Growing, planting and caring for tarragon grass in the open field at home, how to propagate tarragon

Modern gardeners are engaged in the cultivation of various crops, as well as vegetables and fruits. However, some of them produce useful grasses and shrubs on their plots. One of the varieties of useful plants is tarragon herb, here its planting will be discussed in detail, as well as the subsequent care and use of the nutrient composition that many associate with green carbonated water.

Brief description of tarragon

This type of plant looks like an ordinary herb, but it differs from it in that it contains a large amount of vitamins. Consider the main features of tarragon:

description of tarragon

  1. Tarragon in Russia is widespread in the Middle Strip, as well as in the southern regions.
  2. This type of grass does not require special care, which is why it can grow even in difficult climatic conditions.
  3. Tarragon has a pleasant light aroma that cannot be compared with other similar plants.
  4. Tarragon contains a rich composition of vitamins and nutrients.
  5. This type of herb is widely used in traditional medicine recipes.
  6. Tarragon is also actively used in the preparation of various culinary delicacies.

When growing grass, it is not required to regularly care for it, since the plant is strong and develops calmly without human intervention.

Despite the fact that this culture easily develops on its own, in order to increase the amount of the crop, timely care is required, as well as compliance with the rules for planting and subsequent collection.

rich composition

What varieties to choose

When choosing a specific variety of this herb, you should rely on a number of points. Consider the main nuances when selecting tarragon:

  • first of all, it is required to take into account the climatic features of the region where this plant will be grown;
  • it is important to take into account the required amount of the crop that will be harvested after ripening;
  • it is also important to decide on the area that will be available for growing this plant;
  • it is important to determine the possible time that will be spent on regular care of the grass;
  • since the shrub is tall, it needs a place where there is no strong and gusty wind.

high growth

The following varieties of tarragon are the best options for the Srednaya Strip: Goodwin, Monarch or Zhelubinsky Semko. If you plan to grow this plant in the harsh climates of the northern regions, then a traditional shrub is perfect.

There is also a division of this plant into types: Russian tarragon, French varieties (for cooking), ordinary tarragon (has an unpleasant aroma that repels insects and pests).

Also, when choosing a variety, it is important to determine the need for plant propagation. Among the abundance of varieties, there are options that are best suited for this purpose, for example, tarragon Gribovsky 31, from which, on average, up to 30 shoots can be collected per season.

plant propagation

Reproduction methods

To propagate this type of shrub, breeders use various options, namely:

  • germination of a plant with seeds (the longest reproduction option, since the grass does not grow so quickly);
  • increasing the number of dwarf shrubs through reproduction by cuttings;
  • reproduction of this plant by layering (it is required to collect young and strong stems from a formed half-shrub);
  • breeding tarragon by dividing the rhizome (in practice, this method is used for adult plants).

Most often, this type of shrub reproduces using the root system, since this part of the plant has the strongest structure.

When breeding tarragon, it is required to carefully monitor its age, since only young, strengthened specimens lend themselves well to breeding.

increase in number

Dividing the bush

Here we are talking about reproduction by cutting off the stems. As a rule, this is done in the spring, when young stems, no more than two years old, are carefully cut off, and then placed in a shallow ditch and covered with soil.

It is also required to make small cuts in the lower part of the stem, which will speed up the development process. After planting, it is recommended to constantly keep the soil moist so that the planted stem grows stronger and gives roots.

cut stems


Towards the end of May, it is necessary to cut cuttings from matured adult bushes. These processes should be, on average, 15 centimeters long. First, you need to lower the plant in a special solution that will allow you to form a new root system. After a day, the cutting is removed from the solution and transplanted into the prepared soil (a 1: 1 mixture of sand and ordinary moist soil is used here).

When disembarking, the part that has stood in the solution for a day is deepened by 4-5 centimeters. In order for a seedling to germinate, you need to regularly keep the soil moist. After one month, you can plant the shoot in the open ground.

adult bushes

Germinating seeds

In order to germinate tarragon, you need to start sowing seeds in early March. For seedlings, metal pots or plastic containers are used. Here, a light composition of the soil is taken, which passes well and retains moisture. After sowing the seeds, the soil is constantly kept moist.

Further, at the onset of summer (early June), tarragon is planted in open soil. Here it is required to plant two shoots in one hole, which will allow the young shrub to develop and form faster.

start sowing

Planting timing

Consider the main periods of time when you need to plant this plant:

  • in the Moscow region and throughout the territory of the Middle Strip, it is required to start preparing the culture in the spring;
  • seeds are planted in prepared containers in early March, and then kept in a warm room on the windowsill;
  • it is required to plant seedlings in the ground not earlier than the beginning of June, when warming is observed;
  • for the southern regions, sowing seeds directly into open ground is allowed, this is done in late April or early May;
  • cuttings or shoots also begin to prepare in the spring (planting in open ground begins at the end of May).

planting culture

When growing tarragon, special attention is paid to soil moisture, since the plant loves water, the soil must be constantly kept moist.

In the northern regions, this crop is planted when the warm period approaches, since young plants may not withstand the effects of low temperatures.

time period

Growing tarragon seeds in the open field

This method of growing semi-shrubs in the country, as a rule, is used in the southern regions. Let's consider the main points to which you should pay attention:

  • before planting, it is required to insist the seeds in warm water for one day to moisturize them;
  • seeds are planted in open ground, where the greatest amount of sunlight is present;
  • after planting, it is required to regularly keep the soil moist (water every day);
  • disembarkation takes place in late April or early May, when the average daily temperature exceeds 15 degrees.

the largest number

To prevent young seedlings from catching sudden frosts, it is recommended to monitor the weather and, if necessary, cover the beds where tarragon seeds germinate.

Planting seeds in open ground is available only for the southern regions, since in the Middle Lane or in the North, almost all seedlings may die, and then not emerge.

southern regions

Tarragon environmental requirements

Despite the fact that young plants are quite demanding, adult dwarf shrubs do not need regular care. The following is required for good grass development:

  • an abundance of precipitation;
  • no prolonged drought;
  • the presence of sunlight;
  • no strong gusty wind.

If such conditions are present, then the dwarf shrub will begin to develop at a rapid pace, and in addition, it will be able to grow for decades.

When growing tarragon, it is not recommended to combine it with other crops, since the root system of the grass tends to absorb all the useful components of the soil, while it spreads over long distances.

quite demanding

Site preparation for planting

Before planting seedlings in open soil, it needs to be prepared. This activity includes the following sequence of actions:

  • the soil is dug up and thoroughly loosened;
  • you first need to improve the soil with fertilizer;
  • it is recommended, before planting, to feed the soil with nutrients;
  • moisten the soil before planting;
  • all waste present in the soil is eliminated;
  • wells are prepared immediately before transplanting seedlings.

loosens thoroughly

Only after these events, you can start sowing seedlings.

Immediately after planting tarragon in the ground, it needs to be watered (it is not recommended to loosen the soil after that).

Sowing tarragon seeds

Before planting seeds, you need to prepare for this procedure. Consider the main preparatory activities:

tarragon seeds

  • pre-prepared containers that do not allow water to pass through;
  • loose soil is selected;
  • further it is necessary to fertilize the soil;
  • prepare small holes;
  • seeds are soaked for a day in warm water.

After these events, the seeds of the plant are planted and then watered.

When growing tarragon, it is necessary to constantly keep the soil moist (this applies to young immature seedlings, as well as non-germinated seeds).


Planting tarragon seedlings

It is possible to plant a semi-shrub on the site when the air temperature exceeds 15 degrees, while the soil warms up. Here the following recommendations are required:

  • the soil is being prepared;
  • the optimal time for a transplant is calculated;
  • young shoots are planted two pieces per hole;
  • the soil is watered.

After the seedlings are transplanted into the ground, it is not required to loosen the soil, it is only necessary to regularly free it from the formed weeds (this does not happen often).

plant a shrub

Growing tarragon at home

This type of culture can be grown at home. Only first you should know that tarragon has a strong aroma. To plant and breed a plant consistently at home, you need the following:

  • prepare a small container for seedlings;
  • prepare a large container for the subsequent cultivation of seedlings;
  • free up space on the windowsill;
  • fertilize the soil with natural fertilizer;
  • plant seeds in a small container.

natural fertilizer

As the seedlings climb, they can be moved to a larger container. Water the plant regularly. In addition, you should not keep other plants nearby.

When breeding this culture at home, it is recommended every 5 years (as often as possible) to select strong young shoots and replace old overgrown bushes with them.

Outdoor plant care

The agrotechnology of growing tarragon involves regular care for young dwarf shrubs. The following guidelines are followed here:

large capacity

  • in order for the shrub to grow strong and strong, you need to take care of it regularly;
  • watering the plant is regularly performed (the soil should not be dry);
  • periodically it is required to use top dressing;
  • timely prepare the plant for winter;
  • collect grass in time and prepare it for the winter;
  • to carry out prevention against diseases.

Observing all these recommendations, you can keep a plant on your site for a long time, which will yield a crop of herbs rich in vitamins and nutrients every season.

When taking care of the plant, it is required to follow the advice of experienced gardeners so as not to harm the culture.

experienced gardeners


Tarhun is a moisture-loving plant. That is why, when growing it, it is required to regularly moisten the soil. The shrub is not allowed to be in drought for a long time, otherwise the plant quickly begins to wilt. In the absence of precipitation, watering is performed 2-3 times a week.

Top dressing

This plant variety loves nutrients, which is why it develops a large root system. That is why it is not recommended to plant other crops closer than two meters. In addition, you should not plant grasses close to trees.

Top dressing of the soil is carried out in the fall. For this, formulations enriched with minerals and phosphorus are used. Also, before direct planting, the soil is fertilized with compost.

moisten the soil

Preparing for winter

An adult tarragon freely tolerates the effects of low temperatures, which is why it does not need to be prepared separately. It is only necessary to remove diseased, dry and weakened stems from the bush so that the plant can better endure the winter season. Also, young shrubs need to be covered (up to 3 years old).

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that the plant repels pests with its aroma, it is necessary to carry out some preventive measures. The shrub is periodically sprayed with bioinsecticides (insect protection). In addition, protection against diseases implies periodic spraying of the bush with herbal infusions (chamomile, millennial).

low temperatures

Collection and preparation of grass

Collect and harvest grass should take into account the following recommendations:

  1. In the first year, the crop is harvested only in the fall.
  2. In subsequent years, the greens can be cut throughout the summer.
  3. Harvesting must be completed before flowering.
  4. After the grass is dried.

following recommendations

If necessary, cut greens are placed in the refrigerator (if used in cooking). For the purposes of traditional medicine, the herb is dried and stored at home.

Young tarragon bushes have a high yield.Usually, up to two kilograms of odorous grass can be cut from one square meter.

square meter

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