TOP 8 recipes for cooking caviar from tomatoes and carrots and onions for the winter

You can prepare preparations for the winter from a variety of vegetables. But the most juicy is tomato caviar. An experienced hostess knows that caviar made from tomatoes, onions and carrots is the simplest and most delicious. It can be used as a dressing for first courses, as well as to complement any side dish. Caviar is prepared according to a simple recipe, supplemented with pungency and aromatic additives for an elegant taste and piquancy.

Tomato and carrot caviar - a delicious bright appetizer

In the summer it is easy to prepare any dish when there are such a variety of vegetables. Fragrant herbs will complement them with an exquisite scent. In winter, you want to pamper your household with delicious preparations, so each housewife tries to prepare a variety of preserves in the form of pickled vegetables, various salads, caviar for the winter.

Caviar consists of tomatoes and carrots, and onions, everyone knows these components. There are many recipes, but everyone tries to add their own flavor to them in order to please themselves and loved ones. Caviar is prepared simply, little tricks are applied, the dish becomes unique in taste.

What side dishes can you serve?

On winter days, caviar can be served with any side dish, with meat, kebabs, boiled eggs, just spread on croutons, used as an independent snack. Cut the meat into pieces, stew until tender, add tomato caviar - you will lick your fingers. Very tasty to serve with a rice side dish with boiled fish. Boiled potatoes, chop in batter and caviar are delicious.

What is required for cooking: ingredients and equipment

To prepare a dish, inventory is collected so that everything is at hand:

  • A wide bowl or pot of water
  • colander for blanching tomatoes and sterilizing cans;
  • cutting board;
  • a sharp knife (the onion is not cut with a blunt knife);
  • meat grinder or blender;
  • capacity for chopped mass;
  • a cast iron pot or saucepan with thick walls;
  • glass jars for caviar with metal lids;
  • ladle for filling jars;
  • seaming key.

colander for blanching


  • dense, ripe, thick-walled tomatoes;
  • white onions;
  • young carrot;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • ground black or allspice;
  • Bay leaf;
  • granulated sugar;
  • salt.

To this list you can add aromatic parsley, dill, mint, garlic, cloves.

red tomatoes

Recipes and step-by-step process for preparing winter harvesting

There are many recipes for cooking, each housewife complements it with her favorite ingredient. It turns out a new tasty snack.

The easiest recipe

The most famous recipe for making caviar from tomatoes is:

  • 1.2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 350-400 g (four medium onions) onions;
  • 0.5 kg of carrots;
  • 200 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 15 g of ground black or allspice;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • 15 g of salt (optional).

This is the basis of any tomato, carrot and onion caviar recipe.

tomato caviar

The classic way: through a meat grinder

Passing the ingredients through a meat grinder is a classic way to grind food. If you have a blender, the job is easier. Pieces of the product are stewed, with the help of a blender they turn into a homogeneous mass.

Cooking process:

  1. Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin and seeds, chop. Peel and cut the onions and carrots into pieces. Jars and lids are sterilized over boiled water.
  2. Small pieces of onion are ground through a meat grinder, carrots are ground in the same way. This is the classic way to grind food before stewing.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a cast-iron cauldron, heat up, lay onions, carrots, tomatoes in turn. You should not put ingredients in cold oil, they will not be so fragrant. Before boiling, the components are mixed so that they do not stick to the bottom, then they are steamed over low heat for 55-60 minutes under a lid.
  4. Turn off the heat, leave the mass for 15 minutes, if necessary, interrupt with a blender or rub through a sieve. Supplemented with mashed potatoes, pepper, sugar, bay leaves.
  5. Spread caviar in containers. Put the jars in a saucepan, the bottom of which is covered with a cloth. Pour hot water into a saucepan.
  6. Return the pan to the fire, after boiling, sterilize for 10 minutes.
  7. Take the cans out of the water, seal them hermetically, wrap them up, leave them to cool.

You do not need to use aluminum cookware for cooking. The acid will damage the walls of the vessel, oxidation will occur, which will give the dish a metallic taste.

leaves greens

No vinegar

This simple recipe for caviar without vinegar. Tomatoes are picked up red - they contain their own acid.

If pink tomatoes are included in the mass, you will need to add 30 ml of lemon juice.

Caviar without sterilization

You can cook the dish without the last sterilization.

For this recipe use:

  • brown or greenish tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • sweet bell peppers, carrots, onions in equal parts - 0.5 kg;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • 25 ml of 9% vinegar;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • greenery.

The products are cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder, onions separately. In a cast-iron bowl, fry the onion in oil until golden brown, report the whole mass. Simmer caviar over low heat for 90 minutes.

Stir in the vinegar 5 minutes before cooking. Hot mashed potatoes, straight from the fire, put in jars, cork.

caviar without sterilization

Spicy carrot and tomato caviar

The caviar will be spicy with 1.5 tsp. ground black pepper, 5 cloves of garlic. The cooking process is similar.

Cooking with onions and tomato paste

The dish is prepared according to the main recipe, 20 minutes before readiness, add 300 g of tomato paste to the cast iron. The next steps are identical.

Add apples

Caviar with apples has a special charm.

The recipe will require:

  • 0.5 kg of ripe cherry tomatoes;
  • 0.4 kg of carrots;
  • 0.5 kg of apples;
  • 0.2 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 0.1 kg of onions;
  • 0.05 kg of garlic;
  • 0.05 kg of celery root;
  • 0.1 kg of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

Step by step cooking is similar to the previous one.

apples are cut

Spicy tomato and carrot appetizer

The following ingredients are used for this snack:

  • 4 things. large fleshy tomatoes;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 3 large carrots;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 medium chili
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

The cooking process is the same as the basic recipe. You can add salt and pepper to your liking. This puree can be eaten fresh or stored in the refrigerator for 10 days.

spicy snack

Cooking tips and tricks

Cooking caviar also has its own nuances.

In order for the paste to have a peculiar smell, the onions are fried separately until golden brown, then the remaining ingredients are added.

Tomatoes for mashed potatoes are thick-walled, they have a lot of pulp. White onions are sharper than blue ones, therefore they are used in caviar. If the dishes are prone to burning, the mass is simmered in a water bath, with the addition of 0.5 hours.

glass plate

Storage terms and rules

After sterilization, airtight seaming, the workpiece is stored until the next vegetable season in a basement or pantry, in a dark place, at temperatures up to + 15 °.

Non-sterilized product must be stored at temperatures up to + 8 °.

It is impossible to violate the temperature storage regime so that useful substances do not evaporate, the product does not deteriorate. Care must be taken that the workpieces do not freeze in severe frost.

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