Description of cucumber variety Prima Donna F1, features of cultivation and care

Cucumber Prima Donna F1 is deservedly loved by summer residents. An early ripening hybrid rewards people with wonderful fruits. Cucumbers are good for food and canning.

Not all gardeners have enough greenhouse space. The hybrid produces a good harvest of cucumbers in the open field and under cover of film and lutrasil.

Why is the prima donna popular?

At any dacha, the owners try to allocate beds for cucumbers. But crop hopes are not always met. The prima donna endows gardeners with greens with minimal care.

The hybrid was created by the breeders of the SeDek company. The team of authors: Dubinin, Dubinina, Kirillov.

Characteristics of the Prima Donna:

  • plant with strong formation of lateral lashes;
  • high growth energy of the central stem;
  • bundle type of ovary formation (from 4 to 9 pieces);
  • parthenocarpic (insects are not required for pollination);
  • early ripening (35-40 days from germination to the first cucumber);
  • friendly ripening;
  • The prima donna retains the ability to bear fruit at unstable temperatures.

ripening of cucumbers

The hybrid does not suffer from diseases of melons. Under temporary shelters, it demonstrates productivity up to 28 kg / sq. m. Gardeners note the preservation of marketability during transportation.

What are Zelentsy remarkable for?

A hardworking summer resident dreams of getting baskets of greens from a small ridge. The prima donna provides such an opportunity: it is really possible to collect a bountiful harvest of early delicious cucumbers.

Description of Zelentsov:

  • rounded, elongated, with a refined tip;
  • on the cut, the fruits have an oval profile without ribbing;
  • zelenets has many tubercles with white thorns;
  • the skin is dark green, lighter at the nose;
  • seeds are small, coarse;
  • greens size: up to 12 cm;
  • the mass of the average fruit is 100 g.

ovary cucumbers

Those who planted the Prima Donna note the complete absence of bitterness in all parts of the greenery. When outgrowing, the hybrid does not lose its bright color. Gardeners have noticed: you can pick fruits 8 cm in size. They are canned as gherkins. Salted or pickled fruits have no voids.

In 2007, a cucumber hybrid was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for the West Siberian region... It is grown outdoors in the Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Kemerovo regions, in Altai.

How to grow a hybrid correctly?

The prima donna is an unpretentious plant. But for the desired result, you will have to follow the advice of agronomists. Simple activities:

cucumber prima donna

  1. A place should be chosen illuminated, protected from north or north-east winds.
  2. It is recommended to plant it after return frosts. The soil should be warmed up to 20 degrees Celsius.
  3. Cucumbers require carefully prepared beds. The soil should be loosened, three-year-old humus or mature compost should be added.
  4. Seedlings should be started a month before the intended planting in the ground. They must have 3 true sheets (approximately 25 days old).
  5. Place 2 seeds in each glass. After the first true leaf has grown, it is recommended to leave a strong plant. The second is to carefully cut with scissors.
  6. Add the mineral complex to the planting hole according to the manufacturer's instructions. Gently release the roots with a clod of earth. Place without deepening.
  7. After planting, water the plant. Excellent results are obtained by spraying with a growth stimulant or an anti-stress drug.
  8. Cover the seedling bed with light lutrasil for 3-4 days. This will protect against sunburn.
  9. It is recommended to mulch the soil. A simple measure will allow you to retain moisture, get rid of weeds.

The whips can be tied to a trellis or placed on the ground. The method depends on the frequency of landing and lighting.

cucumbers on the table

It is nice to place spicy plants nearby: basil, hyssop. They will attract pollinating insects. This measure will increase yields.

After the first wave, the lashes should be cut. Remove yellowed leaves. Apply nitrogen fertilization. Repeated fruiting should be expected in 5-7 days. The prima donna pleases with an abundance of greens before frost.

The opinion of gardeners about the cucumber

Gardeners loved the cucumber hybrid Diva. Reviews about him are positive. Summer residents appreciated: a quick onset of fruiting, a friendly return of fruits, marketability, transportability. Gardeners are attracted by the taste without bitterness, the universal purpose of using zelents.

Some summer residents complain about the abundance of male flowers when planting in a shaded place. There is a change in shape during outgrowth. This is easily avoided by harvesting the fruit every 2–3 days.

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