How to use parsley root for medicinal purposes, useful properties and contraindications

Dried and fresh parsley greens and root are widely used in cooking and medicine. The plant gives a special taste to many dishes due to its spicy aroma, and its medicinal properties make it possible to use the culture to fight diseases. At the same time, parsley root has both medicinal properties and contraindications to use.

Parsley root chemical composition

 A wide range of useful characteristics of the plant is explained by its rich chemical composition. The root part of parsley contains the following set of ingredients:

medicinal purposes

  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • starch;
  • coarse fibers;
  • flavonoids;
  • essences.

Also, the root contains a vitamin complex and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, selenium, calcium and potassium. Carotene is present in the root vegetable in the same ratio as in carrots.

organic acids

Medicinal properties of parsley root

The widespread use of the plant for medicinal purposes has become possible due to the presence of medicinal properties. In particular, the roots of the spice have such beneficial healing properties as:

  1. Antibacterial. It activates the process of getting rid of bacteria and microorganisms that provoke the development of infections.
  2. Choleretic. Stabilizes the liver and gallbladder.
  3. Diuretic. It leads to the normative value of blood pressure, eliminates puffiness, improves the action of the urinary organs.
  4. Anti-inflammatory. Helps the body to more actively eliminate the effects of inflammatory processes.
  5. Pain reliever and regenerative. Relieves painful sensations and promotes accelerated healing of skin lesions.
  6. Carminative. Reduces the discomfort of indigestion, improves digestion and relieves pain from bloating.
  7. Toning. Strengthens the body and increases resistance to diseases, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the system of internal organs.

liver function

How to use parsley root

The roots of the plant can be applied dry or fresh. They do not lose their properties and are even suitable for harvesting for the winter period. Depending on what benefits and effects are required from the herbs, the method of preparation and use depends.

fresh condition

With cystitis

For the treatment of cystitis, parsley root can be used exclusively in the form of a decoction. For this, both freshly harvested and dried parts are suitable, which can be purchased at the pharmacy in a crushed state.To prepare the broth, 10 tablespoons are mixed with a liter of cold water, after which the mixture is brought to a boil.

Parsley promotes the treatment of acute forms of cystitis and is a preventive measure for exacerbating pathology. The use of the plant relieves the symptoms of the disease and actively fights the consequences. The recommended frequency of admission is 3 times a day. The use of a decoction should be an adjunct to drug treatment.

cystitis treatment

With prostatitis

The positive effect on the male body allows the use of greens for the treatment of prostatitis. The plant normalizes blood circulation in the pelvis, activates the process of hormone production and helps cleanse the urinary system. Eating parsley on a regular basis eliminates pathogenic microflora, thereby stabilizing the functionality of the prostate.

male body

To cleanse the body

The presence of a diuretic property makes it possible to use parsley root in order to cleanse the body of harmful substances. The use of the plant helps to actively remove accumulated salts and toxins. Subject to the correct diet, the root vegetable also fights overweight, activating metabolism and cleansing the intestines.

apply root

For skin

The use of cosmetics based on parsley root rejuvenates the skin, removes wrinkles and slows down the aging process. For the skin, you can use creams and masks with the addition of greens. The presence of carotene in the composition of vegetation provides protection from ultraviolet radiation, and pectin components accelerate the recovery processes.

rejuvenates the skin

For PMS relief

To stabilize the premenstrual cycle, stop bleeding and reduce pain, you can prepare an infusion with the addition of the plant rhizome. To do this, a tablespoon of finely chopped root is insisted in 250 ml of boiled water. One sip of the infusion must be consumed before each meal.

premenstrual cycle

For prevention

The use of the plant, fresh and dried, is often necessary not for the treatment of specific diseases, but for maintaining the body in good shape. As a preventive measure, juice of the culture is useful, which can be mixed with honey and taken 3 times a day. Also, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to use fresh herbs, adding to various dishes.

honey and take

Healing recipes

For medicinal purposes, parsley root can be used in various forms. It is necessary to adhere to one or another recipe depending on the intentions - prevention or fight against a specific disease. Almost all plant varieties are suitable for treatment, but sugar parsley is most useful.

different forms


In case of diseases of the genitourinary system, it is recommended to drink an infusion, for the preparation of which you will need a root crushed to a powder state. It is enough to pour the powder with a glass of boiled water and leave for 30 minutes. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 months and involves the use of infusion three times a day, 100 ml.

drink infusion


To stimulate blood circulation and eliminate puffiness, a decoction with the addition of vegetation is suitable. To prepare the broth, you need to heat 250 ml of water and 20 g of the root in a grated state in a steam bath. The solution is cooked over low heat for 10-15 minutes. The resulting mixture should be drunk 2 times a day, 100-150 ml.

adding vegetation


Drinking tea, brewed with herbs, relieves the condition of the body with bloating and flatulence. Also, the drink is used to get rid of the skin from acne. To make tea, you will need to finely chop the plant and add 3-4 tablespoons of chopped herbs to 0.5 liters of boiling water. The healing drink can be consumed several times during the day before or after meals.


Alcohol tincture

For the prevention of heart disease, a tincture of parsley root with alcohol is used. To prepare the medicine, you need to finely chop 200 g of the plant and mix with 0.5 liters of ethyl alcohol with a strength of not more than 50 degrees. The mixture must be stored for 20 days, avoiding direct UV rays. It is recommended to consume the tincture one tablespoon at a time before meals.

parsley root

Contraindications when taking

Eating a large amount of the plant or taking it contrary to contraindications can harm the human body. To avoid adverse effects, it is important to be aware of the following restrictions:

the human body

  1. Individual intolerance to the product or the presence of allergic reactions to certain components in the composition of greens.
  2. Pregnancy or lactation in women.
  3. Severe kidney disease (nephritis, glomerulonephritis).
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.

Eating a moderate amount of greens and following the healing recipes, you will be able to extract the maximum benefit and positively affect the state of your body. Before using cosmetic preparations or solutions with the addition of a plant, you can consult a specialist in order to ensure that the negative effect is prevented.

allergic reactions

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