Description of the variety of pink radish, useful and harmful properties

The peculiarity of the pink radish is that it is rather large in size. The weight of one fruit reaches 300 grams. Disputes about the origin of the daikon are still ongoing. Some scientists believe that this is the result of crossing a radish with a radish. Others stubbornly consider it an ordinary large-sized radish. This culture is characterized by juicy pulp, which is why it has become a favorite of many gardeners.

Description of the variety

The root vegetable has a dense and juicy pulp. As a rule, the radish is round in shape, but some varieties are characterized by elongated fruits that resemble a cylinder. The inside of the fruit is white, and the thin layer of the rind is red. Although many hybrids have already been bred that have opposite characteristics, namely red flesh and white rind.

harmful properties

The fruit is moderately spicy to taste. The advantage of the radish is that it is a storehouse of substances beneficial to the body. The coarse fibers found in its composition are known for their positive properties on the digestive system. In addition, radish cleanses the body of harmful toxins, improves appetite, and prevents constipation. The antibacterial properties of the vegetable make it possible to cope with pathological processes in the intestines.

If you regularly eat the vegetable, you can prevent puffiness, as it helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

Calorie content of red radish

100 grams of daikon contains only 20 calories. This allows you to use the vegetable in diets aimed at combating excess weight. In addition, radish contains many vitamins and minerals such as copper, phosphorus, sodium, calcium.

pink radish

Beneficial features

The rich composition of daikon makes it possible to use it in traditional medicine. Pink radish juice is prescribed for anemia. If you add a little honey to it, you get an effective and tasty medicine for colds, which children are happy to take.

Tincture of red radish has been used for many years for radiculitis, rheumatism and joint pain. For this, radish juice is infused with vodka and rubbed into the affected areas.

The use of radish is recommended for those who are faced with diseases of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.

folk medicine

But the beneficial properties of culture do not end there either. The components of its composition have many useful actions:

  • volatile phytoncides contained in daikon cleanse internal organs from pathogenic microorganisms, protect against fungal and viral infections;
  • ascorbic acid enhances the body's resistance to bacterial and viral infections, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • fiber cleanses the body of toxins, improves the absorption of food and stimulates the intestinal motility.

Daikon harm

Despite its many beneficial properties, the vegetable can also be harmful to the body. This is especially true for pregnant and lactating women. Daikon contains essential oils that accumulate in the body and tone the uterus. This condition often ends in miscarriage. During lactation, the root crop should be abandoned for the reason that it can provoke the manifestation of allergic reactions in infants.

harm to the body


In addition to pregnant and lactating women, people with esophageal ulcers, gastritis, enterocolitis, diseases of the heart and genitourinary system need to stop eating daikon.

Growing features

The care and cultivation of red radish is not much different from the agricultural technology of other crop varieties. Planting root crops is carried out by seed method in open ground. Daikon is practically not grown in a greenhouse method. To get a good harvest and juicy, large fruits, you need to know the peculiarities of growing daikon.

greenhouse method

The culture needs a day of light that lasts at least 10 hours. Thus, the seeds are sown in early spring. But some gardeners prefer to sow the crop in the second half of the summer, while getting no worse harvest. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked. They must be in water for at least a day, this will speed up their germination. The culture loves loose, fertile soil with neutral acidity. But it grows well on other soils.

Gardeners plant seeds at a distance of 20 cm from each other. It is recommended to plant round root crops a little further, at a distance of about 30 cm.The distance between the rows should not be less than 50 cm.Elong roots can be planted closer: the distance between the rows is 40 cm, the distance between the plants is 20 cm.

plant seeds

The soil under the radish is dug up and fertilized in advance. Seeds are sown 3-4 pieces in holes, the depth of which is at least 2 cm. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered without fail. To prevent weeds from growing and drying out the soil, the planting area can be mulched using hay or straw.

Radish care is standard: weeding, watering, regular loosening of the soil. Despite the fact that daikon is characterized by a love of moisture, its excess will lead to cracking of root crops. But its disadvantage will end in the fact that the radish will be very bitter. Thus, watering should be done correctly, 2-3 times a week, but in moderation. It is also important to pay attention to weather conditions.

dug up and fertilized

Since the culture tends to protrude above the soil, it must be hilled. Thus, the fruits will not dry out.

Top dressing is needed only late daikon varieties... For this, mineral mixtures are used. Top dressing is performed at the stage of fruit formation. Early varieties do not need this procedure.

need to huddle


Red radish is not intended for long-term storage. The fruits soften and deteriorate after 5-6 days. But if you put them in the refrigerator, the storage time will increase several times. But before that, it is important to properly prepare the daikon:

  • remove spoiled areas, and it is better to sort out such fruits altogether;
  • pack the crop in plastic bags;
  • make holes for air intake in each package.

long-term storage

The optimum temperature at which the radish is stored, ranges from +1 to -2 degrees. Relative humidity also plays an important role. Its optimal performance is no more than 90%.

Later varieties of daikon can be stored for a long time.They are piled up and covered with earth. They stay in this state for up to 15 days until they are completely dry. Winter varieties are stored in the basement or in the refrigerator. Before storage, the fruits are sorted out and sorted in the same way. It is also important to regulate the air temperature in the basement, it should not drop below 0 degrees.

covered with earth

Cooking use

Some countries consume radish stewed, fried and even boiled. However, in our country, daikon is consumed exclusively fresh. As a rule, it is added to salads. The number of recipes with the addition of radish is constantly increasing. If, for example, you add a vegetable to a salad of boiled eggs and cheese, its absorption will be much faster. An ingredient such as a radish gives the dish a light, spicy aroma and rich taste.

vegetable salad

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