Delicious recipes for caviar from zucchini and eggplant for the winter you will lick your fingers

Zucchini and eggplant caviar for the winter is a dish prepared by residents of country houses in the coming autumn. Summer is over, body and soul are no longer torn between active rest in the garden beds and the desire to ride a bike, lie on the beach.

At the sight of a mountain of vegetables in the pantry, a feeling of duty grows in the soul to the grown zucchini, tomatoes and other goodies. Nice music turns on and the process of preparing winter preparations begins. I want to share a few recipes.

Zucchini caviar with baked eggplant

You can cook caviar only from eggplant with vegetables or only from zucchini with vegetables - both options are tasty and healthy, but the recipe for caviar from zucchini and eggplant for the winter - you just lick your fingers!

Let's see what you need to take for preparation. Most of them are squash. They need about 3 kg. This is the weight of pure pulp without skin and seeds. Eggplants need 2-3 times less - only 1 kg. Weigh the eggplants, wash them and put them in the oven on a baking sheet. We will bake them there until soft.

At this time, we will take care of other vegetables. Cut the zucchini pulp peeled from the skin and seeds into cubes. Wash, peel and grate the carrots. It needs about 300 g. Simmer the carrots in oil in a frying pan. Cut the onion, peeled from the husk, into cubes and fry until light blush in another pan. It also needs 300 g.

You need a lot of tomatoes - 2.5 kg. We will clean them from the skin. The skin is much easier to clean if the tomatoes are first scalded with strong boiling water, then immediately rinsed with ice water. The carrots and onions are cooked through. We transfer them to a saucepan. In one freed frying pan, fry zucchini slices, in the second, simmer tomatoes.

vegetables for caviar

The blue ones ripened in the oven. We take it out, let it cool down a little, peel it, cut it into cubes. To make it easier to grind tomatoes, simmer them for 20 minutes and grind them with a submersible blender. Add sugar, pepper, salt along the way - everything to your taste.

Pour all the vegetables into one pan, pour in vegetable oil a little less than one glass. Grind all the vegetables with a blender. We simmer a homogeneous mass for 10 minutes and put it in sterile jars. We close (roll up) the cans with lids, put them on the floor, cover them with a blanket. You will lick your fingers for this caviar for the winter.

Instant Caviar with Apple Cider Vinegar

In just an hour and a half, you can cook zucchini-eggplant caviar for the winter. If you take all the vegetables in the same quantity as me, you get 3 liter jars. To process vegetables, you need a meat grinder. I use an electric meat grinder - it takes a minimum of time to chop vegetables.

I take 1.5 kg of eggplant, three times less zucchini - 0.5 kg. You will also need other vegetables: onions with heads - 0.3 kg, red tomatoes - 0.6 kg, two types of peppers. Sweet needs 2 pieces, spicy enough 0.5 pods. I forgot about garlic - you need 2 medium sized heads. With vegetables, everything is clear, there are still spices.

caviar in a bowl

There are not many tomatoes in this recipe, so add apple cider vinegar to the caviar - 20 ml, if there is no apple cider vinegar, it's okay, you can take the same amount of table vinegar. From liquid components, vegetable oil is needed, one glass is enough.

Dry ingredients to taste:

  • allspice;
  • bay leaf;
  • ground black pepper.

We will take 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, and we will measure the salt with teaspoons - they need only 2 pieces without a slide.

All the vegetables are washed, cleaned, cut into pieces and chopped in a meat grinder. Pour the resulting vegetable mixture into a saucepan. The pan should be thick-bottomed. All spices, excluding vinegar, are sent after the vegetables.

We put the pan on the stove, heat it, simmer for about an hour. We mix the mass periodically, pour in vinegar at the very end. The squash caviar is ready. It remains to pour it into liter jars, sterilized in a microwave oven for 5 minutes, close with boiled lids and send it to the shelf.

Zucchini caviar in a slow cooker

Sometimes the multicooker helps me out. I use it when there is no time to keep an eye on pots and pans. Cooking in a multicooker is easy and simple. This recipe will be without vinegar, tomatoes will be a preservative. You need 5 of them. You will need one large or 2 medium zucchini.

Peel 4 onions and 2 medium carrots. Zucchini caviar should have a homogeneous structure, so grind all vegetables in a meat grinder. Pour 50 ml of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, put chopped vegetables, salt to taste and add sugar. It needs 2 tablespoons for this volume.

Let's set the extinguishing mode. Duration - 50 minutes. Open the lid several times during this time and stir the vegetables in a slow cooker. When the regime is over, taste the taste of the dish with salt, if necessary - add salt, pepper. I additionally grind the mass with a hand blender. Run the multicooker for another 20 minutes and you can lay out the workpiece in the cans.

Zucchini caviar with eggplant in a slow cooker

With eggplants, the taste of any preparation is much more interesting. You can make a light vegetable snack very quickly. You will need: 2 zucchini, 3 eggplants, 2 large red tomatoes, 4 onions. We will cook in a slow cooker.

caviar in a slow cooker

Peel the onion, cut into arbitrary cubes. Grease the bowl with oil, set the "Baking" mode, fry the onions. Wash eggplants, peel, sprinkle with salt. After 5-7 minutes, rinse and send to the onion. Add 1/3 cup vegetable oil.

Chop the tomatoes into pieces with a knife and place them on top of the eggplant layer. The fourth layer is zucchini cubes. We turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 45 minutes. Eggplant caviar is almost ready. You need to salt the mass, mix, add two chopped cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of vinegar essence, simmer for another 30 minutes.

Caviar - appetizer

I recommend preparing original caviar for the winter without sterilization. We will not grind vegetables, so caviar will resemble a snack in consistency. Let's start cooking with eggplant. They will need 3 kg. First of all, we will cut them into pieces, then we will insure ourselves and soak them in a little salt water. Eggplant has bitterness, and soaking in salt water helps to get rid of it.

caviar appetizer

Chop 1 head of onion into cubes, grate 500 g of peeled carrots. We will begin to fry the onions and carrots, and we ourselves will begin to cook the tomatoes. Choose 1 kg of red tomatoes, scald them with boiling water, sprinkle them with cold water and, making a cross-shaped cut, remove the skin from each. We need a homogeneous mass of tomatoes, so grind them with a blender.

Put all the vegetables in a large saucepan, mix with a wooden spoon, salt, pepper, add sugar, peppercorns, a glass of oil and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Spices can be added to taste. It takes me about 10 black peppercorns, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of salt for this volume of vegetables. It remains to pour hot caviar into sterilized jars and roll up.


Try any of the recipes, you will definitely like the result. In winter, a jar with a delicious snack prepared in a slow cooker will never be superfluous. There is caviar cooked with your own hands, which is both tasty and healthy.

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