How to properly feed pepper with yeast and is it possible to do it

Bell peppers are an important vitamin attribute of the summer diet. It contains a huge amount of vitamins. To grow a decent strong plant that will delight you and enrich you with vitamins, you need to apply some diligence, since the lack of essential trace elements can affect the development of the plant. For this reason, it is recommended to feed the pepper with yeast. Better, of course, fresh, but dry are also fine. Yeast includes macro and microelements, as well as other beneficial substances that affect the growth process of the seedling.

Yeast as an effective way to feed the plant

Before the plant is in the open field, we will go through a series of stages. We will select worthy seeds, germinate them, take care and observe. And when 8-12 leaves appear on the seedling, the first buds will begin to form - the pepper is ready for planting in open soil.

So that our efforts are not wasted, we need to feed the peppers. Among the many ways, the simplest recipe should be noted - this is a yeast top dressing of pepper. It is necessary for the supply of useful substances with which the plant will fight diseases. That is, it helps to develop immunity.

Yeast contains the following main substances:

  • ergosterol,
  • amino acids,
  • lipids,
  • minerals,
  • vitamin B,
  • nucleic acids,
  • carbohydrates.

Therefore, using a yeast solution as a top dressing, nutrients enter the plant in sufficient quantities, which will contribute to the intensive growth and development of vegetable crops.

The plant tolerates transplantation, cooling more easily, and is completely enriched with all the necessary vitamins. And the lack of these substances threatens the plant with bacterial and fungal diseases.

yeast on a spoon

This top dressing is not recommended for potatoes, garlic and onions. And plants such as tomatoes, blue ones, peppers will be grateful to the yeast delicacy.

Yeast feeding methods

Consider ways to feed peppers from fresh and dry yeast.

For this we need live yeast - 200 grams, water - 10 liters. Dissolve yeast in water and leave for 24 hours.

It only takes a couple of hours to prepare a dry yeast pepper feed. To do this, dissolve 10 grams of yeast in 10 liters of warm water. Add 10 teaspoons or 20 grams of sugar to this solution and let it brew for at least two hours. And that's all, yeast feeding is ready. Next, we use the resulting solution as fertilizer.

pepper rose

Can you grow healthy and strong pepper seedlings without using fertilizer? It is possible, but they will grow slowly, the yield is worse at times, and at any time they are susceptible to diseases that can be avoided with little effort.And feeding the pepper with yeast is not difficult, since any housewife has it available and this feeding is easy to prepare.

Since the germination of pepper seeds takes about three weeks, with the help of yeast we can speed up this process by soaking the seeds for three hours in this solution. After that, the seeds must be rinsed under running warm water and allowed to dry a little.

Seedling growth is activated after the seeds hatch. Yeast dressing must be applied when real leaves appear on the plant. In this case, the plant will have enough necessary substances for further full development. The next top dressing can be applied in three weeks.

If you wish, you can feed the plant in another month, but you don't need more than three times, since the necessary substances, thanks to two or three dressings, the seedling receives in sufficient quantities.

Yeast with ash

Let's take a closer look at how to feed the plant correctly. A similar feeding of peppers is used both in the open field and in the greenhouse. To begin with, add a solution with ash or ash itself under the root of the pepper seedling. Next, you need to water, sparing no water, so that the ash is absorbed into the ground. On the 3rd day after planting the plant in soil, pour small seedlings under the root with a ready-made yeast solution, at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush. For a more mature plant, 1 to 2 liters can be used.

For maximum effect, pour into warm and heated ground.

Considering the reviews of summer residents, yeast feeding gives amazing results. If you compare plants without fertilizing, they will look less healthy. Thanks to the yeast feeding, the seedlings grow strong, the leaves have a juicy color and a healthy look. The fruits are larger and grow faster. And a rich harvest is the goal of any gardener.

yeast in a plate

Feeding the plant with yeast fertilizers in time is no less important than regularly watering the seedling. To enrich vegetable crops with potassium and phosphorus, we use a solution of wood ash, it is possible with nettle infusion. In this case, we take ash - 1 part and 10 parts of nettle. This fertilizer will help the pepper grow by strengthening its roots with phosphorus. And with the help of potassium, the plant becomes more resistant to cold weather and more easily resists disease.

We add yeast dressing after fertilizing the soil with ash, since yeast neutralizes the presence of potassium in the soil, while ash prevents this process, knowingly enriching the soil with potassium.

Weed yeast

In combination with yeast, even weeds will be of great benefit to your garden as fertilizer, however, for this you need to mow them first. To do this, we take a barrel, fifty liters, put in it a bucket of mown weeds, a loaf of chopped bread and five hundred grams of diluted yeast. We fill all this with five liters of water and leave to ferment for two to four days, depending on the weather. When our hodgepodge is ready, we spend it up to one liter per plants. This is how the harmful weed becomes fertilizer.

Yeast with droppings

If you have chickens, that's great. The meat, of course, is good, but the droppings will do too. To prepare this solution, mix in a container: two glasses of chicken manure, a third of a glass of sugar, two glasses of wood ash, and, of course, our irreplaceable yeast. They will need one hundred grams.

pepper and watering

This whole mixture is infused with yeast for two hours. That's it - your top dressing is ready. We dilute it in ten liters of water and use it. This gives us another yeast fertilizer.

Important feeding rules

Before fertilizing with yeast dressings, the following rules should be considered:

  1. If the plant is young, then it is enough for him to get yeast solutions no more than half a liter. Adult seedlings I feed two or even four times more.
  2. These dressings are good both for the greenhouse and in the open field.
  3. It is better to water seedlings with this solution before planting them in the ground and, directly, before flowering.
  4. If, before using yeast solutions, you add eggshells or ash to the soil, enriching the soil with potassium, then the efficiency increases significantly.
  5. You need to start feeding the plants in greenhouses.
  6. Yeast feeding recipes can be improved with weeds, chicken droppings, eggshells. Water your plants with it and this will give the soil not only nitrogen and phosphorus, which is necessary for the normal development of the plant, but also organic iron, vitamins and minerals.

When you water the pepper with yeast dressing, do not forget about eggplants and tomatoes. I water almost all vegetable crops with these solutions. Watering with this top dressing 2 - 3 times, the plant is enriched with the necessary substances for the entire ripening period.

  1. Open ground needs additional maintenance. For open ground, plus fertilization, regular weeding is necessary.
  2. Dry yeast for feeding is prepared faster. If there are no dry ones, use live ones. Longer, but healthier (with dry yeast, the bait is prepared for only two hours).

Do not forget that in dry climates, your plants need even more nutrients, as they become more susceptible to bacterial diseases. Feed them with yeast and the chances of a high yield will be great. I have been fertilizing my garden with yeast solution for 8 years now. I fed it 2 - 3 times and is calm about my seedlings, since my parents also used this dressing, this tool has been tested for years.

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