. Every housewife prepares caviar from these homemade vegetables. Its recipe is simple. For cooking you will need:

  • two large zucchini;
  • one onion;
  • one carrot;
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 5 grams of salt;
  • 40 grams of sunflower oil.

classic caviar

All vegetables need to be peeled and rotated in a meat grinder. Season the mixture with salt and pepper.Fry tomato paste in vegetable oil and add to vegetables. Make sure that the pasta does not burn. Place everything in a heavy-bottomed saucepan and set on low gas. Cook until moisture is gone. This process will take about 40 minutes from boiling. After that, put the ready-made caviar in the jars.

Cucumber option

Not everyone knows for sure about this dish. If you have so many cucumbers in your garden that you don't know what else to do with them, try cooking caviar. Her recipe is simple, and variety in life will not hurt.

For cooking, you need 1 kg of fresh cucumbers. Wash and chop cucumbers in any way possible.

Also mash one carrot and one onion. Combine all ingredients in one saucepan. Add 30 g salt, 60 g vinegar, one bay leaf, a few peppercorns and a couple of cloves of minced garlic. Simmer for 20 minutes. The unique blank is ready for canning.

caviar recipes

With pumpkin

To prepare this caviar, one and a half kilograms of pumpkin, one carrot and two onions are taken. The vegetables are peeled. Seeds are removed from the pumpkin. All ingredients are mashed. Carrots and onions are lightly fried in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. You need to put a little oil - only 30 g.

When the onions acquire a golden hue, add pumpkin to the pan. Mashed potatoes are salted and pepper to taste. Continue simmering until the pumpkin has reduced in volume. As it shrinks, it becomes soft and changes color. This indicates that the time has come to squeeze the garlic into the puree. After mixing garlic with stewed vegetables, cook for another 5 minutes. Pumpkin and vegetable caviar is ready.

In a cucumber basket

The good thing about this original recipe is that the “packaging” is also edible. Any caviar prepared for the winter can be folded into such a basket. You only need 1 large cucumber to make a basket. It is cut into thin slices. The inside of the salad bowl is lined with cling film. Layer by layer of cucumber slices is spread on it. The laid surface is sprayed with water.

delicious vegetable caviar

A second salad bowl of the same size is wrapped with cling film and inserted into the first, pressing down the cucumbers. Both bowls are placed in the freezer for 1 hour. After 60 minutes, the cucumber slices will be compressed and frozen in the shape of a basket. Any caviar cooked for the winter is spread in an impromptu salad bowl. Make a handle from pea or bean pods. The ready-made basket with caviar is placed on a dish and served.


The peculiarity of this vegetable caviar recipe is the large number of ingredients. It includes 8 vegetables and 5 spices. For cooking you will need:

  • 1 zucchini and eggplant each;
  • two pods of bell pepper;
  • 4 medium tomatoes;
  • one onion and one carrot.

caviar in Primorsk

Spices are needed: hot pepper, celery, coriander, parsley. They come to taste. Eggplant is peeled, diced and sprinkled with salt. So they should stand for about an hour. Salt draws out bitterness.

The rest of the vegetables are peeled and cut into small pieces: strips or cubes. Then, with each new addition, the vegetables are stewed for 5 minutes. First, put carrots and onions in a saucepan. Stew in oil for 5 minutes.

Then add bell and hot peppers - another 5 minutes. This is followed by zucchini and eggplant - again for 5 minutes. Then tomatoes, parsley and celery - for 5 minutes. Then add the coriander and the tomato sauce fried in oil. Soy sauce is added last. Mix the vegetable mixture and stew for 20 minutes under a closed lid. Then they are laid out in banks.

vegetable caviar

With zucchini and eggplant

Zucchini and eggplants are perfectly combined in one dish - vegetable caviar. One and a half kilograms of eggplants, one kilogram of zucchini and sweet pepper, a pound of onions, peel and chop. Place in a saucepan and cook until thick for about 1 hour. During the cooking process, the vegetable platter is stirred so that it does not burn.An hour later, it is salted, pepper and spices are added. All this is put to taste. Vinegar is poured in a volume of 60 ml. After two minutes, the caviar is ready.

Eggplant with beans

For the winter, you can cook eggplants with beans. The dish is based on tomatoes. They will need 3.5 kg. Slightly less eggplant is needed - 3 kg. You also need 2.5 kg of sweet peppers, 1 kg of onions and a pound of beans.

All vegetables, except for beans, finely chop and fry in 150 g of sunflower oil. Cook the beans.

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. Put in a frying pan with 100 g of vegetable oil, season with hot pepper and simmer until smooth. Mix the tomato with vegetables and cook for 20 minutes. Then put the beans and add the spices. Suitable:

  • cilantro,
  • parsley,
  • dill,
  • cornflower leaves.

caviar with beans

Add salt and sugar to taste. Continue the cooking process for another 20 minutes. After that, spread over the banks.

With apples

This is the most delicious caviar, albeit the easiest to prepare. It's about apples. It is they who give the dish a specific unique taste. For caviar, you need 5 kilograms of tomatoes, 2 kg each of bell peppers, carrots and onions.

It takes a kilogram of apples. You need to give preference to yellow hard varieties. All ingredients are cleaned and run through a meat grinder. Juice is squeezed out of tomatoes. Mix vegetable puree with tomato juice. Add a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of table salt. Cook for three and a half hours.

With onion

Everyone is familiar with vegetable caviar, but not everyone has tried onion caviar. This is a kind of snack. It only needs a kilogram of onions and 400 grams of ripe tomatoes. The onion is peeled and divided into 2 parts. They cut him. One part is fried until golden brown, the other is poured with boiling water for 3 minutes. Then put in a colander and let the water drain.

caviar with onions Tomatoes are peeled. To do this, pour boiling water over them. Cut the peeled tomatoes into small cubes. All vegetables are chopped in any suitable way. 50 g of sunflower oil is poured into a deep saucepan and the vegetable mixture is spread. Stew for 40 minutes. All liquid should be gone. After this time, salt, sugar, ground pepper, basil greens are added to the puree. Stew for another 15 minutes. This completes the process of preparing onion caviar for the winter.

With carrots

You can make a vegetable snack for the winter from carrots. Cooking takes only half an hour. Take 1 kg of young carrots. The vegetable is peeled and ground in a meat grinder. 2 tomatoes, peel and puree. Place two cloves of minced garlic. The vegetables are placed in a saucepan. Add 100 g of sunflower oil, salt and sugar. Cook at low boil for 30 minutes.

vegetable caviar with carrots

With beets

Beetroot caviar is a delicious snack. For cooking, you need only 450 g of red beets and 200 g of onions. Beets are washed and rubbed. Peel and cut the onion into cubes.

You will need two pans. Onion is fried in one until golden brown. In the other, beets are stewed until soft.

Then the vegetables are mixed, salted and pepper to taste. To them are added 20 g of granulated sugar and 50 g of tomato paste. Everything is thoroughly mixed and folded into a saucepan, stewed under the lid for a quarter of an hour. In the process, it is mixed twice.

With bell pepper

Large fleshy and juicy peppers are chosen for caviar. 5 kg of bell pepper are stripped of seeds and crushed to a puree state. Do the same with 2 kg of tomatoes. A glass of sunflower oil is added and put on gas.

caviar with bell pepper

Cook for half an hour, closing the lid. After 30 minutes, add mashed tomatoes and a head of squeezed garlic. They continue to boil the vegetable mass until thick. When the puree thickens, add 40 g of salt and 100 g of sugar. Boil for another 10 minutes. At the end, pour in a teaspoon of vinegar and immediately close it in jars.

With tomatoes

A surprisingly tasty snack for the winter is made from tomatoes. For cooking you need:

  • 3 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 2 kg of carrots;
  • 1 kg of turnips.

The vegetables are peeled and mashed.This is done using a meat grinder or blender. 300 grams of sunflower oil, 10 g of ground black pepper, 60 g of salt and 3 bay leaves are added to vegetable puree.

vegetable caviar with tomatoes

Bay leaves are pre-crushed. The vegetable mass is placed in a saucepan and stewed with moderate heat for 2 hours. In the process, it is constantly stirred. 30 g of table vinegar is poured into the finished caviar. Everything is mixed and immediately sent to banks.

Without sterilization

You can close vegetable caviar for the winter without sterilization. For this, the cans, washed and scalded with boiling water, together with the lids, are dried in a hot oven. Covers should only be made of metal.

Plastic ones will not withstand such processing. When the jars are completely dry, cooked caviar is poured into them.

The workpiece must be strictly hot. Three cloves of garlic are placed on top of the caviar in each jar. The surface is poured with a tablespoon of hot vegetable oil. Immediately after pouring, the cans are rolled up. Garlic acts as a natural antiseptic. The oil prevents bacteria from entering the finished product.

caviar for winter

No vinegar

Acetic acid is a preservative that increases shelf life and improves the palatability of preforms. There are many food acids. They all have the same properties as acetic acid.

In preparations for the winter, vinegar is replaced with citric acid and aspirin. But that's not all. Lemon, apples, tomatoes and currants have preservative properties. Freshly squeezed juices of the fruits of these plants are successfully used as a preservative in the preparation of homemade preparations for the winter.

With a Caucasian flavor

Vegetable caviar with a Caucasian flavor is distinguished by a spicy taste and low calorie content. For cooking, you need tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers. Each vegetable is taken 3 pieces. The peculiarity of cooking is that initially vegetables are cooked on skewers.

They have different cooking times. Each type is strung on a separate skewer. Vegetables are fried over an open fire. Care must be taken so that they do not burn.

When the skin has darkened and the vegetables are tender, they are removed from the skewer and allowed to cool. Peel off the cooled vegetables and remove seeds. Then crushed. Even when crushed, they retain the smell of a fire. Chopped vegetables are salted, pepper and garlic is added. But spices give a special Caucasian flavor: cilantro and basil. They are crushed and added to the fresh caviar.

squash Cavier

From baked vegetables

You can make a vegetable snack with baked vegetables. For this, the selected ingredients are peeled and cut into large slices. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil. Slices of vegetables are spread on it and baked. When the vegetables have darkened and become soft, they are cooled and peeled from the skin and seeds.

Separately bake a head of garlic in foil, greased with olive oil and grated with thyme.

The cooking time is 15 minutes. Peeled vegetables and garlic are chopped with a blender and placed in a saucepan. Vegetables are salted, spices are added and kept on a low flame. The caviar is ready 7 minutes after boiling. Vinegar is added to it and rolled into jars.

caviar from baked vegetables

Spicy caviar

Spicy caviar is a spicy winter snack. The presence of hot spices allows you not to sterilize the jars, but only to wrap them up for slow cooling.

3 kg of ripe red tomatoes, 1 kg of onions and sweet peppers, two chili peppers are peeled and chopped in any way. Put in a large saucepan, add salt to taste. The mixture is boiled in low gas for 45 minutes. During the cooking process, the mashed potatoes need to be mixed periodically. As soon as the mixture gets rid of excess moisture and thickens, it is removed from the heat, 100 g of vinegar is added and immediately closed in jars.

The pungency and piquancy of caviar depends on the amount of hot pepper. It is regulated independently.

vegetable caviar

Multicooker recipe

In a multicooker, you can cook any vegetable caviar. For this, the selected vegetables are washed, peeled and crushed.20 g of sunflower oil is poured into a multicooker bowl and the "Frying" mode is set. First, put the carrots and hold for 5 minutes. Then add chopped onions to the carrots. Together they are left in the multicooker for another 5 minutes. Then, in the following order, lay out the rest of the vegetables in layers:

  • Bell pepper,
  • eggplant,
  • zucchini,
  • tomatoes.

squash caviar in a slow cooker

Please note: the vegetables that take longer to stew are the first to stack. Regardless of the composition of the caviar, the principle must be followed. Spices are placed on top: salt, sugar, chili, garlic. All ingredients are poured over 60 g of oil. In the "Extinguishing" mode, hold for 2 hours. During the stewing process, after about 30 minutes, the contents are removed and the herbs are added. After another 30 minutes, remove the steam valve. If you are going to roll caviar for the winter, add apple cider vinegar under the lids of the jars.

Rules and shelf life of the finished product

The shelf life of vegetable caviar is 12 months. Blanks in sterilized jars filled with vinegar are stored in a cool place. If the product is prepared without sterilization, its shelf life is significantly reduced. Such blanks are kept in the refrigerator. It is advisable to eat them within six months. After opening, caviar from vegetables quickly deteriorates even in the refrigerator. It is not recommended to store it open for more than a week.

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