
Most read entries in the heading
The varieties of the favorite walnut differ from each other in terms of ripening, ...

Nuts are a valuable source of useful components for the human body, and if they are grown in your country house, then the use of kernels doubles.

Walnut trees require special conditions, but knowing and taking into account the subtleties of planting and caring for the crop, it will be possible to harvest a good harvest. The heading articles provide a detailed description of how to grow walnuts, hazelnuts and other varieties.

Information is given on where to choose a place and how the landing procedure is carried out. Care consists in crown formation, treatment from pests and diseases, watering and timely fertilization, loosening and weeding of the near-trunk zone.

It is important not only to grow a high-quality and abundant crop, but also to know how and when to harvest it correctly, where and in what conditions to store it.

Growing and proper care of hazelnuts in central Russia
Growing and proper care of hazelnuts in central Russia
Hazelnut, one of the useful species of hazel for humans, is widespread throughout southern Russia. There are conditions ...
Growing and caring for walnuts in Siberia, rules for preparing for winter
Growing and caring for walnuts in Siberia, rules for preparing for winter
The intensive work of breeders to develop zoned frost-resistant varieties of various trees and shrubs contributes to the massive spread of ...
Methods of grafting hazelnuts on a bear nut, terms and features
Methods of grafting hazelnuts on a bear nut, terms and features
Hazelnuts are popular with both adults and children. They are grown in gardens, cultivated with various types of nut ...
When and how to properly collect green walnuts, storage rules
When and how to properly collect green walnuts, storage rules
Walnut has many health benefits. For many, it is a source of protein, fatty essential oil, ...
Description and yield of Chandler walnut, planting and care
Description and yield of Chandler walnut, planting and care
Rarely does a gardener grow a walnut on his site. He has delicious fruits, ...
Reasons and what to do if moths start in walnuts
Reasons and what to do if moths start in walnuts
What to do if a moth starts up in walnuts? Every person in ...
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